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Saturday, May 29, 2010

June Sant Mat Satsang Podcast at Blog Talk Radio: Inner Sound Meditation According to Sufism, Buddhism, and Sant Mat Sources: Music in the Heavens

June Sant Mat Satsang Podcasts: The Inner Sound According to Sufi, Buddhist, and Sant Mat Souces

Love and Light in the Sound, Jai Guru, Radhaswami, 
Sant Mat Radhasoami at Facebook: 
Sant Mat YouTube Channel: 
Sant Mat at Twitter: 

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Initiation? Retreats? Workshops? Looking for a Satsang or Meditation Gathering?

Initiation? Retreats? Workshops? Looking for a Satsang or Meditation Gathering in Your City, State, Region, or Country?

Seeking information about how and where to be initiated into Inner Light and Sound Meditation, or about attending a spiritual retreat weekend, or finding a group in your area? Will gladly send you information on the requirements for initiation, and give you contact info for your part of the world. Email me at: 





Saturday, May 22, 2010

Recommended Books on the Path of the Masters, Inner Light and Sound

Recommended Books on the Path of the Masters, Inner Light and Sound

1) The Philosophy of Liberation: My number one recommended book on Sant Mat is, The Philosophy of Liberation (Philosophy of Salvation). This is "THE Manual of Sant Mat", written from an Indian point of view for devotees of traditional Sant Mat. There is a translation of it online. https://archive.org/details/PhilosophyOfLiberationAManualOfSantMatMysticism

2) Harmony of All Religions explores inner Light and Sound Mysticism in the world religions: Hinduism, Jainism, Buddhism, Sikh, Islam, the Judeo-Christian tradition, and there is a chapter dedicated to Sant Mat. https://archive.org/details/HarmonyOfAllReligions
3) Path of the Masters: There is a site where you can download the spiritual classic, Path of the Masters. The PDF File version is quite good. I see they have added some e-book options recently also:

4) Songs of Kabir: The recommend books above cover the technical, esoteric side of the Sant tradition. For the bhakti, devotional, poetic heart of Sant Mat -- the Way back to the Beloved Lord of Love, Songs of Kabir is a great example: 

5) The Bijak of Guru Kabir: The Bijak is the real "satsang template" of the Path of the Masters, providing the necessary ethical foundation, inspiration, and basic teachings of the Masters for living a spiritual life, a life of love in this human form, supplying the genuine background, context and principals of the Path. At the following website you'll see excerpts from the three primary sections of the Bijak: the Shabdas, Ramainis, and Sakhis: https://SantMatRadhasoami.Blogspot.com/2019/01/kabir-and-kabir-panth-bijak-anurag.html

6) Anurag Sagar: The Anurag Sagar (Ocean of Love), a kind of epic "Gnostic Gospel of Sant Mat", in the tradition of Kabir: https://www.spiritualawakeningradio.com/anurag-sagar
7) Radhasoami Mat Prakash: The first book on inner Light and Sound Meditation to appear in English was Radhasoami Mat Prakash ("Light on the Teachings or Way to the Lord of the Soul"), by Hazur Maharaj, published in 1897. It's also available online, serving as a great introduction to the Path of the Masters:

8) Kirpal Singh Books:

9) Adi Granth (Shri Guru Granth Sahib, Gurbani) online scripture:

10) History of Sant Mat, Surat Shabd Yoga, Radhasoami: The Sants - Studies in a Devotional Tradition of India - Google Books: https://www.google.com/books/edition/The_Sants/OkKhOivXrhgC?hl=en&gbpv=1
11) More History of Sant Mat and Spirituality: 
The Radhasoami Faith, A Historical Study, 
By Professor Agam Prasad Mathur, Agra:

12) Also see the new book, 457 pages: 
Petals of Love, 
By Agam Prasad Mathur (Dada Ji), 
ISBN 978-81-89920-84-5

For a copy, write: 
Radhasoami Satsang, 
Hazuri Bhawan,
Peepal Mandi,
Agra - 282 003

13) There are of course many, many other books one can mention. Go to the Sant Mat e-Library for many many more: https://santmatradhasoami.blogspot.com/2019/01/sant-mat-radhasoami-books-main-page-e.html

Sant Mat Poetry from India: Saint Namdev: Archived Show on Demand - Spiritual Awakening Radio

Sant Mat Poetry from India: Saint Namdev: Archived Show on Demand - Spiritual Awakening Radio - Click the Link to Hear Streaming Audio: 


Namdev Books in English: "Hindi Padavali of Namdev", by Winand M. Callewaert

From Poetry Chaikhana -- Sacred Poetry from Around the World: "Namdev was born in 1270 or 1269 AD into a family of low-caste tailors, though as he grew he showed little interest in the family profession or in any worldly affairs. .... Namdev came under the influence of the bhakti poet-saint Jnanadev, who was several years his senior. Namdev became a wandering minstrel, traveling through the countryside chanting and singing songs of devotion. In his fifties, Namdev settled down again and a group of devotees gathered around him. It was in the household of Namdev that Janabai served as a maid, a revered poetess in her own right." 

God* is the One in Many

He is the One in many,
countless are His shapes and forms.
He pervades all that exists;
wherever I look, He is there.
But very few perceive this reality,
for Maya ever enchants us
with her multiple reflections
of color and alluring beauty.

Everything is Gobind*,
Gobind is everything.
Nothing that exists
is without Gobind*:
the one thread strings
innumerable beads --
Prabhu* Himself is the thread,
the threader, the threaded.

River and waves,
foam and bubbles
have all their being
within water itself.
This play of things
is the sport of Parbhama*.
The One cannot be thought
different from the other.

Hope is a lie
and desire a mere dream --
yet both are construed
as actual reality.
But when my guru
gave me his holy wisdom,
I awoke from my dream
and my heart yielded.

Namdeva says,
Behold Hari's* creation;
ponder upon it
with all your heart,
and you will see
that in every pore,
in every living thing,
there is only the one Murari*.

*Names of God: Gobind, Prabhu, Parbhama, Hari, Murari:

Jai Guru, All for the love of Wisdom and radio,
Spiritual Awakening Radio, and, Sant Mat Radio
Namdev Books in English: "Saint Namdev", Published by Radha Soami Satsang Beas (in the 'Mystics of the East' Series)

Sunday, May 16, 2010

The Yoga of Sound in the World Religions and Scriptures - This Week On Spiritual Awakening Radio with James Bean

The Yoga of Sound in the World Religions and Scriptures - This Week On Spiritual Awakening Radio with James Bean - Click Anytime to Hear Archived Show-On-Demand:

Spiritual experiences with Transcendental Hearing and Heavenly Music have been reported around the world for thousands of years, as recorded in the world scriptures and mystical texts, East and West.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Kal Mat vs. Dayal Mat, Illusion vs. Truth

Kal Mat vs. Dayal Mat, Illusion vs. Truth, By Swami Ji Maharaj, Sar Bachan


Above, an illustration from, The Anurag Sagar. Notice the souls inside the Palace of Kal. The Satguru does battle with Kal to free the souls. (The genuine Living Teacher guides his or her students through this internal struggle with the mind or ego, this labyrinth of self-sabotaging, limited belief-systems of the negative power, so that the initiates may experience the Divine Light and Sound within and follow the Path back to God, the Ocean of Love.)

Kal* Mat vs. Dayal* Mat, By Swami Ji Maharaj, Sar Bachan Radhasoami Poetry, Volume Two: Maya and Kal [illusion, and the god of death and time, the demiurge] have spread the net. They are afflicting Jivas [Souls] in their own interest. No Jiva can escape to his Real Home. Kal and Maya keep all playing here. Sat Purush [God, the Supreme Eternal Being] observed that Kal was devouring Jivas. For his own pleasure, Kal beguiles Jivas. He does not give out the secrets of the True Lord to anyone. The Merciful Lord is moved with compassion and incarnates in this world as Sant Sat Guru. He explains to Jivas in various ways that the cruel Kal is swallowing them. He says, "Now, do as I instruct. Burn away the net of Kal and escape. Forming a bond with the Sat Guru, proceed Homeward and you will escape and overcome the forces of Kal. This habitation of yours is a creation of Kal who has separated you from Me. This is Kal's dominion. Don't take it to be your Real Home. Believe what I say to you now. Your True Abode is in My Region. I now reveal the details of the various stages on the Way......." (Sar Bachan)


* "Dayal": The Merciful One, The God of Grace and Compassion

** "Kal" - the Limited Perception: The dark blueish current: The "Demiurge" or false god of the lower regions, associated with law, duality, and mind, as in self-sabotaging, limited belief-systems, mental barriers that prevent the soul from going the distance, knowing itself and the Supreme Being. This includes a myriad of religious doctrines designed to keep the soul asleep in the "matrix" of mind and matter and not sitting one's self down to DO THE PRACTICE AND MEDITATE, uniting with the Divine Light and Sound within. Examples of these theological constructs or kalistic belief-systems may include: "I am not worthy to follow the path." "Experiencing heaven is impossible for human beings during the present 'age', 'yuga' or 'dispensation'." "Only after death will the meaning of life and all its mysteries be revealed." "There is no 'time' for me to meditate". "There are no other dimensions or spiritual realms, only mind and matter." "The age of living Masters is over. The last true Master passed on in 1674." "The secrets of the mystics are forever lost." "Hardly anyone has inner experiences anymore." "I will never be successful and reach the third eye center." And perhaps the most insidious of all, the false peak experience: "Congratulations, you've made it. You've mastered the path." "That's all for now". "You've exited the matrix now" (said a voice still inside the matrix).

Saturday, May 08, 2010

Ocean, Wave, and the Drop, also, Right-Hearted Seva (Selfless Service)

Ocean, Wave, and the Drop, also, Right-Hearted Seva (Selfless Service)

Below: 1) from, Petals of Love, and 2) from, The Discourses of Maharaj Saheb Ocean (God), Wave (the Living Master/Sant Satguru) and Drop (the Soul)
The relationship between the Supreme Being, the Guru and the jivas [souls] has been well compared with ocean, its wave and the drop. The Supreme Being is the ocean of all bliss, light, life, sound and truth. The Guru is the wave which is always in union with the ocean and not different from it and the jiva [soul] with the same attributes is a drop far away from the ocean. This contact between the drop and the wave is the true Bhakti [path of love]. Therefore, emphasis has been laid upon establishing contact between the Guru and the disciples at all levels, that is, physical, mental and spiritual. This contact would be developed through the company of the Guru, both external and internal. The external company of the Guru is called the 'external satsang' and the internal company of the Shabd form of the Guru is called the 'internal satsang'. There are four essentials on which this faith bases its tenets:

1. Sat-guru

2. Sat-sang

3. Sat-anurag (True Bhakti)

4. Sat-nam (the true name, that is, Radhasoami Nam) or Sat-shabd

By the Seva [service] and the Satsang [true association] of the Guru the spirit entity would slowly and slowly shake off the coverings [sheaths, subtle bodies] and would be able to catch the Sound Currents and one day reach the Ultimate Abode. The whole process may take a period of four lives which may be shortened in the case of more ardent devotees.

For the attainment of perfect salvation, the Radhasoami Faith like all other Sant sects, shuns all other paraphernalia and external observances and rituals. It has emphasized upon the pure love in the holy feet of the Supreme Being and the Guru. As such it denounces hatred and discrimination among the human beings. All are the children of one Father and as such there is no place for such a discrimination in point of caste, creed or color and thus cannot check one to adopt this faith. According to the Radhasoami Faith, women are entitled to enjoy the same privileges as men. They also can practice Surat Shabd Yoga and gain high spiritual attainments. The champions of this enlightened faith, advocated in the social set up of the nineteenth century the removal of the purdah system for the ladies and urged them to come out of the narrow social restrictions and respond to the call of the time. Moreover, their preachings strengthened the disintegrating Hindu society by effacing the false barriers of caste prejudices.

In a nut-shell, Radhasoami Faith is a gospel of love. Love towards the holy feet of Radhasoami Dayal [Merciful Lord of the Soul], love towards the Guru of the time and love with all the human beings is its cardinal message.

-- Prof. Agam Prasad Mathur, Petals of Love

Ego-based Seva vs. Right-Hearted Seva (Selfless Service)

The strengthening of the outward tendency or inclination, be it even in Parmarthi [spiritual] activities, is harmful and injurious. For example, to cherish a desire for power and authority in the Seva [service, activity] of Satsang or some such other work one is entrusted with, or to become totally engrossed in the Seva of the Head of Satsang or in the personal or special Seva of the Perfect Guru, which may fortunately be allotted to one, if He is present, and to forget the real object, constitutes ignorance. The object of Parmarth [spirituality] is that Surat [soul] and the mind, which are at present getting diffused outside, should withdraw and ascend within. The modes and methods to achieve this end, are Satsang and Abhyas [meditation practices]. Along with these, Seva is also prescribed. If this object is achieved by performing Seva, then it is all right, otherwise, the real purpose will be defeated. But, from this it should not be inferred that performing Seva is of no avail. According as one's grade is, Seva is also necessary and beneficial, but to consider this alone to be the be-all and end-all of Parmarth, and to remain engrossed in outward activities day and night, without giving importance to the withdrawal and ascension of Surat and mind is a gross misunderstanding on one's part.

Some keep their own Swarth (self-interest) uppermost in Seva. Great jealousy also finds a place amongst one another. Changes in the allotment of acts of Seva or taking away of any Seva lead to antagonism and quarrels. That by which one wins the pleasure of the Lord is really Seva. Be it reproof, rebuke or humiliation, one should bear it cheerfully and not try to show off one's cleverness at all.

-- Maharaj Saheb