Beloved Radhaswami - I am of my Beloved and the Beloved is Mine
Radhasoami Reality:
{Radhaswami Dayal ki Daya Radhaswami Sahai:
"Grant Merciful Radhasoami Thy Grace and Protection"}
My heart pines without Satsang. I have been placed in this city of thieves. By keeping the company of loving devotees, Surat [the soul] is awakening love within her. Surat, pondering over the discourses of Guru, attends Satsang regularly and full of delight. I have promised to my Beloved that as long as there is life in my body, I shall love His devotees and look upon them as my own self.
Radhasoami is merciful and munificent. He is my Father and Mother. I shall ever remain clinging to His holy feet. I shall never forsake His company. Radhasoami is the Omnipotent Being. Radhasoami is the True Creator. Radhasoami is merciful to the humble. Radhasoami is supremely generous.
Praise be to Radhasoami! Praise be to Radhasoami !
0 soul! Perform Simran of RADHASOAMI.
Listen, 0 friend! My Beloved Radhasoami embraces me in dreams at night.
0 my Beloved Radhasoami! Grant me Your Darshan [vision] today. 0 my Beloved Radhasoami! Shower Your grace and mercy now. 0 my Beloved Radhasoami ! Take me under Your shelter and protection. 0 Beloved Swami (Lord)! Reform me this very moment. My mind and senses never remain calm and quiet. They are wavering and fickle all the time.
O mind! Sing again and again the glory of the support and sustenance of RADHASOAMI Nam. RADHASOAMI Nam is a source of perennial happiness. Whoever performs the Simran of this Name attains a high status. Unfathomable and infinite is the bliss of this Naam.
I am of my Beloved and the Beloved is mine.
Between us, no distinction of any kind should be made.
The Beloved is manifest in a Sant. Come hither and seek Him here. He is seated within you. Come hither and seek Him.
-- Huzur Maharaj,
Miscellaneous Refrains and Couplets, Prem Bani
Radhasoami, Volume Four