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Thursday, October 05, 2023

Mystic Traveler Baba Somanath


Mystic Traveler Baba Somanath

Make me repeat the Naam day and night.

And keep me steadfastly absorbed in contemplation on You.

Rivet my attention at the still point between the eyes,

And show me the Light of Spiritual knowledge.

Sthula sukshama kaaranaadi

Sthaana brahmaa langhaaiye

Maanasarovara shunya sthaana me

Snaana niramala karaaiye

Ferrying me across the physical, astral and causal realms,

Lead me into the region of Parbrahm.

In the spiritual pool of Mansarovar, in the region of the Void,

Let me bathe in those purifying waters, so that I may become immaculate and whole.

Dhuna saara shabda adhaar deyake

Mahaasuna charhaaiye

Sohang dhaara sataloka darsaaya

Bina dhuna bajaaiye

Giving me the support of the Dhun, the True Shabd,

Transport my soul into the Great Void.

Drawing me upwards on the stream of Sohang Shabd; reveal the vision of the True Realm, Sat Lok,

Where divine strains of the veena fill the air.

Alakha agama gamanaa jaaki

Tahaa jaaya pauchaaiye

Jaana baalaka dina mujhe

Aada anaama samaaiye

Transport me to Alakh and Agam – the invisible and inaccessible regions.

Whoever reaches there, has come to the end of the journey.

Regarding me as your helpless child,

Merge me into the primal Anami Lok.

-- Baba Somanath