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Tuesday, January 08, 2019

Gnostic Gospels, Contemplative or Mystical Christianity, Syriac, Mandaean, Manichaean, Apocrypha, Lost Books of the Bible and Spirituality of the West

Link BACK to the MAIN PAGE of the E-Library: https://SantMatRadhasoami.Blogspot.com/2019/01/sant-mat-radhasoami-books-main-page-e.html

Gnostic Gospels, Contemplative or Mystical Christianity, Syriac, Mandaean, Manichaean, Apocrypha, Lost Books of the Bible and Spirituality of the West

“Come, that I may teach you about secrets no person has ever seen. For there exists a Great and Boundless Realm, whose extent no generation of angels has seen, in which there is a Great Invisible Spirit, which no eye of an angel has ever seen, no thought of the heart has ever comprehended, and it was never called by any name*.” (Yeshua, quoted in, The Gnostic Gospel of Judas)

Note: *”Never called by any name”, as in the Nameless God or Anami;
Gnostic and Contemplative/Mystical Christian E Books, Also Lists of Essential Translations, Links, and Articles

A Good Translation of The Bible: The Jerusalem Bible (Old and New Testaments with Apocrypha): http://mullumbimbycatholic.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/Jerusalem_Bible_Readers_Edition.pdf

The Grand Bible - The Complete Bible, its non-canonical Scriptures, the Koran, And Books from Mesopotamia, Persia, India and China: 

The Hebrew Christians, Ebionites, The Jesus Movement, Christianity-Before-Paul -- James the Just

The Hebrew Christian-Nasoraean-Ebionite-Clementine-James the Just Page: The Original Christianity (Christianity Before Paul), A Collection of Ebionite Scriptures and Vegetarian Gospels of the Jesus Movement (affiliated with James the Just or Teacher of Righteousness, early Jewish/Hebrew Christian sources, John the Baptist Group, Aramaic Mandaean Texts, etc…): https://santmatradhasoami.blogspot.com/2019/01/ebionite-nasoraean-jewish-or-hebrew.html

Read for free online, The Lost Religion of Jesus: Simple Living and Nonviolence in Early Christianity, by Akers, Keith: 

Surviving Quotes from the Jewish-Christian Gospels: Gospel of the Ebionites, Gospel of the Hebrews, and Gospel of the Nazoraeans: http://www.textexcavation.com/jewishgospels.html

Also See: The Holy Name — Mysticism In Judaism, by Miriam Bokser Caravella: https://archive.org/details/HolyNameMysticismInJudaismMiriamBokserCaavella

Sayings of Yuhana (John The Baptist) - Mandaean Nasoraean, Ginza Rabba (Great Treasure): 

The Gospel According to Thomas, A Collection of the Wisdom Sayings of Yeshua (Jesus)

The Greek Oxyrhynchus Gospel of Thomas was published in 1897 in the book, Sayings of Our Lord from Early Greek Papyrus, by BERNARD GRENFELL and ARTHUR HUNT: https://archive.org/details/sayingsourlordf00huntgoog

The Greek Gospel of Thomas -- The Gospel of Thomas Fragments from Oxyrhynchus: 

The Gospel of the Sayings of Jesus: Gospel of Thomas Home Page, with several online translations: http://users.misericordia.edu/davies/thomas/Thomas.html

Gospel of Thomas: Multiple Translations and Commentary: https://letterepaoline.files.wordpress.com/2013/12/ev-th-comm.pdf

Summarizing the Spiritual Message of the Gospel of Thomas in the Context of Syriac Mysticism, by James Bean: https://medium.com/@SantMat/summarizing-the-spiritual-message-of-the-gospel-of-thomas-by-james-bean-90862170ac8a

Professor Steven Davies has written some valuable observations about the "Primordial Light" mysticism of the Gospel of Thomas:

The Sermon on the Light by Jesus — Also, The Light Motif in Gnostic and Other Western Sacred Texts: https://medium.com/sant-mat-meditation-and-spirituality/7dc3199d64bf

The Gnostic Jesus: Esoteric Christianity

The sayings attributed to Jesus but uniquely associated with the Gospel of Thomas tradition also were also quoted far and wide in other early Christian writings. An impressive book documenting the transmission of these “Thomasonian” parallel sayings of Jesus is: Extracanonical Sayings of Jesus, by William D. Stroker, Published by Scholars Press, Atlanta (1989) ISBN 10: 1555400558, ISBN 13: 9781555400552 https://openlibrary.org/works/OL5269734W/Extracanonical_sayings_of_Jesus Also also see: http://www.worldcat.org/title/extracanonical-sayings-of-jesus/oclc/246551120

The Sources of the Gospel of Thomas: Methodological Issues and the Case of the Pauline Epistles (With a Focus on Th 17 // 1 Cor 2:9) [in ASE 35/2, 2018, pp. 323–350]: https://www.academia.edu/38085630/The_Sources_of_the_Gospel_of_Thomas_Methodological_Issues_and_the_Case_of_the_Pauline_Epistles_With_a_Focus_on_Th_17_1_Cor_2_9_in_ASE_35_2_2018_pp._323-350_

Other Gospels (dot) com

Gospels (dot) net


Nuhra (dot) net (Odes of Solomon Project)

Gnostic Library

The Pythagorean Sourcebook And Library: 

Druze Gnosis - Druze Discussion about Gnosticism!

The Pre-Nicene New Testament: Fifty-four 

Formative Texts, by Robert Price: 

The Great Declaration of Simon Magus: 

A New New Testament: A Bible for the Twenty-first 

Century Combining Traditional 

and Newly Discovered Texts, by Hal Taussig:

The Nag Hammadi Library, The Other Bible, The Gnostic Bible, Gnostic Gospels

FOR AN INTRODUCTION TO GNOSTICISM, SEE: The Gnostic Mystery — A Connection Between Ancient and Modern Mysticism — some Gnostic-Sant Mat comparative mysticism by Andrea Diem Lane: The Gnostic Mystery, by Andrea Diem Lane, is still one of the best books written on what Gnosticism and Gnostic spirituality was really ABOUT, a subject not usually addressed or explored in most books allegedly about Gnosticism:

The Gnostic Bible — Gnostic Texts of Mystical Wisdom from the Ancient and Medieval Worlds — Pagan, Jewish, Christian, Mandaean, Manichaean, Islamic and Cathar, Willis Barnstone and Marvin Meyer @ The Internet Archive: https://archive.org/details/TheGnosticBibleRevisedAndExpandedEditionEditedByWillisBarnstoneAndMarvinMeyer

Coptic Apocrypha (another collection of ancient Gnostic and Christian writings discovered in Egypt), by E. A. Wallis Budge:

The Other Bible — Gnostic Gospels, Dead Sea Scrolls, Visionary Wisdom Texts, Christian Apocrypha, Jewish Pseudepigrapha, Kabbalah: https://books.google.com/books?id=J9aKaGTOQDAC&printsec=frontcover&dq=the+other+bible&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwitsOfqkK7RAhWDFSwKHXORBxEQ6AEIJTAA#v=onepage&q&f=false

The Fall and Rise of the Gnostics, An Introduction to the Discovery of the Nag Hammadi Library and the Subject of Gnosticism: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_g_OexM8_io&ab_channel=SantMatRadhasoami

The Book of the Knowledge (Gnosis) of the Invisible God, An Unrecognized Dialogues Gospel Embedded in the Bruce Codex, Placed at the Beginning of the First Book of IEOU: https://medium.com/sant-mat-meditation-and-spirituality/the-book-of-the-knowledge-gnosis-of-the-invisible-god-a2a4a16353cb

Dialogue With the Savior — It’s a very damaged Coptic text. The version in the Nag Hammadi Library is difficult to get follow, but this particular translation turns what’s left of it into pleasant reading: http://jacksonsnyder.com/sss/pages/Dialogue%20of%20the%20Savior.htm

Nag Hammadi Library Online 

The Nag Hammadi Library Codex Index @ Gnosis.org: http://www.gnosis.org/naghamm/nhlcodex.html

The Nag Hammadi Library Alphabetical Index @ The Gnostic Archive:

The Nag Hammadi Library Alphabetical Index @ The Gnostic Archive (Wayback Machine Backup):

@ The Internet Archive (James M. Robinson, read & audio book, download options): 

@ The Internet Archive (borrow, The Gnostic Scriptures, Marvin Meyer, read & audio book options): 

Lost Books of the Bible, the Nag Hammadi Library Discovery, and Sayings About Mystical Light: https://medium.com/sant-mat-meditation-and-spirituality/fdf084caa87e

Gnostic — Sant Mat Comparative Mysticism: An Inclusive Rather Than Exclusive Spirituality — Kirpal Singh and the Lesson of Nag Hammadi — Rather than confining themselves to only reading the Old and New Testaments or teachings exclusively from Orthodox Christian sources, these monks of Nag Hammadi had a surprisingly diverse collection of writings that can only be characterized as inter-faith and multi-traditional. In other words, they were also studying the scriptures of other religions and mystical movements of their day….. Kirpal Singh was a prolific writer, publishing scores of books over the years, quoting from most every world scripture, mystic, poet, philosopher, and great Master that has ever existed spanning the centuries, very much embodying this same curiosity and inclusive universal spirituality we find present in the Nag Hammadi Library of Egypt. May the legacy of both always be remembered and honored for all time to come — Document at Scribd.com: http://www.scribd.com/doc/113687715/An-Inclusive-Rather-Than-Exclusive-Spirituality-Kirpal-Singh-and-the-Lesson-of-Nag-Hammadi

Mary Magdalene Studies

The Jesus and Mary Magdalene and Other Icon Images: Monastery of Lady Mary: “Located in the area of the Northern Cemetery, the Monastery of Lady Mary was uncovered in 1930 as archaeologists sought to excavate tombs. Inscribed mosaics in the building provide the name of the founder of the monastery, Lady Mary, and suggest that the building was erected around 567 CE.”: https://beth-shean.squarespace.com/monastery-of-lady-mary

Time, Memory, and Mosaics at the Monastery of Lady Mary, by Stephanie Hagan: “Late Antique Beth Shean provides ample evidence of a religiously heterogeneous population. Even as Christianity was becoming established as the dominant faith, we find traces of cultural and artistic exchanges with other religious groups. The floor mosaics of a 6th century monastery find their best comparisons with synagogue pavements, raising the possibility that the same artisans may have worked for both Christian and Jewish patrons.”: https://static1.squarespace.com/static/534849e8e4b0dd67a1620643/t/5367f91ee4b0d6ad53928b32/1399322910039/Hagan2.pdf

The Gospel of Mary Magdalene — Robert Price Reconstructed Version: http://thegodabovegod.com/a-complete-translation-of-the-gospel-of-mary

The Gospel of Mary of Magdala:
Jesus and the First Woman Apostle: 

“The soul answered, ‘I saw you. You did not see me nor did you know me. You mistook the garment I wore for my true self. And you did not recognize me.’”

“I was set loose from a world….. and from the chain of forgetfulness that exists in time.”

— Gospel of Mary Magdalene Online: http://www.maryofmagdala.com/GMary_Text/gmary_text.html

Gospel of Mary Magdalene, Article by James Bean: https://medium.com/sant-mat-meditation-and-spirituality/5735032b3d2b

Why Do Gnostics Consider Mary Magdalene the Greatest Apostle? by Miguel Conner: http://thegodabovegod.com/why-do-gnostics-consider-mary-magdalene-the-greatest-apostle

Mandaean Scroll of Miryai (Mary Magdalene):


Books on the 




Manichaean Traditions

The Gnostic Mystery — A Connection Between Ancient and Modern Mysticism — some Gnostic-Sant Mat comparative mysticism, by Andrea Diem Lane: The most comparable strand of Indian spirituality to the Gnostic tradition is the medieval and modem Sant tradition, an eclectic philosophy concerned with traversing spiritual realms to reach God. Resembling Gnostic metaphysics, there is a God beyond all gods, and this God invites the soul to know It. One achieves God-Realization by turning within one’s own consciousness, realizing the microcosm/macrocosm relationship with the Divine. A Sant is one who has accomplished this — an enlightened soul: http://www.lulu.com/items/volume_62/2046000/2046843/2/print/The_Gnostic_Mystery6.pdf

Science of the Soul Books: 

The Mystic Heart of Judaism, by Miriam Bokser Caravella: Speaking to the renewal of mystic fervour among seekers today, the book studies the spiritual masters of Jewish history whose teachings have brought inspiration and solace to generations of Jews from the prophets of the Bible and mystics of antiquity, to the Sufis and kabbalists of the Middle Ages, and the Hasidic masters of Eastern Europe. It presents the living teachers and their living teachings, their inner spiritual life with the divine, and their relationship of love with their disciples;

The Holy Name, by Miriam Bokser Caravella: This book presents a mosaic of mystical elements that are common to both Judaism and the Sant Mat philosophy. Quotations are brought from Jewish sources such as the Bible, the Zohar, other Kabbalistic works, Hasidic literature, and contemporary Jewish writings, as well as from Christian mystics and the writings of spiritual masters of India, Persia and Arabia. There are thorough discussions of the Garden of Eden and other stories from the Bible, the inner regions and the kabbalistic doctrine of the sefirot and the Word or Name of God;

The Gospel Of Jesus, In Search of His Original Teachings, by John Davidson: The Gospel of Jesus is an inspirational encounter with the world of Christ, an uplifting study of the man, his times and his teaching. It reveals how the true meaning of Jesus’s teachings, as found in the canonical gospels and many of the ancient apocryphal and other early Christian texts, is that of the ageless, eternal and mystical path to God;

Also by John Davidson, Science of the Soul Books:

The Prodigal Soul (formally known as, The Robe of Glory): This inspirational collection of allegories and anecdotes includes seven parables of Jesus (with two little–unknown ones from the ‘fifth’ gospel, the Gospel of Thomas), an allegorical interpretation of the Adam and Eve story, and others of a gnostic character from Manichaean and Mandaean sources, the Nag Hammadi library, and New Testament apocryphal writings. Included among them is the well-known Robe of Glory;

The Odes of Solomon: An inspiring collection of early Christian devotional poems, as vibrant as the day they were written. Lost for nineteen hundred years, but rediscovered by Cambridge biblical scholar, Rendel Harris;

The Divine Romance: In The Divine Romance: John Davidson shows how these ancient and intriguing tales depict a universal spirituality — the path to divine union. This, the story of the soul’s descent and its subsequent return, is told in terms of the divine marriage. The collection includes two parables of Jesus, with interpretations suggested by gnostic texts, and two gnostic parables — one from the Nag Hammadi library, the other from the Acts of Thomas. The rambunctious early Christian classic, Joseph and Aseneth, a tale that has circulated in various forms over the last 2,000 years, concludes this luminous book;

The Song of Songs: On the face of it, the biblical Song of Songs tells the tale of a passionate and worldly love. Yet, though it contains not one word that speaks explicitly of God or spirituality, the Song was accepted long ago into both the Jewish and Christian scriptural canons. In this inspiring book, John Davidson brings out the spiritual meaning of one of the most intriguing books in the Bible;

A Treasury of Mystic Terms I (Set of 6 Volumes): The Treasury is a collection of the spiritual terms found in the literature of the world’s religious and mystical traditions. Its primary objective is to elucidate the meaning of the essential terms used by the various spiritual and religious traditions of the world throughout history;

A Treasury of Mystic Terms II (Set of 4 Volumes): It is not primarily intended as a dictionary or as an encyclopedia, nor is it a definitive treatise on any particular subject or religion. It is meant to help the ordinary person understand some of the basic principles of his or her religious background, within the framework of a universal understanding of spirituality;

Adventure of Faith: The author of this book recounts how she, a devout Christian, found the path of the Masters. The reader travels with the author from her childhood days in pre-war Germany to her life as a Benedictine nun and the years spent as a Catholic nun in a Hindu ashram in central India. When she discovered the inner path of Surat Shabd Yoga, she realized she needed a spiritual Master;

Yoga and the Bible, by Joseph Leeming: Written from a predominantly Christian point of view, this book introduces Surat Shabd Yoga, the yoga of the sound current, citing well-known passages from Jesus Christ as the basis of each chapter’s discussion. The author discusses the importance of the living spiritual master in the context of Sant Mat and the teachings of Christ;

GOD POWER, CHRIST POWER, MASTER POWER, by Kirpal Singh: The Christ-Power or God-Power or Guru-Power is the same, and manifests Itself at the human pole to meet the demands of His children: those who feel hungry for Him, those who feel thirsty for Him. There is food for the hungry and water for the thirsty; demand and supply is the law of nature, and where fire burns, oxygen comes to help. When man has hunger for God in his heart, God manifests Himself at some human pole to guide the child-humanity. “No man knows the Father except through the Son and he to whom the Son reveals Him.” http://ruhanisatsangusa.org/godpower.htm

Sant Bani Books/Media Seva: 

The Stranger of Galilee, by Russell Perkins: 


The Stranger of Galilee, by Russell Perkins — In Sections as PDF Files: The Master comes down to love, and he says that all human beings come down to love; this is the role of the human and it is how humanness is defined. As we have seen, the Urdu word insan is normally translated as “human being,” but in fact means “one who is brimming over with love.” That is the essence of humanness. The Masters say that the capacity for empathy is what distinguishes humans from other forms of life: we can love each other. We can also manipulate, use, and exploit each other, but that is not what makes us human; only our capacity to love does that. The most human of all persons is the Master; he is what we and all other human beings were born to be. Our emphasis on understanding him as a God-man sometimes leads us to see him more as God than as man, and that is a legitimate view; but we should never forget to view him also as a role model for humans. He has reversed the fall and thus he is what we would all be if we had not fallen:

Mystic Bible by Dr Randolph Stone: 

More Gnostic Scriptures, Christian Mystics, Apocryphal Texts, Kabbalah/Jewish Mysticism

Early Christian Writings Library, Index of Online Scriptures: 

The Gnostic Tradition, Christian Mysticism, The Essenes, More Scriptures
Bardaisan and Syriac Gnosis: http://syri.ac/bardaisan

References to Bardaisan at Gnosis dot org: http://gnosis.org/thomasbook/ch10.html

The Gospel of Judas (from Codex Tchacos): http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/mistic/gospel_judas.htm

Gnostics, Gnostic Gospels, & Gnosticism (Gospel of Thomas, Secret Book of James, Basilides, Naassene Fragment, Gospel of Mary, Dialogue of the Savior, Gospel of the Savior, Marcion, Epiphanes, Ophite Diagrams, Ptolemy, Gospel of Truth, Excerpts of Theodotus, Heracleon, Acts of Peter, Acts of Thomas): http://www.earlychristianwritings.com/gnostics.html And also see: http://www.gnosis.org/library/gs.htm

Coptic Apocrypha, edited by E. Wallis Budge (a Life of Pisentius, an Encomium on John the Baptist, attributed to Saint John Chrysostom, Instructions by Pachomius the Archimandrite, Repose of Saint John the Evangelist and Apostle, The Book of the Resurrection by Bartholomew the Apostle): https://archive.org/details/copticapocryphai00budguoft

Writings of Evagrius of Ponticus: http://www.ldysinger.com/Evagrius/00a_start.htm

The Philokalia — All Five Volumes — PDF File Format: 

The Philokalia — All Five Volumes — Formats at the Internet Archive: https://archive.org/details/Philokalia-TheCompleteText

The Books of Jeu and the Untitled Text in the Bruce Codex: http://gnosis.org/library/bookss.htm

Discourse on the Eighth and Ninth Heavens (Hermetic, Nag Hammadi): http://hermetic.com/texts/eighth.html

HERMETICA: The Greek Corpus Hermeticum and the Latin
Asclepius in a new English translation, with
notes and introduction by

The Corpus Hermeticum, translated by G.R.S. Mead: http://hermetic.com/texts/hermetica

The Emerald Tablet of Hermes: 

Also Emerald Tablet of Hermes: 

Oration on the Dignity of Man, by Giovanni Pico della Mirandola: http://bactra.org/Mirandola

The Sentences of Sextus the Pythagorean — See Links to Various Collections: Sayings 1–114: http://www.sacred-texts.com/cla/gvp/gvp09.htm

Sentences of Sextus, Sayings 157–180 & 307–397: http://www.earlychristianwritings.com/sextus.html

A Complete Translation (Sayings 1–451), The Sentences of Sextus, A Contribution to the History of Early Christian Ethics, Edited by Henry Chadwick: http://ebooks.cambridge.org/ebook.jsf?bid=CBO9780511470523

Apocryphal New Testament Writings: http://www.ntcanon.org/writings.shtml

The Development of the Canon of the New Testament: http://www.ntcanon.org/index.shtml

An Introduction to, and Collections of, Various Categories of Extra-Canonical Scriptures and Biblical Literature: https://biblicalstudiesonline.wordpress.com/category/biblical-literature

Ante-Nicene Fathers:

Early Church Fathers - Additional Texts:

e-Clavis: Christian Apocrypha (ECCA) is a comprehensive bibliography of Christian Apocrypha research assembled and maintained by members of the North American Society for the Study of Christian Apocryphal Literature (NASSCAL):

Early Christian Writings Library — a very comprehensive collection of sacred texts of the West: http://www.EarlyChristianWritings.com

Gnostic Library @ Gnosis.org — Apocrypha, Dead Sea Scrolls, Gnostic Gospels, Nag Hammadi Library, Corpus Hermeticum, Mandaean, Manichaean, Cathar: http://gnosis.org/library.html

Werner Foerster's collection of Gnostic Texts: Gnosis, Volume I:

Mysticism, a study in the nature and development of man’s spiritual consciousness, by Underhill, Evelyn — online audio book: https://archive.org/details/mysticism_jc_lv2

Christian Mystics, Western Esoterica, Free Ebooks:

Christian Classics Ethereal Library: http://www.ccel.org/index/title

The Cloud of Unknowing PDF: http://www.ccel.org/ccel/anonymous2/cloud.pdf

The Cloud of Unknowing AUDIO: http://www.ccel.org/ccel/anonymous2/cloud/mp3

The Cloud of Unknowing AUDIO: https://librivox.org/the-cloud-of-unknowing-by-anonymous

The Jacob Boehme Library: http://jacobboehmeonline.com/library

Early Jewish Writings: http://www.earlyjewishwritings.com

Kabbalah Library: http://www.kabbalah.info/eng

James the Just in the Habakkuk Pesher, Robert Eisenman:

The Midrash Pesher of Habakkuk, Scholar's Press: 

The Dead Sea Scrolls and the first Christians, Robert Eisenman:

The Dead Sea Scrolls in English, Géza Vermes, 

The Dead Sea Scriptures, T.H. Gaster: 

The Dead Sea Scrolls Uncovered, Robert Eisenman

The Complete Dead Sea Scrolls in English, Penguin Classics: 

The Dead Sea Scrolls Translated: 

The Dead Sea Scrolls Bible: 

Mandaean Aramaic Gnosis

Sayings of Yuhana (John The Baptist) - Mandaean Nasoraean, Ginza Rabba (Great Treasure): 

MANDAEAN: CANONICAL PRAYER-BOOK OF THE MANDAEANS: https://archive.org/details/in.ernet.dli.2015.530195

Ginza Rabba - Mark Lidzbarski Translation from German Into English: 

Living Water Books Sells the Ginza Rabba in English: 

Ginza Rabba & the Qolasta @ Wikisource:

The Haran Gawaita and the Baptism of Hibil-Ziwa, by E.S. Drower: 

A Mandaic Dictionary, by Drower, E. S. (Ethel Stefana): 

The Mandaean Book of John the Baptist: http://rogueleaf.com/book-of-john/category/john-the-baptist

Gnostic John the Baptizer: Selections from the Mandæan John-Book
by G. R. S. Mead:

Revisiting the Mandaeans and the New Testament: http://www.bibleinterp.com/articles/2013/08/mcg378026.shtml

Mandaean - Nasoraeans:

Manichaeans — The Prophet Mani

Manichaean Library:

Manichaean Writings at Gnosis.org: http://gnosis.org/library/manis.htm

An Introduction to the Manichaean Religion: http://www.fas.harvard.edu/~iranian/Manicheism/Manicheism_I_Intro.pdf

At the Gnosis Library: http://gnosis.org/library/Mani.html

(Also see the books, The Other Bible, and, The Gnostic Bible, both edited by Willis Barnstone)

The School of Saint Thomas — The Church of the East

The earliest Saint Thomas community scriptures include: Odes of Solomon, Gospel of Thomas, Tatian’s Gospel Harmony (Diatessaron), Dialogue of the Saviour, Thomas the Spiritual Athlete (Contender), Mar-sanes, Acts of Thomas (including the Hymn of the Pearl), Apocryphal Acts of the Apostles I-II by William Wright, published by Georg Olms Verlag (includes the Acts of Thomas and other books of acts all from Syriac manuscripts), Psalms of Thomas. writings of Bardaisan. http://www.earlychristianwritings.com

The Apocryphal Acts of the Apostles (Including the Acts of Thomas from the Syriac):

The Hymn of the Pearl (Embedded in the Acts of Saint Thomas) in Two Translations: G.R.S. Mead, and Scroll Down for the (Better) William Wright Translation From the Syriac Acts of Thomas):

A Relationship Between the Gospel of Thomas and the Gospel of the Hebrews

“It seems that, in constructing his ‘harmony’ [Diatessaron], he [Tatian] used not just the ‘canonical’ Gospels, but also a ‘fifth source’, whose material sometimes agreed with readings proper to texts like the Gospel to the Hebrews or the Gospel of Thomas. It has been proposed to identify this source with that Aramaic tradition of Palestinian origin, independent of the Greek Gospels, that had first conveyed a knowledge of Jesus to the peoples of Syria, pivoting, to begin with, on the region’s Jewish communities. Certainly, West Aramaic expressions or, more generally, elements left a deep mark not just and perhaps not so much on the Peshitta as on the more general exegetical and ‘spiritual’ meditation of the Churches of Syria, as many recent studies have demonstrated (cf. e.g. S. Brock, The Lost Old Syriac…).”

— Paolo Bettiolo, Syriac Literature, page 426: https://archive.org/details/SyriacLiterature

I wonder if the Gospel of Mary Magdalene should be on the same list, as it seems to have a relationship to the Gospel of Thomas sayings, including saying 114. http://www.earlychristianwritings.com/gospelmary.html

New Testament Apocrypha, Syriac Sources: 

Syriac Website Listing Many Books: 

Syriac Christian Mystics, The Syriac Fathers, Mystics of the East, and Jesus Sutras of China

After the original Gnostic period of the Thomas Community, the Syriac East branched out in a few different directions: Nestorian, Syrian Orthodox, Manichaean, and in China the Daqin group (Church of the Light, and their scriptures: The Jesus Sutras, translated by Martin Palmer).

@ The Internet Archive: 

Also See: The Lost Sutras of Jesus: Unlocking the Ancient Wisdom of the Xian Monks: 

The Nestorian Documents and Relics in China:

(Probably this is someone's attempt at creating a modern-day gospel very much the Essene Humane Gospel, etc... Or at least this is my impression.) The Secret Sayings of Ye Su: 

There are several translations of the Jesus Sutras by the Seventh Century Church of the Light group in China: https://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss_2?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=jesus+Sutras

Gorgias Press has some Mandaean, Manichaean, and Syriac writings (Sebestian Brock’s translations) http://www.gorgiaspress.com/bookshop and the Syriac classic: The Letters of John of Dalyatha, By Mary T. Hansbury: http://www.gorgiaspress.com/bookshop/p-55603-the-letters-of-john-of-dalyathabrby-mary-t-hansburybrtexts-from-christian-late-antiquity-2.aspx

Syriac Writings Online Including Saint Isaac of Nineveh:

The Wisdom Of The Pearlers, and, The Syriac Fathers, are the two great anthologies of Syriac mystical texts and are quite spiritual.

The Syriac Fathers on Prayer and the Spiritual Life, translated by Sebastian Brock, Cistercian Publications, contains some writings of Saint Isaac the Syrian, along with the sacred Aramaic writings of many other Syriac saints and mystics. In fact, that book for me is somewhat like the Nag Hammadi Library. In other words, it’s a collection of rare writings representing a whole community, like the Nag Hammadi, Corpus Hermeticum, and Dead Sea Scrolls. http://www.cistercianpublications.org/Products/CS101/the-syriac-fathers-on-prayer-and-the-spiritual-life.aspx 

The Syriac Fathers @ Amazon: 
The Syriac Fathers on Prayer and the Spiritual Life, translated by Sebastian Brock @ The Internet Archive:

Studies in Syriac Spirituality, Sebastian Brock:

The Wisdom Of The Pearlers: An Anthology of Syriac Christian Mysticism (Cistercian Studies) Paperback, by Brian E. Colless:

Spirituality in the Syriac Tradition, by Sebastian Brock (Wonderful book, similar to, The Syriac Fathers on Prayer and the Spiritual Life): 

Isaac of Nineveh, Mystic Treatises (Ascetical Homilies, The "Part I" Writings): https://archive.org/details/IsaacOfNinevehMysticTreatises

Syriac Mystical Texts Translated by A. Mingana (WoodBrooke Studies, Volume 7): Woodwbrooke Studies, Christian Documents in Syriac, Arabic and Garshuni, edited by Alphonse Mingana, Volume 7: Early Christian Mystics

The Ascetical Homilies of Saint Isaac the Syrian, is published by a monastery in Boston: https://web.archive.org/web/20170715143156/htmp.org/St-Isaac-Ascetical-Homilies/overview.html

A Brief Historical and Theological Introduction of the Church of Persia to the End of the Seventh Century: https://web.archive.org/web/20171014000218/http://htmp.org:80/Resources/Epilogue-On-Persian-Church-Color1.pdf

Also, there are some Syriac related volumes in that amazing massive collection known as, The Classics of Western Spirituality: Ephrem the Syrian, Pseudo Dionysius, and Pseudo-Macarius: http://www.paulistpress.com/Products/CategoryCenter.aspx?categoryId=COWS

More Syriac Sources: Recommended Sebastian Brock/Syriac-Aramaic Books in English

There are several books by Syriac scholar Sebastian Brock available from Gorgias Press. It includes: The Wisdom of St. Isaac of Nineveh, Select Poems of Ephrem the Syrian, The Bible in the Syriac Tradition, and Introduction to Syriac Studies. Gorgias Press: http://www.GorgiasPress.com

Also available are other books by Brock including, The Hidden Pearl: The Aramaic Heritage, and books of other Syriac Saints translated into English.

Note: Gorgias also has several books on the Mandaean Gnostics of Iraq and Iran.

Syriac Books — Various Publishers

Treasure-house of Mysteries: Explorations of the Sacred Text Through Poetry in the Syriac Tradition, by Sebastian Brock — NEW BOOK: www.svspress.com/treasure-house-of-mysteries-explorations-of-the-sacred-text-through-poetry-in-the-syriac-tradition

The Wisdom of Isaac of Nineveh: A Bilingual Edition, By Sebastian P. Brock, Gorgias Press;

The Letters of John of Dalyatha, translated from Syriac-Aramaic by Mary Hansbury, published by Gorgias Press — a very important recent book on Light-mysticism;

The Syriac Fathers on Prayer and the Spiritual Life, Sebastian Brock, Cistercian Publications — an excellent anthology of Syriac mystics and saints, a kind of Syriac “Philokalia” or “Nag Hammadi”-like collection of important texts;

The Book of Common Prayer of the Syrian Church, Bede Griffiths, Gorgias Press;

Daily Readings With….St. Isaac of Syria, Sebastian Brock, Templegate Publishers;

The Luminous Eye — The Spiritual World Vision of Saint Ephrem the Syrian, Sebastian Brock, Cistercian Publications;

Apocryphal Acts of the Apostles I/II, William Wright, Georg Olms Verlag (Books), contains Acts of Thomas with the Hymn of the Pearl and other hymns, from the Syriac;

A Garland of Hymns from the Early Church, translated from Syriac by Sebastian Brock, St. Athanasius’ Coptic Publishing Center, 1989, Mclean, VA USA — includes some of the Odes of Solomon along with other early psalms;

A Collection of Syriac Printed Texts Available Online: http://www.syriac.talktalk.net/On-line-Syriac-texts.html

The Three Stages of Spiritual Realization ; According to Joseph Hazzaya, by Thomas Olickal (OUT OF PRINT -- CONTACT ME IF YOU KNOW OF A COPY OF THIS BOOK):

The Spiritual Master of Dionysius the Areopagite (perhaps, or, it is said): Stephen Bar Sudaili, a Syrian Mystic: The Book of Hierotheos by Pseudo-Hierotheus: The Book of Hierotheus on the Hidden Mysteries of the House of God (Pseudo Hierotheus, fifth century Syrian monk, Stephen Bar Sudhaile (all the relevant names and various spellings included here for research purposes):

PDF Download:

The Book Of The Holy Hierotheos, by F.S. Marsh: 

Stephen Bar Sudaili The Syrian Mystic and the Book of Hierotheos
by A. L. Frothingham: 


The Works of Dionysius the Areopagite:

Complete Works of Dionysius the Areopagite (James Parker translation):

Pseudo Dionysius: The Complete Works (Classics of Western Spirituality, Paperback): 

Odes of Solomon -- The Book of the Odes, Early Christian Psalms

The Odes of Solomon:
The Nuhra Version (2020):

Odes of Solomon Book List — Book of the Odes
This is a nice edition of the ODES, the James Charlesworth translation:

Also see this page about the ODES: http://www.earlychristianwritings.com/odes.html

ODE 13 at Youtube recited in English and Syriac:

All of the ODES, talking book at Youtube:

The Book of the Odes (Odes of Solomon): http://www.earlychristianwritings.com/text/odes.html

The Apocryphal Old Testament, edited by H.F.D. Sparks, Claredon Press/Oxford University Press — contains one of the best overall complete translation of the Odes to date;

The Gnostic Bible, edited by Willis Barnstone and Marvin Meyer (pictured at the top of the page) also contains a most excellent complete translation of the Odes along with many other essential texts of interest for the Gnostic-curious reader.

The Odes of Solomon, Wayne Monbleau, Loving Grace Ministries, New Jersey — uses the J. Rendel Harris translation;

Also see: The Odes of Solomon, translated by James H. Charlesworth;

Jesus Sutras

Jesus Sutras of the Daqin Religion of the Light (Church of the East/Syriac/Nestorian/Manichaean Gnosis Based in China)

Assyrian Church of the East in China by Martin Palmer: https://www.Youtube.com/watch?v=qhdLKBKNf0I

The Jesus Sutras — Rediscovering the Lost Scrolls of Taoist Christianity - Read Online @ The Internet Archive: 

The Jesus Sutras — Rediscovering the Lost Scrolls of Taoist Christianity: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/331801.The_Jesus_Sutras

The Lost Sutras of Jesus: Unlocking the Ancient Wisdom of the Xian Monks, by Ray Riegert and Thomas Moore: http://www.spiritualityandpractice.com/books/books.php?id=5892

Jesus Sutras — Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jesus_Sutras


April DeConick’s Forbidden Gospel’s Blog: http://aprildeconick.com

Sadhu Sundar Singh, At the Master’s Feet: http://www.ccel.org/ccel/singh/feet.txt

John Davidson and Russell Perkins

The Book of the Odes (Odes of Solomon): http://www.earlychristianwritings.com/text/odes.html

Russell Perkins: The Stranger of Galilee — The Sermon on the Mount and the Universal Spiritual Tradition (INTRODUCTION): http://santji.allegre.ca/books/galilee.html

Russell Perkins: The Stranger of Galilee — The Sermon on the Mount and the Universal Spiritual Tradition, by Russell Perkins (CHAPTERS 1–28 — On this page, scroll down to various PDF Files of the book): 

Gnostic Book List

The Nag Hammadi Scriptures: The Revised and Updated Translation of Sacred Gnostic Texts Complete in One Volume, by Marvin W. Meyer;

The Complete Gospels (contains what remains of over 30 ancient gospels including Reconstructed Q, Coptic and Greek editions of the Gospel of Thomas, and Gospel of the Savior), Robert J. Miller;

Pistis Sophia: The Gnostic Tradition of Mary Magdalene, Jesus, and His Disciples, by G.R.S. Mead;

The Gospel of Thomas: The Gnostic Wisdom of Jesus, by Jean-Yves Leloup and Jacob Needleman;

The Earliest Christian Hymnbook: The Odes of Solomon, by James H. Charlesworth;

The Gnostic Bible, Willis Barnstone and Marvin Meyer;

The Other Bible, Willis Barnstone;

The Unvarnished New Testament, Andy Gaus;

The Jerusalem Bible (and/or New Jerusalem Bible) is a good translation of Old and New Testaments with Apocrypha;

The Gnostic Scriptures: A New Translation with Annotations and Introductions, by Bentley Layton;


LINKS: INTER-FAITH LINKS PAGE: Sacred Texts, World Scriptures: from Apocrypha to Zoroaster: Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, Sikh, Taoism, Gnostic, Kabbalah, Judaism, Sufism, Islam, Christian Scriptures and Mystical Texts, Bahai Faith, Druze, Mandaean, etc…: http://santmatradhasoami.wordpress.com/2013/09/18/spiritual-awakening-inter-faith-links-page-of-world-religions-and-sacred-texts-east-and-west-from-apocrypha-to-zoroaster

Older Sant Mat Satsang Podcasts — Online Satsangs providing words of light and love for the spiritual journey, exploring the Sant Tradition of India, Santmat — Sant Mat, Surat Shabd Yoga — Inner Light and Sound Meditation, Radhasoami — Radhaswami, the Path of the Masters: 

The Sant Mat Satsang Podcasts, an online library of PODcasts available on-demand — Sant Mat Radio: 

#ebionites, #GospelOfTheHebrews, #gnostic, #GnosticGospels, #NagHammadiLibrary, #LostBooksOfTheBible, #GospelOfThomas, #SantMat,



ALSO SEE: Sayings of Jesus (Yeshua), Ebionite (Nasoraean, Jewish or Hebrew Christian) Scriptures and Vegetarian Gospels -- Sant Mat Radhasoami Books, The E Library: Ebionite/Hebrew Christianity Section: https://SantMatRadhasoami.Blogspot.com/2019/01/ebionite-nasoraean-jewish-or-hebrew.html