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Friday, July 05, 2024

Reincarnation: Thoughts Are Like Seeds That Sprout Into Words and Deeds


Reincarnation: Thoughts Are Like Seeds That Sprout Into Words and Deeds

"Accumulated thoughts of living beings cause births and deaths for them again and again

"In the world, there are as many thoughts as the living beings. The truth is that every person has numerous thoughts. It is by virtue of his thoughts that he attains either salvation or transmigration. Salvation will come only when all thoughts would come to an end. That is why the scriptures declare that the hoarded or accumulated thoughts of living beings cause births and deaths for them again and again.

"The thoughts are of various types and each thought has its hidden import. The thoughts which are soaked in attachment and illusion, form the basis of transmigration. But the thoughts which are immersed in selfless service (seva), lead one to salvation. The flow of thoughts in the mind knows no end. Not a single moment passes without those, so much so, that during sleep even, they occur in the form of dreams. What are those thoughts? Desire for anything assumes the form of a thought. The moment a desire to attain something or the other, arises in the mind, that very moment, man is thrown into an ocean of thoughts. These very thoughts become the basis of resolutions and options which cause one to enter into different forms after death. Whatever the nature of thought at the time of death determines the next form or birth for that soul...

"All the doubts and desires should be made to merge with the Shabd or Word [the Divine Current of Light and Sound], to get rid of horrible consequences of innumerable births and transmigration. Except for the desire to recite Naam, no other desire should take hold of the mind... By remembering the Lord, one attains God-realization and when this stage is reached, then there is no need to resort to any other means of attaining salvation [moksha]."

-- The Second Spiritual Master, in,

The Shri Paramhans Advait Mat Granth

Commentary: Above, excerpted from a huge, authoritative collection of satsang discourses, provides one with valuable insight into the mechanics of thought and desires, this process of creating reality. Here, a "law of attraction" is not solely dedicated to a materialistic life confined to the physical plane. One is instructed to remember God, to practice Remembrance (Simran) of God's Name, and merge one's attention (Surat) into the Positive or God-Power of the Inner Light and Sound (Shabd), rising above the ocean of forms, thoughts, desires, karmas, the creation of countless lives and deaths, with the goal being moksha, getting off the wheel of transmigration/reincarnation. Thoughts are like seeds that sprout into words and deeds.

"Watch your thoughts; they become words.

Watch your words; they become actions.

Watch your actions; they become habits.

Watch your habits; they become character.

Watch your character; for it becomes your destiny." (Upanishads)

"Today's karmas become the fate of tomorrow. According to our last life actions, our mental tendencies are formed in this life. Because of our pure actions we will have the desire to seek the association of Sants and to meditate." (Swami Vyasanand)

Thursday, July 04, 2024

Love is the Force of Attraction That Sustains the Universe - Prem Patra Radhasoami


Love is the Force of Attraction That Sustains the Universe

81. Love or affection is but another name of the Force of Attraction (i.e. Quvvat-i-jaziba). It is on account of this force that the entire universe, which has come into existence through the combination of small particles and atoms, is being maintained. And it is also on account of this force that all bodies or forms are being maintained. If there be no love, no one would care to meet anybody, nor would anyone do any work attentively.

82. When it is established that the whole creation is functioning through love, or rather the whole creation is being maintained and sustained by love, then how can Parmarth ([spirituality] the supreme object), i.e., the union of the Spirit (the Surat or Soul, which is a particle of the Ocean or Reservoir) with Shabd (the Divine Ocean or Reservoir) be achieved without love? How can these two (i.e., the Surat and Shabd) unite?

83. The Supreme Being Radhasoami Dayal [Merciful Lord of the Soul] is, the Ocean or Reservoir of Love, and Surat [the Soul], which is His particle, i.e., emanation or current, is also of the essence of love. Therefore, unless love is engendered in the Surat [the attention-faculty of the Soul], it cannot merge into its Reservoir. In other words, the practice of traversing on this path and reaching the Source (which is known as the practice of Surat and Shabd [yoga or meditation]) could never be performed properly or correctly carried on.

-- Huzur Maharaj Rai Saligram, Radhasoami Mat Sandesh (Discourse 15, Prem Patra, Volume II)

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