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Tuesday, January 08, 2019

The Classic Nirguna Bhakti Sants, Sant Mat Radhasoami Books

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The Classic Nirguna Bhakti Sants of India

Online E Books Relating to the Devotees of the Formless God

Sant Mat Radhasoami Books -- The E Library – Classic Sants Section

Most of the Hindi Sant Bani Series of Classic Sant Volumes from Belvedere Press (Ghat Ramayan, Charandas, Mirabai, Dadu Dayal, etc...) are online at the Internet Archive:

Ram Charit Manas -- Ramayana of Tulsi Das:

Gorakhnath and Medieval Hindu Mystics:

One of the greatest books ever written on the Sants, PDF file download: 
"The Sants, Studies in a Devotional Tradition of India", edited by Karine Schomer and W. H. McLeod, MOTILAL BANARSIDASS, 1987, 472 pages

Songs of Kabir: At the heart of the mystical tradition is Kabir, the “Rumi” of India, a founding guru of Sant Mat. His poetry serves as the perfect introduction to this Bhakti path of ‘the Lover and the Beloved’ — “One Hundred Songs of Kabir”: https://archive.org/stream/OneHundredSongsOfKabir/One_Hundred_Songs_Of_Kabir#page/n1/mode/2up

A Collection of Classic Devotional Hindu Scriptures: http://www.vedabase.com/en

Krishna, Bhagavad Gita: The Song Of God, With Sanskrit Text and English Translation — PDF File: http://vedpuran.files.wordpress.com/2013/04/455_gita_roman.pdf

Narada Bhakti Sutras (Sri Rama Krishna Math translation):

Narada Bhakti Sutras — The Way or Yoga of Divine Love, 84 Sutras on the Gospel of Love by Narada Muni: http://www.scribd.com/doc/118317977/Narada-Bhakti-Sutras-The-Way-or-Yoga-of-Divine-Love

Narada Bhakti Sutras, by Swami Tyagisananda, Published by Sri Ramakrishna Math:

Narada Bhakti Sutras — Translation by Chester Messenger: http://reluctant-messenger.com/bhakti-sutras.htm

Narada Bhakti Sutras — Narada’s Aphorisms on Bhakti, Edited By Y. Subrahmanya Sarma: http://www.scribd.com/doc/153331317/Narada-Bhakti-Sutras

Sant Dadu Dayal The Compassionate Mystic: https://archive.org/details/DaduDayalTheCompassionateMystic

A 16th Century Mystic Dadu And His Followers: 

Sahajo Bai (Disciple of Sant Charan Das),  Sahaj Prakash (The Brightness of Simplicity): 

Mysticism, Medieval Mysticism In India, translated by Manmohan Gosh: https://archive.org/details/MysticismMedievalMysticismInIndiaManmohanGosh_201802

Bani Of The Bhagats —Sants Quoted in the Adi Granth: https://archive.org/stream/BaniOfBhagats#page/n3/mode/2up

Namdev in the Adi Granth:

Namdev -- Life and Philosophy (has a collection of mystic poems):

Ravidas, Audio Book: 

Mira The Divine Lover (Mirabai): 

Bhakti Love Poems Of Sant Mira Bai: http://www.scribd.com/doc/151204680/Poems-of-Mirabai

Sants, Sadhs, Mahatmas and Devotees of the Past: at Scribd: http://www.scribd.com/doc/118337842/Sants-Sadhs-Mahatmas-and-Devotees-of-the-Past

101 Mystics of India, By V. K. Subramanian: Jayadeva, Namdeva, Jnaneswar, Lalla, Sant Raidas (Ravidas), Jana Bai, Guru Kabir, Guru Nanak, Guru Amar Das, Surdas, Meera (Mira Bai), Tulsi Das, Eknath, Guru Ram Das, Sant Dadu Dayal, Tukarama, Bulleh Shah, More: http://books.google.com/books?id=Zso41H6D9MAC&printsec=frontcover&dq=Sacred+Songs+of+India&hl=en&sa=X&ei=QHSOUvTZBsnHqQG4t4C4BQ&ved=0CEEQ6AEwAQ#v=onepage&q=Sacred%20Songs%20of%20India&f=false

Sacred Songs of India, By V. K. Subramanian: Jayadeva, Kabir, Tukarama, Tulsi Das, Surdas, Jnaneshwar, Namdev, Ravidas (Raidas), Dadu Dayal, Guru Arjan Dev, Ramadas, Guru Amar Das, Eknath, Bhajans of Mirabai: http://www.spiritualawakeningradio.com/songs.html

Sacred Songs of India, By V. K. Subramanian Volume One: Jayadeva, Kabir, Meera, Tukarama, Tulsi Das, Surdas: http://books.google.com/books?vid=ISBN8170173213&id=rdvFlsCD4HsC&pg=PP1&lpg=PP1&ots=FTiirF4z6Z&dq=Sacred+Songs+of+India&sig=73m32JHjfdJAXfqyU14eiM9MKhI#PPP1,M1

Sacred Songs of India, By V. K. Subramanian, Volume Five: (Note: Volumes 4 and 8 not available online) Volume 5: Dadu Dayal, Guru Arjan Dev, Ramadas, and others: http://books.google.com/books?vid=ISBN8170174015&id=3AgSkDAQaE8C&pg=PP1&lpg=PP1&ots=tsRr0hJhE2&dq=Sacred+Songs+of+India&sig=losE6ok7SK06Okv_62Jko3mBP3E

Sacred Songs of India, By V. K. Subramanian Volume Seven: Tulsi Das, Jnaneswar, Tukaram, Eknath, Ramadas: http://books.google.com/books?vid=ISBN8170174201&id=kGBDxqoL8YIC&pg=PP1&lpg=PP1&ots=oiWLmQkZlj&dq=Sacred+Songs+of+India&sig=li4ifOGx_XU4055qtDiBesCaJfU#PPA1,M1

Tukaram: The Poems of Tukarama, translated into English by James Nelson Fraser — E Book and Talking/Audio Book: http://www.archive.org/stream/poemstukrma00maragoog#page/n14/mode/1up

Tukaram: The Poems of Tukarama, Audio Book: 

The Life and Teachings of Tukaram: https://archive.org/details/LifeAndTeachingsOfTukaram

Sant Sangrah, Part 1: Kabir, Sahjo Bai, Charan Das, Dadu, Tulsi Sahib, Huzur Maharaj: http://www.scribd.com/doc/126665241/Sant-Sangrah-Part-1

Sant Sangrah, Part 2: Kabir, Tulsi Sahib, Guru Nanak, Dadu, Paltu Sahib, Dariya Sahib, Mirabai, Nabhaji, Surdas, Dharam Das, Goodar Sain, Dulan Das, Swami Ji Maharaj: http://www.scribd.com/doc/126665694/Sant-Sangrah-Part-2

Tulsi Sahib — Saint of Hathras — Mystic Verses — Mystics of the East Series — E-Book (J.R. Puri/V.K. Sethi Translation) at the Internet Archive: https://archive.org/details/in.ernet.dli.2015.220560

Param Sant Tulsi Sahib of Hathras — Short Biographical Sketch Plus Excerpts from the Shabdavali (Hymns), and, Ghat Ramayan — E-Book (S.D. Maheshwari Translation) at the Internet Archive: https://archive.org/details/param_sant_tulsi_saheb

Tulsi Sahib at Poetry Chaikhana:

Sant Mat History Series: Tulsi Sahib of Hathras (Entry for Param Sant Tulsi Sahib in, RadhaSoami White Paper on the Religion of Sants and RadhaSoami Faith, published in Agra): https://medium.com/sant-mat-meditation-and-spirituality/sant-mat-history-series-tulsi-sahib-of-hathras-8357e76a1d91

Sant Dariya Sahib of Bihar, Writings Online in English: https://issuu.com/santmat/docs/dariyadas

The Sant Dariya Mission Website (English): http://www.santdariya.org/Book.aspx

The Sant Dariya Mission Website (alternate version, English): http://theholysound.com/sant-dariya-saheb-bihar

Sant Dariya Sahib of Bihar, Writings Online in Hindi: http://dariyasahab.org/#kritiya