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Tuesday, June 04, 2024

Join me this Thursday (6-6-24), Premiering at 9 AM US Eastern Time, for the next Spiritual Awakening Radio Podcast @ YouTube: Three Ways We Can Honor The Soul

Join me this Thursday (6-6-24), Premiering at 9 AM US Eastern Time, for the next Spiritual Awakening Radio Podcast @ YouTube: Three Ways We Can Honor The Soul:  https://youtu.be/v3OcUGj1zfs

Today We Remember Swami Sant Sevi Ji Maharaj

Today We Remember Swami SantSevi Ji Maharaj

On June 4th 2007 Shri Santseviji Maharaj left his earthly body around 10:00 PM India Time. 

Santsevi Ji Maharaj (1920-2007) 

Santsevi Ji Maharaj carried on the tradition in the Bhagalpur Ashram after the passing the the Great Sage Maharishi Mehi in 1986.  He is most certainly an accomplished adept whose wisdom and compassion was known by all who knew him. Santsevi Ji met his teacher Maharishi Mehi in 1939. Santsevi Ji served his teacher with devotion and service rarely seen. Although, Santsevi Ji attended school only to the 7th grade his intellect is remarkable. On behalf of and at the direction of Maharishi Mehi he wrote prolifically and profoundly.  He freely cited quotes from a great number of scriptures and sages. His quarters largely lacked books which begged the question: from what source do these quotes come? The quotes are often extremely detailed and extremely varied.  His spoken Hindi was lucid, scholarly yet clear and easily understandable. Santsevi Ji’s greatness was only eclipsed by his humility. He was a living embodiment of what he taught and while traveling extensively on teaching tours he maintained a discipline which included ample time for meditation and other spiritual duties.

Santsevi Ji refused numerous invitations to come and teach in the West. However, he expressed his wish that Santmat be taught by his representatives. Santsevi Ji says:

"Vedic dharma has its temples, Christianity its churches, and Islam its mosques. But the real temple is the heart. God is attained within: the path to God lies within one's own self, as all the saints have taught this with unanimity. The inner path begins in Sushumana, ajana chakra (the tenth gate between the two eyebrows [Third Eye Center])." (Swami SantSevi Ji Maharaj, Harmony Of All Religions)

“By seeking the path within, one will go beyond the sensory realm…and will attain the state of Oneness.”

“The past is passed, we have no control over it. Only the present is with us; the future is unknown.

"Take care of the present, the future will automatically will be favorably formed. Today’s seed is tomorrow’s fruit.”

“As a tiger cub does not feel frightened while sitting in her mother’s lap even if she sees the crowd of elephants. In the same manner, if we sit in the lap of all loving God, no fear can touch us.”

"God is found not in a man-made Kaaba, but in natural Kaaba (temple), within your own heart or self." (Swami SantSevi Ji Maharaj)

"Whatever little is possible, do meditation everyday. But never ever give up or discontinue meditation. You will definitely meet with success." (Swami SantSevi Ji)

"All of you please keep on practicing meditation regularly, everyday. Gurudev will bestow you with success!" (Swami SantSevi Ji)

"The main hindrances to success in the practice of meditation are the following: procrastination and laziness, activity of thoughts during meditation (day-dreaming, fanciful imagination, planning, the rising of any kinds of thoughts)." (Swami SantSevi Ji)

"Unless we overcome the magnanimous challenge of procrastination and curb the ever-rising tide of mental activity during meditation, we cannot reach our Noble (arya) destination (state of unity with God). The non-vigilant practitioners usually become engrossed in thoughts or fall sleep. These formidable passes must be crossed for success." (Swami SantSevi Ji)

"During meditation we should be vigilant and awake. Whatever is our point of focus, we should diligently keep our mind on that goal and we will not be bothered by sleep." (Swami SantSevi Ji)

"Without formless or subtle meditation, attainment of Inner Light is impossible. You must get yourself out of darkness. How will this happen? Pratyahara -- bringing the mind back -- is followed by dharana, sustaining of focus for small periods. At first this will be for even a small time. Pratyanhara is the repeated practice of bringing the wandering mind to a focus. By repetitive practice of pratyahara we are able to focus for a little while on the object of meditation. This focusing for small periods is known as dharana. When this dharana continues for extended periods, then the state of dhyana or complete focus occurs." (Swami SantSevi Ji)

"The Current of consciousness which is dispersed in the nine gates of the body and the nine senses must be collected at the tenth gate (the sixth chakra, the Third Eye, Bindu, Center between the eyebrows). Therein lies the path for our return." (Swami SantSevi Ji)

"In this process of dhyan, the scattered consciousness gets fully collected and there appears a Refulgent Point which, according to holy Bhagavad Gita is the Infinitesimal Form of God. There appears the Refulgent Lights in the inner darkness and our consciousness starts hearing inner divine Sounds. In this state, the true Master guides the practitioner..." (Swami SantSevi Ji)

"The tenth gate is the gathering point of consciousness. Therein lies the path for our return. The tenth gate is also known as the sixth chakra, the third eye, bindu, the center located between the two eyebrows. This is the gateway through which we leave the gates of the sense organs and enter in the divine realms and finally become established in the soul. We travel back from the Realm of Darkness to the Realm of Light, from the Light to the Divine Sound, and from the Realm of Sound to the Soundless State. This is called turning back to the Source." (Swami SantSevi Ji)

“The sun gives brilliance during the day; the moon lights the night. However, a true Teacher illuminates the heart of his pupil day and night.” (2007)  

A Biography of Swami Santsevi Ji Maharaj  (12-20-1920 -- 6-4-2007)

Maharishi Santsevi Ji Maharaj is a renowned saint, an exceptional Spiritual Guide, and a unique social reformer of the 21st Century. Shri Santsevi Ji is the fourth Guru in the Santmat lineage of great spiritual masters: Sant Tulsi Sahab, Baba Devi Sahab, and Maharishi Mehi Paramhans Ji Maharaj.

Shri Santsevi Ji was born on December 20, 1920 in a small village of Bihar state, the most impoverished state of India. His family name was Mahavira. From his early childhood Mahavira was greatly interested in religious and spiritual matters. He enjoyed reading the scriptures and the poetry of saints. He was particularly fond of the Ramayana, the Bhagavad-Gita, the Ramacharitmanas, and the Shri Guru Granth Sahib.

After attending middle school he began home schooling. His intellect was keen and his heart tender. He found joy in teaching and tutoring younger students and in nursing the sick. He always felt great compassion for the sick and oppressed. This led him to study homeopathic medicine in order to help the poor and to nurse the ailing. Through his experience with sickness and death, Mahavira witnessed the impermanence and suffering that pervades human life. As a result, the seeds of detachment became firmly rooted in his heart. He became detached from the worldly life. After considerable reflection, he chose a life of renunciation, even though his family members exerted great pressure to persuade him otherwise.

In 1939, Mahavira came in contact with the great sage of the Sant Mat tradition, Maharishi Mehi, who had a hermitage in Bhagalpur, Bihar. Upon seeing Maharishi Mehi, Mahavira felt drawn to him, as though he had known him for many lifetimes. Mahavira was also greatly intrigued by the principles and practices of Santmat. He approached Shri Maharishi Mehi for initiation in Santmat. Maharishi Mehi soon became very impressed by the sincerity and devotion of this young man and agreed to initiate him. Mahavira began his meditation and service of Guru, and also continued his work as a tutor.

In the heart of Mahavira a keen desire arose to remain permanently in the service of his Guru. His desire was fulfilled in 1949 when Maharishi Mehi gave him permission to stay in the Ashram in his service. Mahavira devoted his days and nights to taking care of the needs of his Guru, thereby following the ancient Vedic model of the Guru-disciple relationship. He never cared for his personal comfort when he was serving his Guru's needs: cooking food, doing laundry, keeping track of expenses, editing his writings, and traveling to villages with him to teach the principles of Santmat to the poor, oppressed, and marginalized. Maharishi Mehi, pleased with this selfless service, gave him the name Santsevi, meaning "he who serves saints." From that day Mahavira came to be known as Santsevi.

As Maharishi Mehi advanced in age, he began to transfer his responsibilities to Shri Santsevi Ji. He authorized Shri Santsevi Ji to give initiation to spiritual seekers, to respond to their inquiries, and to guide them through the inner experiences of their spiritual journeys. He came to be seen as the prominent disciple among Maharishi Mehi's chief devotees. Maharishi Mehi often said, "As the English letters Q and U cannot be separated, so too Santsevi and I are connected. Wherever I may live Santsevi will also reside." Shri Santsevi Ji remained in the service of his Guru until Maharishi Mehi's passing at the age of 101 in July of 1986. After the passing of Shri Maharishi Mehi, Shri Santsevi Ji was immediately recognized as the torchbearer of Santmat*.   [*at Maharshi Mehi Ashram, Kuppa Ghat, a place located on the banks of the holy river Ganges at Bhagalpur, Bihar, India.]

-- from the book, Sarvadharma Samanvy

About the Path of Sant Mat: "The Way of Sages -- Sant Mat -- encompasses a set of ageless moral values, a belief in a Higher Power, and most importantly a methodology for realization of the Highest and the state of absolute Peace within one's own self.  Incorporated in that methodology is an interior road map, as it were, of the various stages, spiritual landmarks, and relevant advice from a qualified adept for achieving the goal.

"Santmat is not confined to the beliefs, rituals, and dogmas of any specific religions. Being universal in nature it embraces the Truths found in most of the world's sacred texts and religious traditions, but does not advocate any specific religion.  Santmat emphasizes the universal thread running through all the various traditions.

"The attainment of ultimate spiritual Peace and supreme Joy within oneself is the ultimate goal of Santmat as described by Maharishi Mehi and other great sages. Although this path is not content with meager goals, it is extremely easy to understand and practice. Progress is certain, although, for most, eager and persistent effort is required." (TheWayOfSages website)