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Sunday, June 25, 2023

Meditation Done Regularly with Love and Affection, by Baba Ram Singh



Meditation Done Regularly with Love and Affection, by Baba Ram Singh

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"We often are worried about all our worldly affairs and we spend all our time in that. We should remember that we will be leaving this world and everything that we see around us -- just like all our ancestors before us have left all of this. So, this is very temporary and it is only there for a few days.

"But we, oftentimes, completely indulge in the thoughts of the world around us and are often worried about or anxious about things around us. And, as a result, we tend not to do our Bhajan Simran and remember our Master. And that is how we are not able to then imbibe His Glory, His Grace, that He is showering on us.

"While we are going about our worldly duties, we should remember and look at it as if it’s a duty that we are performing. And, rather than getting entangled completely in it, we should remember our purpose of life and spend that time to do our Bhajan Simran and remember that, whatever we are doing in regards to these worldly aspects, it is only a matter of redeeming or doing our duties towards it.

"We should never look at Bhajan Simran as a burden. We should do it lovingly and we should do it with affection. When we do it regularly with love and affection, then the Master also gets pleased.

"Therefore, in our daily schedule, we should keep this as a priority. We should do our meditation and our Dhyan Bhajan first thing -- as a part of our schedule. And, that way, on a worldly note also, we will be able to have an otherwise peaceful life and be able to achieve the objective of this life."

-- Baba Ram Singh, excerpted from an August, 2018 meditation talk/satsang discourse titled, The Three Practices For Getting Salvation Of The Soul (satsang, seva, and Dhyan Bhajan [Surat Shabd Yoga Meditation])

"He is the One Love who Pervades the world,

discerned in His fullness only by the eyes of love; 

and those who know Him thus share, 

though they may never tell, 

the joyous and ineffable secret of the universe." 

(Kabir, Songs of Kabir)