In the forms I beheld the Formless..... Mystic Poems of Kabir

What a music of the flute!
It fills me with bliss.
No wick yet
a lamp lights up,
no roots yet
a lotus blossoms,
and myriad flowers
nod their heads.
As moon-bird
cries for the moon,
and rain-bird
pines for the rain-drop,
so longing for God,
I live forever with saints.
The restless mind
is put at rest, and
the heart is illumined.
In the forms I beheld
the Formless,
along with the Friend.
Breaking the shackles,
You set me free
from all the bondage.
Now Inaccessible
is accessible,
and soaked in love is Kabir.
-- Kabir
translated by Sushila Mahajan, in,
Says Kabir.....A Collection of
One Hundred and Ten Poems of Kabir
Deep & Deep Publications, New Delhi
What a music of the flute!
It fills me with bliss.
No wick yet
a lamp lights up,
no roots yet
a lotus blossoms,
and myriad flowers
nod their heads.
As moon-bird
cries for the moon,
and rain-bird
pines for the rain-drop,
so longing for God,
I live forever with saints.
The restless mind
is put at rest, and
the heart is illumined.
In the forms I beheld
the Formless,
along with the Friend.
Breaking the shackles,
You set me free
from all the bondage.
Now Inaccessible
is accessible,
and soaked in love is Kabir.
-- Kabir
translated by Sushila Mahajan, in,
Says Kabir.....A Collection of
One Hundred and Ten Poems of Kabir
Deep & Deep Publications, New Delhi