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Monday, February 24, 2020

PODCAST: The Vegetarian Apostles and Scriptures of the Original Jesus Movement

PODCAST: The Vegetarian Apostles and Scriptures of the Original Jesus Movement

The Vegetarian Apostles and Scriptures of the Original Jesus Movement ...also...Prayers for the World to Go Vegan -- Spiritual Awakening Radio With James Bean @ Youtube: https://youtu.be/LfuezdWESNo

OR Listen and DOWNLOAD @ The Internet Archive:

One thing that might be rather surprising to most people that can be learned by doing a study of the gospels, acts and other literature of the Hebrew Christians -- the Ebionites -- the Christianity that Existed Before Paul -- is that, rather than some imagined Sunday school notion of a fish market in the village of Galilee being operated by the disciples of Jesus, there is significant evidence that the Original Jesus Movement and well-known apostles became vegetarians. And furthermore, this vegetarianism of the disciples and Jesus Movement is fairly widely known and mentioned by the early church fathers. It's not that this information is coming from recently discovered writings dug up in the Middle East. Rather, these are old texts that have been with us since the early days of Christianity but didn't seem all that meaningful and significant to a pro-meat carnistic population. Vegetarians however would indeed be most interested finding this out!

EBook: Evidence That Jesus and The Original Aramaic Christians Were Vegetarians: "James was a vegetarian…." (Professor Robert Eisenman, James the Brother of Jesus) "James, the brother of the Lord, lived on seeds and plants and touched neither meat nor wine." (Epistulae ad Faustum XXII, 3) "The Apostle Matthew partook of seeds, and nuts, hard-shelled fruits, and vegetables, without flesh." (Clement of Alexandria, The Instructor, Book 2, Chapter 1) Peter said, "I live on olives and bread, to which I rarely only add vegetables." (Clementine Homilies 12,6; also see, Recognitions 7,6): 

Sayings of Jesus (Yeshua), Ebionite (Nasoraean, Jewish or Hebrew Christian) Scriptures and Vegetarian Gospels -- Sant Mat Radhasoami Books, The E Library: Ebionite/Hebrew Christianity Section: https://SantMatRadhasoami.Blogspot.com/2019/01/ebionite-nasoraean-jewish-or-hebrew.html

"Jacobus [James], the brother of Jesus, lived of seeds and vegetables and did not accept meat or wine." (Saint Augustine)

"The consumption of animal flesh was unknown up until the great flood. But since the great flood, we have had animal flesh stuffed into our mouths. Jesus, the Christ, who appeared when the time was fulfilled, again joined the end to the beginning, so that we are now no longer allowed to eat animal flesh." (pro-vegetarian early church father Hieronymus [St. Jerome] who apparently read the Gospel of the Hebrews and was influenced by Ebionite views)

"Sacrifices were invented by men to be a pretext for eating flesh." (Clement of Alexandria)

"The steam of meat meals darkens the spirit. One can hardly have virtue if one enjoys meat meals and feasts. In the earthly paradise [Eden], no one sacrificed animals, and no one ate meat." (Saint Basil the Great)

* Questions? Seeking information on how to be initiated into the meditation practice (Inner Light and Sound of God), or trying to locate a satsang meetup in your area of the world? Email me here: James (at) SpiritualAwakeningRadio (dot) com

All for the Love of Wisdom and Radio, Jai Sat Naam, Jai Guru, Radhasoami, Satya Raam, Bandagi Saheb, In Divine Love, Light and Sound, Peace Be To You,
Spiritual Awakening Radio

God is the Ocean of Love, and Souls are Drops from this Ocean. 

* Sant Mat Radhasoami Books -- Free e-Library Online: 

* And: Sant Mat Radhasoami Books -- EXPANDED Free e-Library Online: 

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(Also see the SpiritualAwakeningRadio Facebook page.) 

* Sant Mat @ Instagram: https://www.Instagram.com/santmat1

* Sant Mat @ Medium: https://Medium.com/@SantMat

* Sant Mat @ Twitter: https://Twitter.com/SantMat

* The Sant Mat Radhasoami Blog:

#VegetarianChristians #ClementineHomilies #HebrewChristians #Ebionites #RecognitionsOfClement #Nasoraeans #GospelOfTheHebrews #ClementOfAlexandria #Nazoreans #GospelOfTheEbionites #Essenes #Veganism #VeganWorldPrayer #climatechange #globalwarming #plantbaseddiet #govegan #compassion #ithinkthereforeimvegan #foodismedicine #SantMat #InnerSpace #MysticalExperiences #Sant_Mat #PathOfTheMasters #Vegetarianism #Satgurus #Ethics #Stillness #Radhasoami #SantMatSatsangPodcasts #SpiritualAwakeningRadio #Libraries #Ebooks #Contemplation #Heavens #GospelOfThomas #TheNagHammadiLibrary #GnosticGospels #Gnosticism #Gnosis #Gnostic #Christ #Jesus #Yeshua #Podcasts #Meditation #MeditationForBeginners #asmr #InnerLightAndSoundMeditation #SpiritualPath #Simran #Kabir #SoulTravel  #Satsang #Sants #SantMatSatsang  #संतमत #राधास्वमी #संतमतराधास्वमी #SantMatRadhasoami #SuratShabdYoga  #QuanYinMethod #Radha_Swami #Radha_Soami #Radhaswami #relaxation #SantMatSatsangPodcast #JamesBean #Podcasts #Spirituality #KirpalSingh #SantKirpalSingh #SpiritualTalks #SpiritualPodcasts #philosophy #SpiritualRadio #SpiritualPoetry #Vegetarian #Vegan #God #Consciousness #SawanSingh #IshwarPuri #Poetry #Bhakti #Religion  #Mystics #Saints #ThirdEye #Naam #Shabd #India #Initiation #ThePathOfTheMasters #SoundCurrent #OutOfBody #NearDeathExperiences #Heaven #Ascension #HigherPlanes #OOBE #NDE #SpiritualQuotes

Friday, February 21, 2020

Spiritual Consciousness -- An Explanation

Spiritual Consciousness -- An Explanation

Spiritual consciousness is to explore the knowledge of the spirit and its origin or reservoir through intuitive realization. The proper course of attaining higher levels of spiritual consciousness for a sincere lover of the Supreme Being, according to Huzur Maharaj -- the second Master of the Radhasoami Faith -- is "to acquire knowledge of the secrets and the order of creation and the means of traversing the distance between his dwelling in the body (the pupil of the eye [Third Eye Center accessed during meditation]) and the Abode of the Supreme Being, the prime source of everything; and to start on his journey with fervor and perseverance with the avowed object of reaching the presence of the Most High and Beloved Supreme Father." 

Love and devotion are the basic driving forces to attain success in life, whether temporal or spiritual. As a scientist, unless driven by a passionate zeal to find the truth, finds it difficult to surmount the hurdles in his path, so does a spiritual seeker, devoid of love and devotion, fail to attain any tangible results in his spiritual pursuit. Love and devotion are therefore the cardinal values in any endeavor to succeed. The medieval Bhakti traditions ushered by saints laid great emphasis on love and devotion for the master and Supreme Being. The Radhasoami Faith, which is the culmination of the saint traditions, lays great emphasis on love and devotion for the master and the Supreme Being. Hazur Maharaj says that "a heart devoid of love or affection is as hard as stone and does not form a suitable receptacle for the Light of Heavenly Grace and Compassion... The Supreme Being loves and takes special care of those who love Him with all their heart and soul and gradually draws them towards Himself -- the Center of Pure Light and Attraction."

-- Agam Prasad Mathur, at the beginning of the chapter, Spiritual Consciousness -- An Explanation, in the book, Spiritual Consciousness

Monday, February 17, 2020

PODCAST (2-13-2020): The Rule About Not Sharing One's Inner Experiences in Sant Mat, The WONDERS of Inner Space, and... Mystic Poetry of Sant Tulsi Sahib -- A Sant Mat Satsang Podcast Edition of Spiritual Awakening Radio With James Bean

PODCAST: The Rule About Not Sharing One's Inner Experiences in Sant Mat, The WONDERS of Inner Space, and... Mystic Poetry of Sant Tulsi Sahib

Below Are NOTES About Today's PODCAST (2-13-2020): 

The Rule About Not Sharing One's Inner Experiences in Sant Mat, The WONDERS of Inner Space, and... Mystic Poetry of Sant Tulsi Sahib -- A Sant Mat Satsang Podcast Edition of Spiritual Awakening Radio With James Bean 

OR Listen and DOWNLOAD @ The Internet Archive:

"Very near your heart are seekers of your Vision; Those who look at the surface are exiled from the Beloved’s Light. What can I say of the grace He showers on me within? Darshan, the moment I close my eyes, the Beloved’s Light begins."

-- Love’s Last Madness, Poetry of Darshan Singh  

"By stillness of the body and ceasing from this world, solitaries imagine the true stillness and the withdrawal from nature which will occur at the end of the corporeal world. By means of the mind, the solitaries are united with the world of the Spirit. By means of meditation, they are involved in the expanse above."

-- Isaac the Syrian's Spiritual Works, translated by Mary Hansbury

Awaken to the Resplendent Light Within You

Listen, O swan-soul, ascend to your true abode.
So says the Master again and again.
You do not pay attention to his words;
O finish your sorrows and joys and transmigrations.
If the deluded soul were to unite with her Source,
Never again would she be encumbered by body and mind.
From the Source of the Divine Ocean opens a Portal to the Light;
O awaken that resplendent Light within you.

-- Sant Tulsi Sahib of Hathras, Book of Shabdavali

Earlier Podcast Series on the Inner Regions: Ascension of the Soul, Parts 1 of 5:

The Pilgrimage Of James — An Odyssey of Inner Space, by George Arnsby Jones: Read Online: https://archive.org/details/PilgrimageOfJamesDrGeorgeArnsbyJones

The Padavali (Hymns, Mystic-Poetry,) of Maharshi Mehi Paramhans in English: Read Online: https://archive.org/details/PadavaliOfMaharshiMehi

Sar Bachan Radhasoami Poetry, Volume Two, by Swami Ji Maharaj @ The Internet Archive: Read Online: https://archive.org/details/SarBachanRadhasoamiPoetryPartTwoSoamiBagh/page/n7

Charts of the Heavens -- Inner Regions -- Planes -- Levels: https://SantMatRadhasoami.Blogspot.com/2019/01/charts-of-heavens-sant-mat-and-gnostic.html

* Questions? Seeking information on how to be initiated into the meditation practice (Inner Light and Sound of God), or trying to locate a satsang meetup in your area of the world? Email me here: James (at) SpiritualAwakeningRadio (dot) com

All for the Love of Wisdom and Radio, Jai Sat Naam, Jai Guru, Radhasoami, Satya Raam, Bandagi Saheb, In Divine Love, Light and Sound, Peace Be To You,
Spiritual Awakening Radio

God is the Ocean of Love, and Souls are Drops from this Ocean. 

* Sant Mat Radhasoami Books -- Free e-Library Online: 

* And: Sant Mat Radhasoami Books -- EXPANDED Free e-Library Online: 

* Radio Website: 

* Like the Sant Mat Radhasoami Page @ Facebook: 
(Also see the SpiritualAwakeningRadio Facebook page.) 

* Sant Mat @ Instagram: https://www.Instagram.com/santmat1

* Sant Mat @ Medium: https://Medium.com/@SantMat

* Sant Mat @ Twitter: https://Twitter.com/SantMat

* The Sant Mat Radhasoami Blog:

#SpiritualExperiences #SantMat #InnerSpace #MysticalExperiences #SantDarshanSingh #DarshanSingh #Sant_Mat #TulsiSahib #SantTulsiSahib #TheWondersOfInnerSpace #PathOfTheMasters #SantDariyaSahib  #SaintIsaacTheSyrian #Syriac #SyriacFathers #SarBachanProse #SoamiJiMaharaj #AnuragSagar #GhatRamayan #Vegetarianism #Satgurus #Ethics #Stillness #ShriGuruGranth #GuruNanak #Radhasoami #SantMatSatsangPodcasts #SpiritualAwakeningRadio #Libraries #Ebooks #Contemplation #Heavens #GospelOfThomas #TheNagHammadiLibrary #GnosticGospels #Gnosticism #Gnosis #Gnostic #Christ #Jesus #Yeshua #Podcasts #Meditation #MeditationForBeginners #asmr #InnerLightAndSoundMeditation #SpiritualPath #Simran #Kabir #SoulTravel  #Satsang #Sants #SantMatSatsang  #संतमत #राधास्वमी #संतमतराधास्वमी #SantMatRadhasoami #SuratShabdYoga  #QuanYinMethod #Radha_Swami #Radha_Soami #Radhaswami #relaxation #SantMatSatsangPodcast #JamesBean #Podcasts #Spirituality #KirpalSingh #SantKirpalSingh #SpiritualTalks #SpiritualPodcasts #philosophy #SpiritualRadio #SpiritualPoetry #Vegetarian #Vegan #God #Consciousness #SawanSingh #IshwarPuri #Poetry #Bhakti #Religion  #Mystics #Saints #ThirdEye #Naam #Shabd #India #Initiation #ThePathOfTheMasters #SoundCurrent #OutOfBody #NearDeathExperiences #Heaven #Ascension #HigherPlanes #OOBE #NDE #SpiritualQuotes

Monday, February 10, 2020

PODCAST: The Opposite of "Not One Of Us" is "We Are All One” -- Spiritual Awakening Radio

PODCAST: The Opposite of "Not One Of Us" is "We Are All One” -- Spiritual Awakening Radio

Below Are NOTES About Today's PODCAST (2-7-2020): The Opposite of "Not One Of Us" is "We Are All One” -- A Sant Mat Satsang Podcast Edition of Spiritual Awakening Radio With James Bean @ Youtube: https://youtu.be/J7EUbWsPq60

OR Listen and DOWNLOAD @ The Internet Archive:

* A Secure Yellow Donate Button is Located at the Radio Website. Thank you for your support helping to keep this online mission and radio program alive and on the air: http://www.SpiritualAwakeningRadio.com/announce.html

IMAGE courtesy of Wikimedia Commons: "Artist's logarithmic scale conception of the observable universe with the Solar System at the center, inner and outer planets, Kuiper belt, Oort cloud, Alpha Centauri, Perseus Arm, Milky Way galaxy, Andromeda galaxy, nearby galaxies, Cosmic Web, Cosmic microwave radiation and the Big Bang on the edge." Click to View Larger Version of the Image: 

Before the segment, The Opposite of "Not One Of Us" is "We Are All One”, I begin the program by sharing spiritual readings covering various topics from several sources: The Hidden Words of Baha'u'llah, a Saying of Jesus from, The Book of the Gnosis of the Invisible God, An Unrecognized Dialogues Gospel Embedded in the Bruce Codex, Placed at the Beginning of the First Book of IEOU: 

Also readings from: The Ghat Ramayan of Sant Tulsi Sahib, Sar Bachan Radhasoami Prose of Soamiji Maharaj, 1008 Kabir Vani (Saakhis of Guru Kabir), Baba Ram Singh on meditation practice, Saint Isaac of Nineveh, and mystic poetry of Sant Charandas.

The main segment is titled: The Opposite of "Not One Of Us" is "We Are All One”, an essay documenting how Sant Mat historically has never been limited to only "one" living master (Sant Satguru) at a time but there have always been multiple lineages of masters alive in the world contemporary with one another. In terms of Sant Mat history, there has never been a time during the last several centuries when there was “only one” Sant Satguru operating in the world. The reality is there have been multiple lineages of spiritual masters contemporary with one another since at least the time of Kabir and Guru Nanak in the 14th century. Both Guru Kabir and Guru Nanak were founding gurus who appointed successors. These are guru lineages now spanning many generations. Also mentioned are the Sants of the South (Maharashtra), and lineages affiliated with Sant Dadu Dayal, Sant Dariya Sahib of Bihar, Sant Tulsi Sahib of Hathras, and Soami Ji Maharaj (Sant Radhasoami Sahib) of Agra. 

"It is not necessary that there should be only one Master in the whole world or even in a single country. There have been different Masters in different countries at the same time, and even in the same country. Thus Guru Nanak and Kabir were contemporaries, and so also Dadu and Guru Arjan. But their teaching is the same at all times and in every country." (Huzur Baba Sawan Singh)

“Another common misconception is that prophets, saints and mystics search for ‘new’ truth. Rather, what they do is to simply remove the layers of dirt -- of accumulated misinterpretations -- that have corrupted the truth. Then the living teacher will bring forth the very same truth in a new light. The original truth must repeatedly be presented to suit the current age.” (Swami Santsevi Ji Maharaj)

EBOOK: The Origins of Sant Mat, The Five Names, and the Identity of Tulsi Sahib's Guru:  

PDF File Download: The Origins of Sant Mat:

PODCASTS: The Origins of Sant Mat, The Five Names, and the Identity of Tulsi Sahib's Guru:, Part One of Five: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bh1v_mS4W98&list=PLqzXkcs_2TwAvbR6ev3goFSbDBj8FnRS8&index=134&ab_channel=SantMatRadhasoami

PODCAST: The Origins of Sant Mat Revisited:

* Questions? Seeking information on how to be initiated into the meditation practice (Inner Light and Sound of God), or trying to locate a satsang meetup in your area of the world? Email me here: James (at) SpiritualAwakeningRadio (dot) com

All for the Love of Wisdom and Radio, Jai Sat Naam, Jai Guru, Radhasoami, Satya Raam, Bandagi Saheb, In Divine Love, Light and Sound, Peace Be To You,
Spiritual Awakening Radio

God is the Ocean of Love, and Souls are Drops from this Ocean. 

* Sant Mat Radhasoami Books -- Free e-Library Online: 

* And: Sant Mat Radhasoami Books -- EXPANDED Free e-Library Online: 

* Radio Website: 

* Like the Sant Mat Radhasoami Page @ Facebook: 
(Also see the SpiritualAwakeningRadio Facebook page.) 

* Sant Mat @ Instagram: https://www.Instagram.com/santmat1

* Sant Mat @ Medium: https://Medium.com/@SantMat

* Sant Mat @ Twitter: https://Twitter.com/SantMat

* The Sant Mat Radhasoami Blog:

#SantMat #TulsiSahib #PathOfTheMasters #SantDariyaSahib #SantCharanDas #SaintIsaacTheSyrian #Syriac #SyriacFathers #SarBachanProse #SoamiJiMaharaj #AnuragSagar #GhatRamayan #Vegetarianism #Satgurus #Ethics #Stillness #ShriGuruGranth #GuruNanak #Sant_Mat #Radhasoami #SantMatSatsangPodcasts #SpiritualAwakeningRadio #Libraries #Ebooks #Contemplation #Heavens #GospelOfThomas #HiddenWords #BahaiFaith #TheNagHammadiLibrary #GnosticGospels #Gnosticism #Gnosis #Gnostic #Christ #Jesus #Yeshua #Podcasts #Meditation #MeditationForBeginners #asmr #InnerLightAndSoundMeditation #SpiritualPath #Simran #Kabir #SoulTravel  #Satsang #Sants #SantMatSatsang  #संतमत #राधास्वमी #संतमतराधास्वमी #SantMatRadhasoami #SuratShabdYoga  #QuanYinMethod #Radha_Swami #Radha_Soami #Radhaswami #relaxation #SantMatSatsangPodcast #JamesBean #Podcasts #Spirituality #KirpalSingh #SantKirpalSingh #SpiritualTalks #SpiritualPodcasts #philosophy #SpiritualRadio #SpiritualPoetry #Vegetarian #Vegan #God #Consciousness #SawanSingh #IshwarPuri #Poetry #Bhakti #Religion  #Mystics #Saints #ThirdEye #Naam #Shabd #India #Initiation #ThePathOfTheMasters #SoundCurrent #OutOfBody #NearDeathExperiences #Heaven #Ascension #HigherPlanes #OOBE #NDE #SpiritualQuotes

The Rule About Not Sharing One's Inner Experiences in Sant Mat, by James Bean

The Rule About Not Sharing One's Inner Experiences in Sant Mat, by James Bean

Generally the sharing of inner mystical experiences isn't done in Sant Mat. That's true in all branches of Sant Mat. The view is that doing so would add much contamination, beliefs, pressures, expectations. The idea is to keep one's own inner life pure without mental baggage about what "should" or shouldn't be experienced, and for people to not be in competition with one another. One person's experience isn't necessarily identical to someone else's as we are all unique individuals somewhere along the Path of Inner Space and just need to focus on our own authentic experience. And there's also the issue of possible phantasmagoria being generated by the mind. The goal of the Masters in this Path of Sant Mat mysticism is for initiates to have genuine and spiritual experiences without the mind conjuring up images.

Each person's spiritual or mystical experiences are unique to themselves based on the amount of time spent in mediation, how accurately they follow the meditation instructions, the depth of their focus or concentration, and karmic background/mental impressions from past lives/samskaras. Each person needs to focus on their own experiences and progress without being contaminated by the beliefs or expectations of others, or be discouraged if their experiences aren't as wonderful as someone else's are alleged to be, or get egotistical if they have great experiences. I appreciate the master's approach of not seeking a revival tent or carnival atmosphere where people would be eager to "share" about experiences, making the whole thing into a corrupt farce of public bragging and false mental beliefs, which of course would interfere or subvert one's authentic process of inner seeing and hearing.