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Sunday, September 15, 2024

Gnostic Mandaean Spiritual Quote From the Canonical Prayerbook Qolasta


Gnostic Mandaean Spiritual Quote From the Canonical Prayerbook (Qolasta)

"I wander about

searching after my soul,

which is worth ages and worlds to me.

I went and found my soul --

what are

all the worlds

to me?"

- The Qolasta - Gnostic Canonical Prayer Book of the Mandaeans

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Important Spiritual Steps: Devotion to the Teacher, Satsang Instruction, Repeating the Divine Name, Visualising the Form (Dhyan), Seeing Inner Light


Important Spiritual Steps: Devotion to the Teacher, Satsang Instruction, Repeating the Divine Name, Visualising the Form (Dhyan), Seeing Inner Light, Hearing the Sound, Reaching a State of Oneness with the Soundless One

Maharishi Mehi Paramahansa Ji Maharaj, from: "The Philosophy of Liberation" (Moksa-Darsan):

53. Listening to and study of the discourses on this sacred knowledge is an important step in the Sant Mat tradition. Listening to satsanga (spiritual discourses) is prescribed as an essential activity.

54. The personal and private instruction in the art of this spiritual practice should be received from a Satguru (an accomplished spiritual master). Once the technique has been learned, one should practice it regularly and daily according to the instructions given by the master.

70. Through constant practice of the Meditation of Sound, the practitioner also experiences the Divine Light. Just as upon attending a concert, one cannot help but notice the beautiful setting, of Upper Nature, the plurality of sounds ceases to exist, and only then can the Essential Divine sound be experienced. Other sounds of the various Realms are not experienced at this level of the State of Oneness because diversity does not exist in the state of Oneness.

75. The State beyond Sound is acknowledged in the writings of saints as the goal of their teachings. In addition, their writings accept repetition of a Divine name, concentration on a form of the Divine, fixing the mind on a point and concentrating on the inner sounds of the different spheres as a means to reach the Soundless State. These four techniques are therefore essential in Sant Mat.

76. Without achieving perfection in the Yoga of Sound, the realization of the Supreme Sovereign God or the Knowledge of the Self cannot be achieved.

77. Without resolute devotion to the guru (a spiritual master), even by means of the Yoga of Sound, the realization of the Supreme Sovereign God is not possible. Without the help of the master, it is not possible to attain the full devotion for the Divine and the highest good. 

Sunday, September 08, 2024

The Ascension of the Soul in Mandaean Gnosticism: The Soul Within Me Yearns For Hayyi (The Great Life, Supreme Being)


The Ascension of the Soul in Mandaean Gnosticism: The Soul Within Me Yearns For Hayyi (The Great Life, Supreme Being)



“From the day when I came to love the Life [God], from the day when my heart came to love the Truth, I no longer have trust in anything in the world… After my soul alone I go searching about, which to me is worth generations and worlds. I went and found my soul — What are to me all the worlds? I went and found Truth, as she stands at the outer rim of the worlds.” (Ginza Rabba, Mandaean Gnostic Scriptures)

The Gnostic soul has little trust in the religious systems not only of this realm but also of the astral, causal and mental planes. The Gnostic soul has little desire for fellowshipping with those attached to these various material and lower realms either. In Gnostic mysticism, the cosmology of inner regions, beyond the seventh heaven is the realm of The Nameless One or Supreme Being, below referred to as The Great Life (Hayyi Rabbi).

The Soul Within Me Yearns For Hayyi (The Great Life, Supreme Being)

’Bshumayhon ‘d Hayyi rabbi
In the name of the Great Hayyi

The soul within me yearns for Hayyi.
The soul within me demands Hayyi.
My goal is to reach the Place of Life.
I am flying, advancing until I reach the first guardian.
The servants of the first guardian came to meet me.
They said, “Let us take this man with us as our captive.
He might serve as a companion to us.”

They asked me, “Hail, companion;
Where did you come from? Where do you go?”

I came from the earth, I am going to Hayyi,
and my path is to the Place of Life.

They said, “This is the Place of Life;
here it is, so where are you going now?”

I said to myself, “I am not one of them.
If I stayed with them, I would endure every torment.
This is not what my soul desires and wants.
The soul within me yearns for Hayyi.
The soul within me demands Hayyi.
My goal is to reach the Place of Life.”

I am flying, advancing until I reach the second guardian.
The servants of the second guardian came to meet me.
They said, “Let us take this man with us as our captive.
He might serve as a companion to us.”
They asked him, “Hail, companion;
Where did you come from? Where do you go?”

I came from the earth, I am going to Hayyi,
and my path is to the Place of Life.

They said, “This is the Place of Life;
here it is, so where are you going now?”

I said to myself, “I am not one of them.
If I stayed with them, I would endure every torment.
This is not what my soul desires and wants.
The soul within me yearns for Hayyi.
The soul within me demands Hayyi.
My goal is to reach the Place of Life.”

I am flying, advancing until I reach the third guardian.
The servants of the third guardian came to meet me.
They said, “Let us take this man with us as our captive.
He might serve as a companion to us.”
They asked him, “Hail, companion;
Where did you come from? Where do you go?”

I came from the earth, I am going to Hayyi,
and my path is to the Place of Life.

They said, “This is the Place of Life;
here it is, so where are you going now?”

I said to myself, “I am not one of them.
If I stayed with them, I would endure every torment.
This is not what my soul desires and wants.
The soul within me yearns for Hayyi.
The soul within me demands Hayyi.
My goal is to reach the Place of Life.”

I am flying, advancing until I reach the fourth guardian.
The servants of the fourth guardian came to meet me.
They said, “Let us take this man with us as our captive.
He might serve as a companion to us.”
They asked him, “Hail, companion;
Where did you come from? Where do you go?”

I came from the earth, I am going to Hayyi,
and my path is to the Place of Life.

They said, “This is the Place of Life;
here it is, so where are you going now?”

I said to myself, “I am not one of them.
If I stayed with them, I would endure every torment.
This is not what my soul desires and wants.
The soul within me yearns for Hayyi.
The soul within me demands Hayyi.
My goal is to reach the Place of Life.”

I am flying, advancing until I reach the fifth guardian.
The servants of the fifth guardian came to meet me.
They said, “Let us take this man with us as our captive.
He might serve as a companion to us.”
They asked him, “Hail, companion;
Where did you come from? Where do you go?”

I came from the earth, I am going to Hayyi,
and my path is to the Place of Life.

They said, “This is the Place of Life;
here it is, so where are you going now?”

I said to myself, “I am not one of them.
If I stayed with them, I would endure every torment.
This is not what my soul desires and wants.
The soul within me yearns for Hayyi.
The soul within me demands Hayyi.
My goal is to reach the Place of Life.”

I am flying, advancing until I reach the sixth guardian.
The servants of the sixth guardian came to meet me.
They said, “Let us take this man with us as our captive.
He might serve as a companion to us.”
They asked him, “Hail, companion;
Where did you come from? Where do you go?”

I came from the earth, I am going to Hayyi,
and my path is to the Place of Life.

They said, “This is the Place of Life;
here it is, so where are you going now?”

I said to myself, “I am not one of them.
If I stayed with them, I would endure every torment.
This is not what my soul desires and wants.
The soul within me yearns for Hayyi.
The soul within me demands Hayyi.
My goal is to reach the Place of Life.”

I am flying, advancing until I reach the seventh guardian.
The servants of the seventh guardian came to meet me.
They said, “Let us take this man with us as our captive.
He might serve as a companion to us.”
They asked him, “Hail, companion;
Where did you come from? Where do you go?”

I came from the earth, I am going to Hayyi,
and my path is to the Place of Life.

They said, “This is the Place of Life;
here it is, so where are you going now?”

I said to myself, “I am not one of them.
If I stayed with them, I would endure every torment.
This is not what my soul desires and wants.
The soul within me yearns for Hayyi.
The soul within me demands Hayyi.
My goal is to reach the Place of Life.”

I am flying, advancing until I reach the House of Life.
The righteous came forward to meet me.
In thanks, I bow down and praise Hayyi.
They clothed me in radiance, covered me with light,
and numbered me among the righteous.

Soul, you must raise your lamps
to shine among the lamps of light.
The word of truth has come to you.
It came to the faithful and the righteous.

’u Hayyi zaken

— from the Left Volume of the Ginza Rabba (Mandaean Gnostic Scriptures, Codex Nasaraeus)

The Earth-realm and Then Comes the Seven Inner Realms or Heavens, and Yet None Represent the True Highest Heaven so the Soul Continues the Journey of Ascension Until It Reaches The Eighth, the Goal, the Ultimate Reality, the Real Home of The Great Life, Hayyi Rabbi.

“In the Name of the Great Life

Sublime Light be Praised”



Baba Somanath, Mystic Poetry Verses - Light and Sound on The Path (Sant Mat, Radhasoami)

Baba Somanath, Mystic Poetry Verses - Light and Sound on The Path (Sant Mat, Radhasoami)

You are the victor over death who

ferries the jivas across the impassable

realm of matter,

Omniscient Consciousness,

Quintessence of Light,

Ineffable and beyond reckoning is Your


The mind cannot conceive of You; You

are without beginning and without


O Protector of the lowly ones, most

merciful Lord,

Self-Existent, Bestower of Light

Somanath has contemplated upon

Your lotus feet.

Unceasingly, He will sing Your praises.

You free all the jivas from the desires

and afflictions of this world.

Ferrying me across the physical, astral

and causal realms,

Lead me into the region of Parbrahm.

In the spiritual pool of Mansarovar, in

the region of the Void,

Let me bathe in those purifying waters,

so that I may become immaculate and


-- from the Bhajans (Hymns) of Baba Somanath, 

The Life of Baba Somanath Ji - Saint (Sant) and Sage of South India, by Christopher McMahon @ BabaSomanathJiOrg:
