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Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Canadian Cult Inspires Rock Opera: Brother XII, Brother Twelve, Aquarian Foundation,


Canadian Cult Inspires Rock Opera

This is the story about a crazy cult influenced by Theosophy during the 1920's. Eventually cult members rebelled and "Wilson [Brother XII] and Skottowe [his partner and group "enforcer" also known as "Madame Z"] then escaped in their private tugboat, the Kheunaten, rather than appear in court to answer the charges brought by their former disciples. By 1932 they had fled to Europe, and were reported to have taken a large amount of gold with them. Wilson is reported to have died in Neuchâtel, Switzerland, on 7 November 1934, though he may have fabricated his death." (Wikipedia entry for Brother XII)

Some individuals have recently made a 'Rocky Horror Picture Show' type rock opera based on the extant writings and history of this sect. See below for their interview on TalkGnosis and a link to the complete Brother XII rock opera at Youtube. The music is fantastic. What a great album they have produced! Further below is a collection of articles providing a colorful background about the infamous Aquarian Foundation.

Talk Gnosis @ Youtube: Brother 12: The Rock Opera w/ GW Brazier & Belinda Peres:


Brother 12 Rock Opera - Full Album:


Crazy Canadian Brother XII Cult - these twelvers established the Aquarian Foundation in British Columbia in 1927. Edward Arthur Wilson (25 July 1878 - 7 November 1934), better known as Brother XII, was an English mystic who, in the late 1920s, founded a spiritual community located just south of the city of Nanaimo on Vancouver Island, off the west coast of British Columbia, Canada.


Brother XII (Edward Arthur Wilson):


The Saga of Brother XII - Paradise is found and then lost on Vancouver Island:


Brother-XII Canadian Cult Leaders Used Black Magic:


What Happened To This Cult Leader’s Lost Treasure? The self-styled prophet Brother XII may have left behind $6 million in gold coins.


For sale: Canada's enclave of 'downright evil,' the abandoned home of an apocalyptic 1920s cult:


Historic home of notorious B.C. cult listed for $2.8M:




My favorite song from this album is titled "House Rules":


New Thinking Regarding Marcion of Sinope, Creator of The First New Testament, by James Bean



New Thinking Regarding Marcion of Sinope, Creator of The First New Testament, by James Bean

The old views regarding Marcion is that he was a semi-gnostic "heretic" who was the heavy-handed editor of early Christian texts snipping out references to the Hebrew scriptures. This however is simply parroting the old propaganda against Marcion concocted  by the heresiologists, the heresy hunting church fathers not exactly known for complete accuracy and honesty. The more recent scholarly research and subsequent updates regarding Marcion is that he was the one who first invented the idea of a Christian canon of scripture consisting of one gospel followed by ten letters of the Apostle Paul. Marcion was not an editor of the Gospel of Luke but made use of an early gospel from an unknown author that others would eventually plagiarize, adopt, edit and expand into what we now call the Gospel of Luke. The letters of Paul in Marcion's collection are the genuine ones actually authored by Paul. This collection of Marcionite texts represents earlier material than the more familiar final versions found in the New Testament canon. 

Thus being the EARLIEST NEW TESTAMENT Marcion's First New Testament is an extremely valuable source for the study of the original proto-Luke gospel (the Evangelion) and letters of Paul (the Apostolikon). A few reconstructions of Marcion's New Testament have been made including The First New Testament: Marcion's Scriptural Canon, by Jason Beduhn: "The earliest version of the New Testament, now in English for the first time! History preserves the name of the person responsible for the first New Testament, the circumstances surrounding his work, and even the date he decided to build a textual foundation for his fledgling Christian community. So why do so few people know about him? Jason BeDuhn introduces Marcion, reconstructs his text, and explores his impact on the study of Luke-Acts, the two-source theory, and the Q hypothesis." 

Discussions regarding the above: 

Reconstructing the FIRST New Testament! 


The Apostolos:


Marcion, Found Christianities Series: 
