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Saturday, June 06, 2009

June Sant Mat Satsang PODcast Now Available

Posted on Jun 6th, 2009 by SantMat_Mystic_(James) : SpiritualAwakeningRadio.com SantMat_Mystic_(James)


PODcast at BlogTalkRadio on the Path of the Masters -- Union with God via Inner Light and Sound Meditation. Click to Listen:


Program Length: 40 Minutes

Program Contents - The June Sant Mat Satsang PODcast

A Bhajan (hymn) of Mirabai, a reading from, The Last Discourse of Soami Ji Maharaj of Agra about Huzur Maharaj (Rai Salig Ram), a thirty-minute reading from, Radhasoami Faith - A Historical Study, authored by Agam Prasad Mathur (Dada Ji) of Agra, India, featuring excerpts from Chapter Five: a most excellent summary of the Spiritual Teachings and Goals of Sant Mat Mysticism, the Path of the Masters, on: The Creation (Planes, Grand Divisions or Levels), The Supreme Being, Origin of Evil - The Concept of Kal Niranjan (Gnostic Demiurge or Negative Power/Lord of the Matrix of Illusion), The Soul (Surat, Spirit Entity), Salvation (Moksha) of the soul, The Four Essentials or "Sats" of Sant Mat: Sat Shabd/Sat Naam (True Eternal Sound Current or Positive Power of God), Satguru (True Eternal Teacher), Sat Anurag (True Eternal Love), and Satsang (True Eternal Association). After that a short reading titled, The Principles of Santmat: on the nature of God, the soul, our condition as a jiva-soul at the level of the physical plane, the practices of Sant Mat Meditation, the ethical Precepts of Ahimsa, and the requirements in order to attain liberation (Moksha). The program concludes with chant from the Morning Prayer (Jap Ji) of Guru Nanak.

Jai Guru, In Divine Love, Light, and Sound,