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Thursday, August 25, 2022

Gospel of Thomas - Different Translation


Gospel of Thomas - Different Translation 

Saying 2. Jesus said: He who seeks, let him not cease seeking until he finds; and when he finds, he will be troubled; and when he has been troubled, he will be amazed; and when he has been amazed, he will reign, and when he has reigned, he will rest.

Saying 3. Jesus said: If those who push you around say to you, Behold, the kingdom is in the sky, the birds of the sky would enter it before you. And if they say to you that it is under the earth in the watery abyss, then the fish of the sea would enter it before you. But the kingdom of God is both inside you and outside you. Whoever knows himself will find the kingdom, and when you know yourselves, then you will be known, and you will see that you are children of the living father. But if you do not know who you are, you will dwell in poverty and you will be that poverty.

From Samuel Zinner's translation of the, The Gospel of Thomas, based on the Coptic and Greek Texts

Kabir's Spiritual, Mystical Teachings and the Book of Prayers - Spiritual Awakening Radio Podcast


Kabir's Spiritual, Mystical Teachings and the Book of Prayers

"God dwells in the fourth state (superconscious), and that is where the liberated

saints always dwell through meditation.

The perfect guru has shown that abode where, without musical instruments, the

miraculous Divine Music (Anahad Nad) plays.

(Eternal Name of God - Sandhya Path - Book of Prayers  Kabir Book of Prayers)

The Kabir Book of Prayers, compiled by Dr. Jagessar Das of the Kabir Association, is in the tradition of the Dharamdasi Kabir Panth literature, from the same Sant tradition that produced the Anurag Sagar (The Ocean of Love).

Today's Sant Mat Satsang Podcast is mindful of Sant lineage clarity, honoring the lineage of the Masters (Sant Satgurus) and its literature during all the different time-periods: Kabir Hymns in the Adi Granth, Bijak, Sakhis, Brahm Nirupan, Kabir Sagar, etc..., Dariya Sagar (Sant Dariya Sahib), Ghat Ramayan of Sant Tulsi Sahib, Sar Bachan Radhasoami Poetry of Soamiji Maharaj, Padavali of Maharshi Mehi, etc..., up to the living present.

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In Divine Love, Light and Sound,

James Bean

Sant Mat Satsang Podcasts

Spiritual Awakening Radio
