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Tuesday, August 07, 2007

New RUMI Book: The Rubais of Rumi: Lovers ..................

New RUMI Book: The Rubais of Rumi: Lovers ..................

Lovers would give up both worlds
and sacrifice hundreds of years of life
for just one moment together,
They jump though thousands of hoops
after the smell of one breath,
and would sacrifice thousands of lives
to satisfy a single heart.

-- Rumi

We found our cure in love.
We bled for love every moment.
Love is our friend every moment.
Every moment love breathes us.

-- Rumi

Lovers are such strange people.
They are not like everybody else.
They don't carry their souls in their bodies.
Instead, their souls carry them.
People run to the river of the waters of Life
in hopes of becoming immortal,
yet the waters of Life
are always running to the lovers.

-- Rumi

The Rubais of Rumi -- Insane with Love
Translations and Commentary by
Nevit O. Ergin and Will Johnson
Inner Traditions
