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Sunday, July 12, 2009

Click Anytime to Hear the July Sant Mat PODcast at BlogTalkRadio


Click Anytime to Hear the July Sant Mat PODcast at BlogTalkRadio, on the Path of Divine Love and Inner Light & Sound Meditation


Program Length: 27 Minutes

Program Contents - The July Sant Mat Satsang PODcast

The July Sant Mat Satsang PODcast: Mystic-Poetry (Bhajans) - Readings from The Adi Granth and from the Dadu Panch Vani: verses from Sant Dadu Dayal; the article: "Do Simran -- Do the Meditation", by Swami Sant Harinandan Baba, translated from Hindi into English by Pravesh Kumar Singh; The Ethical Foundation of Sant Mat: The Five Precepts and Meditation Requirements; a reading from a quintessential manual of Sant Mat teachings and practice known as, "The Philosophy of Liberation", by Sant Maharshi Mehi on: the inner spiritual technology, steps, stages, and stairway of heaven known as "The Eight Limbs of Yoga": YAMA: satya (truthfulness), ahimsa (non-violence in thought, word, and deed), asteya (non-stealing), brahmacarya (continence), and aparigraha (control of greed -- non-possessiveness). NIYAMA also consists of five practices: sauca (internal and external purity), santosha (contentment), tapas (penance), svadhyaya (study of scriptures and wisdom of the Sants), and isvara pranidhana (meditation on GOD); ASANA: correct posture in meditation; PRANAYAMA or breath control, which is, for the most part, not emphasized in contemporary Sant Mat Meditation; PRATYAHARA: withdrawal or sensory transcendence, as well as it means to bring back, as in refocusing oneself again whenever one notices that one has lost focus during their meditation sit; DHARANA: an increment of time characterized as quality meditation -- good concentration; DHYANA: one-pointed attention, stillness, also meaning true meditation or contemplation - not to be confused with the term "Dhyan" (visualizing or seeing the form of a Master, though of course that too is part of, or a stage of, traditional Sant Mat Meditation); SAMADHI: the bliss of being completely absorbed in meditation, unity, union with God, oneness. There are also readings on Amrit Veela/Brahmamuhurta/The Hour of God, and a list of some of the Sounds of Surat Shabd Yoga.

Sat Naam, Jai Guru, Radhaswami,
