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Wednesday, February 26, 2014

A Living Master (Accomplished Teacher)

"Just as high quality seed is the second requirement of success in agriculture, similarly, acquiring a mantra from an accomplished teacher [genuine living spiritual master] is an important component to prepare the practitioner for progress on the spiritual path." (Swami Vyasanand)

Monday, February 10, 2014

The Usage of the Terms Namaste' and Bandagi Saheb

The Usage of the Terms Namaste' and Bandagi Saheb: "Bandagi" is from the Sanskrit 'vandana' — a salutation, and "Saheb" means master. Bandagi Saheb: "I offer salutation or greeting to the master dwelling in you". Bandagi Saheb reminds me of "Namaste'", meaning: "The God in me bows to the God in you."  Bandagi Saheb. Namaste’.

Thursday, February 06, 2014

Remembering Sant Kirpal Singh on His Birthday -- Instructions For Holding Satsang -- An Inclusive Spirituality

Remembering Sant Kirpal Singh on His Birthday

Kirpal Singh was born on the 6th of February, 1894 in Sayyad Kasran, Punjab (now in Pakistan). The best way we can honor Master Kirpal is to follow his teachings and instructions. Paraphrasing a saying of Jesus in the New Testament he would often say, "If you love me, keep my commandments."

Online E Books and Libraries Relating to the Teachings of Sant Kirpal Singh Available Freely-To-All:

Studying, Meditating, Attending Satsang, Avoiding Bad Company

"So to develop this love, we must first obey His commandments, second weed out all imperfections, and third devote time to the spiritual practices. You should also have the company of somebody who just reminds you of your ideal. Avoid the company of all others in whose society you are attached to the world or forget Him. If you cannot have the company of those who can help you to remember Him, then it is better to live alone. Live with the Masters speaking through books, through the scriptures. You will be better off. A further symbol that in your love you are drawing closer to Him, is that you will feel separation. You will hanker to see Him. When you hear about Him, your heart will become full and tears will roll down from your cheeks. These are the symptoms to show that the fruit is ripening. These things are the blossoms. Ultimately, when the fruit comes, you are for the Master, and the Master is for you. These are the steps and we have now to judge where we stand." (Morning Talks)

Instructions For Holding Satsang

Satsang Apart From Rituals

"The 'Science of Soul' is just like any other science, but more exact, more natural, more lasting, and the oldest of all the sciences. It is the Science of Realized Truth directly connected with the soul in man, and should therefore be kept distinct and apart from rites and rituals, forms and ceremonials; the performance or observance of which keeps one tied down to the plane of the senses, and as such must be strictly eschewed. Our discourses and talks in Satsang should be confined only to explaining the Science itself in lucid terms, without any outer embellishment like lighting of candles, burning of incense, offering of flowers, tinkling of bells, exhibiting photographs and the like. Even though these may appear innocent and harmless in themselves, yet the seekers after Truth are likely to go astray by such symbolisms and forms, and may get entangled and lost."

Subject and Scope of Satsang

"For the subject of a talk, we may take up the hymns from any scripture, preferably from the Masters of the Sound Current. It may be supplemented by apt quotations from the parallel writings of other Master Saints. The Holy Gospels themselves are full of such material as may fit in with such a context. The illustrations from various Masters are essential so as to bring out the essential unity in the teachings of all the Saints. We should not, however, discuss the practical part of the Science."

"Again, the subject itself should be of a non-controversial type. It must strictly refer to the Spiritual Science. Its exposition should be couched in terms that are loving and create a fragrant atmosphere which may have a universal appeal to the audience, without hurting the feelings of anyone. At the conclusion of the talk there should be no questions and answers in the open congregations. It should not form a debating club. If anyone has to inquire anything or wants elucidation on any particular point, that can be done more happily in private. The thistles of doubt and misapprehensions, if any, have to be weeded out with a tender hand, and nobody should be allowed to remain in suspense, for clearing of the mental ground is absolutely necessary before sowing the seed of Naam."

"The Satsang should end with meditation for some time, say half an hour, in which all should take part, except for an urgent and unavoidable reason." (Instructions For Holding Satsang, by Sant Kirpal Singh)

"The books written by the Master should be read in the Satsangs, as these give a clear cut view of the subject, as also carry the life impulse of the Master and as such will bless the dear ones with right understanding of the Holy Path. Relevant portions of the books of other Masters, viz: Kabir, Nanak, Christ, etc., dealing with Sant Mat, Surat Shabad Yoga may also be referred to where necessary." (Excerpts from Letters of Kirpal Singh to His Initiates in the New York City Area)

A Broad Template of Inclusiveness

Kirpal Singh was a prolific writer, publishing scores of books over the years, quoting from most every world scripture, mystic, poet, philosopher, and great Master that has ever existed spanning the centuries, very much embodying this same curiosity and inclusive universal spirituality we find present in the Nag Hammadi Library of Egypt. May the legacy of both always be remembered and honored for all time to come. -- from the article, An Inclusive Rather Than Exclusive Spirituality: Kirpal Singh and the Lesson of Nag Hammadi: