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Wednesday, March 29, 2023

The River (Soul) Flows Into the Ocean (God) - Light and Sound on the Path


The River (Soul) Flows Into the Ocean (God) - Light and Sound on the Path


"Sant Tulsidas also explains with an analogy: 'The water of a river that has reached the ocean becomes one with the ocean and no longer has an identity of a river. The river has become part of the ocean.'

"Just as the water of the river find peace in union with the ocean, in the same manner when the soul unites with God, duality disappears, and the soul becomes tranquil. River is no longer a river it becomes ocean. When the soul (atman) is united with the One or God it is no longer an individual soul (Jivatma), but it is the Supreme Soul (Paramatma). This is the highest state of achievement and bliss: the state of complete unity of the Soul and God." (Swami Sant Sevi Ji Maharaj)