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Tuesday, May 03, 2022

Recent Podcasts of Spiritual Awakening Radio & Sant Mat Satsang Podcasts

Recent Podcasts of Spiritual Awakening Radio & Sant Mat Satsang Podcasts

Living A Life Powered By Spirituality - "Live From the Living One" - and: There is a Divine Voice Calling Out, Summoning Souls to Awakening: A Sant Mat Satsang Podcast featuring readings from Kabir, The Gospel of Thomas, Odes of Solomon, the Mandaean Gnostic scriptures, mystic poetry of Sant Tulsi Sahib of Hathras, India, also Sufi mystics such as Shah Niaz, Hazrat Khan, Hazrat Sultan BaHU, and Rumi; satsang discourses as well from Swami Vyasanand and Baba Ram Singh on how to "live from the Living One" via a contemplative meditation practice known as Surat Shabd Yoga, Inner Light and Sound Meditation. By way of the Wisdom Eye, the Third Eye, one may access Inner Space, the Divine Realms within you and find the Beloved Supreme Being, the Living One, here and now during this present life. Read More Here, and Access Links to YouTube and the Various Podcast Sites and APPS:


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Guru Nanak and the Sikh Scriptures - Spiritual Awakening Radio Podcast: As we get initiated into Shabd Naam by a Living Satguru, the purpose of our life is fulfilled. Reuniting with God is our reason to be here: "It was for the sake of the God-conscious beings that our True Lord created this earth, and began this play of death and birth". (Sikh Scriptures, Guru Granth -- Adi Granth) During this human existence we have an opportunity to experience God. As we experience communing with God's love during meditation -- Surat Shabd Yoga -- we can rise above body-consciousness and explore Inner Space, the Kingdom of the Heavens that are within us. The drop of soul merges back into the Ocean of Love. Read More Here, and Access Links to YouTube and the Various Podcast Sites and APPS:


The Peace Prayer (Ahimsa Prayer): 

@ Apple Podcasts: 


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A Vegetarian Jesus and Apostles at the Beginning of Christianity - This is Intended to Be the Most Comprehensive Collection Ever of Vegetarian References Providing Evidence For the Vegetarianism of Yeshua (Jesus), the Apostles, the Jesus Movement (Hebrew Christians, Ebionites,) and Other Expressions of Early Christianity. Uncovering a Vegetarian Jesus (Yeshua) at the Beginning of Christianity: Read More Here, and Access Links to YouTube and the Various Podcast Sites and APPS: 


Rescued By The Light: The Gnostic Soul's Journey Back to God In The Eighth Heaven -- Mandaean Scriptures - Today our exploration of the Mandaean Gnostic Scriptures consists of three readings from the Great Treasure, also known as the Ginza Rabba, the primary holy book of Eastern Gnosticism. 

We begin with the story of a soul that finds itself dwelling in a rather anxiety-inducing dark realm and seeks to be liberated from this place before it gets absorbed into that darkness and the soul loses it's Luminescence or Radiance like the other souls that reside here. Then a Light appears in the darkness and communicates a peaceful Divine Message from Above to the soul about it's life-to-come in the world and it's eventual ascension back to it's True Home, the Place of the Light and Life. Our soul is instructed to: "Endure in the world and dwell therein until We are longing for you. When We are longing for you We will reach out and come here to you. We will reach out and come here to you, and We will bring you out and raise you to your Treasure-House (Heavenly Realm)." 

In the next reading, "The Soul Within Me Yearns For Hayyi (Great Life, Great Spirit, Supreme Being)", we marvel at an all-too-familiar Gnostic cosmology of Heavenly Regions. There is the Earth-realm or material plane followed by Seven Inner Levels or Heavens, and the Plane of Truth that is beyond. The true yearning soul must not be fooled into assuming any of those illusory middle regions to be the Highest of Heavens and True Destination, and thus deceived, detained and prevented from ascending all the way up to The Eighth, the Goal, Ultimate Reality, the Real Home of The Great Life, Hayyi Rabbi, a Mandaic Aramaic sacred name for the True God. The Path of the Masters (Living Gnosis Now, Sant Mat) also has a cosmology of eight Inner Regions with The Eighth, Anami Radhasoami ("Ra-dha-swam-i"), representing the Ultimate Reality where the Beloved Lord of Love resides. 

The Third Reading: "From the day when I came to love the Life [God], from the day when my heart came to love the Truth, I no longer have trust in anything in the world… After my soul alone I go searching about, which to me is worth generations and worlds. I went and found my soul -- What are to me all the worlds? I went and found Truth, as she stands at the outer rim of the worlds." (Ginza Rabba, Mandaean Gnostic Scriptures)

This Gnostic Satsang or spiritual gathering online (Spiritual Awakening Radio podcast) concludes with some thoughts about "Sant Mat and Cousin Schools of Mysticism of the Ages": Neoplatonism, Pythagoreanism, Jewish Mysticism or Kabbalah, Hermetic Philosophy, Christian Mysticism, Gnosticism, Sufism, and how Sufism, perhaps with some influence of Manichaeanism, likely served as the major West-East conduit for this otherworldly approach to spirituality to reach India.

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The Spirituality and Wisdom of the Lost Books of the Bible (Gnostic Gospels) - Background on the Origins and Discovery of the Nag Hammadi Library and Other Gnostic Gospels of Egypt; Wisdom from Wisdom Gospels; also, the Seven Ingredients of a Living Spiritual Path - Read More Here, and Access Links to YouTube and the Various Podcast Sites and APPS: 


God is the Creator of the Spiritual Path, and The Inward Journey of Love, Light, and Sound: What is the source of the spiritual path? God is the creator of the spiritual path. God is the source of the inner Light and Sound as well. The meditation practices of inner Light, inner seeing, as well as inner hearing, the inner Sound meditation, are not the property of any particular sect or religion. Baba Devi Sahab: "Unlike other worship methods popular in religions and sects with different names, these two methods are not man-made. God himself is the founder and operator of these methods. Since the beginning God has kept these two methods inside human beings." Read More Here, and Access Links to YouTube and the Various Podcast Sites and APPS:


The Gnostic Hymn of the Pearl, A Mystical Poem About You! The Hymn of the Pearl is one of the greatest Gnostic scriptures ever composed, one of several hymns or mystic poems embedded in the Syriac Acts of Saint Thomas in India. This hymn is commonly interpreted as a Gnostic understanding of the human condition, that we are spirits lost in a world of matter, and forgetful of our true origin. Our spiritual breakthrough arrives in the form of a revelatory message delivered by a Divine Messenger. The letter takes on a symbolic representation of Gnosis (spiritual, mystical, inner knowledge or knowing). Divine Grace busts into worlds of time and space to free souls from their captivity. The Great Life, the Supreme Being, calls out to souls, summoning them to awakening, guiding them back to their true home or point of origin. The Song of the Pearl is a narrative poem about a prince's quest for the Divine Pearl. Presented in the Acts of Thomas as a hymn sung by the apostle Thomas, The Song of the Pearl is a moving Gnostic tale of salvation, of liberation, of sleeping in error but awakening to Light, a quest for gaining possession of the Pearl of the self or soul and a return to the Light. Read More Here, and Access Links to YouTube and the Various Podcast Sites and APPS:


Honor Your Present Lifetime: Do the Meditation and Do It Regularly - When we close our physical eyes we see darkness inside but as we cross this void of darkness following the meditation practice of the Saints, there is Light. Beyond the silence there is Sound. Indeed, there are many Heavenly Lights, Visions within Visions, Sounds (Music of the Spheres), Mansion after Mansion, Level upon Level in this Inner Space or Kingdom of the Heavens. With the proper guidance of those competent qualified teachers (Sant Satgurus) who have explored Inner Space for themselves, we too can be mentored into cultivating our own successful spiritual practice and communion with the Beloved Lord of Love. Read More Here, and Access Links to YouTube and the Various Podcast Sites and APPS: 


All for the Love of Wisdom and Radio, In Divine Love, Light and Sound, Peace Be To You,

James Bean

Spiritual Awakening Radio
