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Sunday, December 03, 2023

Baba Ram Singh on Simran Practice, the Repetition of Sacred Names - Light and Sound on the Path, a Satsang Without Walls


Baba Ram Singh on Simran Practice, the Repetition of Sacred Names - Light and Sound on the Path, a Satsang Without Walls

"Simran is the first step on the Spiritual Path. If your Simran gets steady and you constantly are doing Simran, not only when you sit for meditation, but also otherwise during the day, then your Dhyan, your meditation, will definitely improve. So, Simran is to be done very assiduously and regularly. When we do our Simran during the rest of the day, when we are doing other things also where our mind is not occupied, then that Simran helps us when we sit for our meditation.

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"So, the morning time is good. We have just woken up. The mind is quiet. A quiet mind is good for meditation. We should close our eyes and do our Simran and Bhajan."   (Baba Ram Singh, Sant Mat Satsang Discourse: The Importance Of Doing The Seva Of Simran, morning of August 10th, 2015 meditation talk)

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