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Saturday, July 16, 2022

Why We Begin Meditation at the Third Eye Center in Sant Mat... It's the Seat of the Soul - Baba Ram Singh


Why We Begin Meditation at the Third Eye Center in Sant Mat... It's the Seat of the Soul - Baba Ram Singh

When we sit for meditation, we close our eyes and then we focus our thoughts at the back of the Eye Center. And our faculty of visualization is also there, which also visualizes the Form of the Master within. And by doing Simran, we concentrate our attention and focus at the back of the Eye Center. Then, automatically, when we sit for meditation, our attention starts getting focused on the Form of a Master at the back of the Eye Center.

There are the rishis and munis who also do meditation. But their meditation and their focus and attention are slightly different. Instead of focusing at the back of the Eye Center, what they do is, they start focusing on the chakras.

So, in the physical body, we have six chakras. And starting from the lowest chakra, they start doing the mantra. Each chakra has a mantra, and what they do is, they repeat the mantras. And, when a certain number of times that mantra is done, tens of thousands of times, then that chakra opens up. And, that way, they start progressing by opening each of these chakras and going inside and up within their body. So, for them to take and open each of the six chakras and then the seventh above that and go up, inside, it takes a very, very long time.

Mahatmas say that when someone has to climb a mountain and he is midway, standing on the mountain, there is no point in going down to the bottom of the mountain and then climbing all the way up again. Instead, he should climb upwards from where he is.

So, the soul is currently situated at the back of the Eye Center. And, therefore, Saints say that you start from there. You start focusing there and focus your attention where the soul and the Master stay. That is at the back of the Eye Center.

So, therefore, we should lovingly focus our attention and do the Simran and the Dhyan, that is, the contemplation of the Form of the Master while doing Simran at the back of the Eye Center. When we do this lovingly, we also start getting the Grace of the Master there. (Baba Ram Singh, The Ladder Of The Sound Current Connects The Soul Back To God Almighty, With The Grace Of The Master, 2016 Satsang Discourse)