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Wednesday, August 31, 2022

A Spiritual Housewarming According to Baba Jaimal Singh

A Spiritual Housewarming According to Baba Jaimal Singh

Baba Jaimal Singh's Letter to Hazur Baba Sawan Singh Ji:

"Now that your house is ready, you should move into it. First you read five shabads from the Huzuri Pothi (Sar Bachan Radhasoami: Poetry), then let all the Satsangis chant aloud : 'RadhaSwami... RadhaSwami' for five minutes. Then think in your mind that Huzur Swami Ji is sitting on a bed or on a seat (in the room). Then for fifteen minutes sit in Bhajan. If that is not possible, then repeat the Simran (for the same period). Then remove the bed or the seat and occupy the house. Please take the above to be my firm directions."

NOTE: IMAGE: Baba Jaimal Singh — sketch based on descriptions of him in a couple of Sant Mat publications

Tuesday, August 30, 2022

One of the Greatest Saints of the Ages: Dadu Dayal, The Compassionate Mystic - Spiritual Awakening Radio - Sant Mat Satsang Podcasts


One of the Greatest Saints of the Ages: Dadu Dayal, The Compassionate Mystic

Sant Dadu Dayal was a poet-mystic and spiritual Master of Divine Love, Light, Sound, and Nirguna Bhakti (Devotion to the Formless God, the Ocean of Love). He was from Rajasthan. Anyone who studies his teachings will encounter a very genuine, pure version of Sant Mat (the Path of the Masters) with the perfect balance of God and guru bhakti, love and mysticism (Surat Shabd Yoga, inner Light and Sound Meditation). The Dadu Vani, Panch Vani Granth of the Dadu Panth is one of the great scriptures of the Sant tradition of India and it includes the mystic poetry of Sant Dadu Dayal.

Short Spiritual Awakening Radio Podcast on Sant Dadu Dayal - Listen, Download, Subscribe @ the Podcast Website: 


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In Divine Love, Light and Sound, Satya Raam, Bandagi Saheb, Peace Be to You,

James Bean

Sant Mat Satsang Podcasts

Spiritual Awakening Radio


God is the Ocean of Love, and Souls are Drops from this Ocean.

Spiritual Awakening Radio (and Sant Mat Satsang Podcasts) with James Bean, heard on various community, public radio stations and the web, explores the world of spirituality, comparative religion, world scriptures and other books, East and West, God, meditation, out of body or near death experiences (inner space), the vegan diet and other ahimsa ethics -- education for a more peaceful planet.

Friday, August 26, 2022

Light and Sound on The Path (Sant Mat): Communion With God, by Baba Somanath, Also, Podcast Update


Light and Sound on The Path (Sant Mat): Communion With God, and the Positive Influence of Satsang — Excerpted from a Spiritual Discourse by Baba Somanath, Also Podcast Update

New Sant Mat Satsang Podcasts uploaded to the Podcast World: 

* Kabir's Spiritual, Mystical Teachings and the Book of Prayers; 

* Inner Sound Meditation Practice - Introduction To Surat Shabd Yoga; 

* A Relaxing Oasis of Spiritual Wisdom, A Sanctuary For the Soul We Call 'Satsang'; 

* The Radhaswami Teachings of Baba Faqir Chand: Spirituality and Meditation;

* Inner Sound Meditation is A Required Course, Not An Elective One, in Sant Mat; 

* Only the LIVING PRESENT is Ours - The Teachings of Sant Kirpal Singh;

* A Radhasoami Spiritual Classic by Shiv Brat Lal: Light on Ananda Yoga; 

* Santmat Mystic Poetry of Maharshi Mehi Paramhans;

* Astronomy and Spirituality Have Much in Common;

* The Philosophy of Liberation! Spiritual Freedom!

* An Introduction to The Spiritual Path of the Masters; 

* Near Death Experiences, Other Dimensions, Other Worlds, Inner Light And Sound Meditation;

* India's Gnostic Gospel: Kabir's Ocean of Love (Anurag Sagar); 

* Making the Case For Following A Living Spiritual Teacher; 

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Was very impressed upon finding the teachings of Baba Somanath on a website that appeared a couple years back, giving us access here in the West to the treasure of Baba Somanath material in English for the very first time. He was a great disciple and spiritual successor of Hazur Baba Sawan Singh, put in charge of a ashram center in southern India, and the hymns he composed and sang are out of this world, very moving.

Guru Ramdas: "Wherever you worship the Lord, there He becomes your friend and helper.

By Guru’s Grace, the Lord comes to dwell in your mind; He cannot be obtained in any other way."

Guru Ramdas:  "The Lord will be your friend in this world and the next."

Baba Somanath: Collect the wealth of Simran and Naam in your heart; then whether you are walking or moving about, whether you are awake or asleep, the Lord is ever ready to come to your aid. That conscious Power will be your protector. This is the wealth of the Lord. And no matter how much wealth the Lord bestows, it never decreases; it always goes on increasing. The thieves cannot take it away; fire cannot burn it up; water cannot drown it. That wealth is not affected by any of these things. Whoever collects this wealth is the most fortunate being.  The Lord showers His grace and unites the devotee’s heart with the Naam.

Guru Ramdas: "In the company of Truth, earn the wealth of the Lord."

Baba Somanath: Therefore, He says, “In order to collect the wealth of the Lord, join the congregation of Satsang.” There is such Power in the company of Truth, that if you spend one moment in the Satsang, if one sentence from the Satsang takes root in your heart, then your wanderings in the cycle of birth and death will come to an end. Guru Ramdas: 

सत्संग उत्थे जाणिये, जित्थे एको नाम बखाणिये

"Understand that place as Satsang, where the One Naam is spoken of."

Satsang is the place where the glory of the One Naam is described.  The letters akār, “A,” ukār, “U,” and makār, “M,” make up the sacred syllable of “AUM” or Onkar. But the One Naam lies beyond Onkar. Satsang is the place where the praise of that One Naam is sung.  In the Satsang, we learn how to discern Truth from untruth in our heart.  Until we come into the Satsang, what can we achieve? We will lack the right understanding. Therefore, Tulsi Das Ji tells us: 

सत्संग समन तीरथ नहीं कोई । राम कृपा बिनु सुलभ न सोई ।।

"There is no place of pilgrimage equal to the Satsang,

But understanding comes only through the Lord’s grace."

Baba Somanath: No place of pilgrimage is equal to the Satsang.  Only the Satsang can remove the dirt of the mind. When the mind is cleansed of all impurities, it ceases to wander. And when the mind becomes motionless, then that inner Power pulls it upward automatically. Therefore, He tells us that it is difficult to understand the Satsang without the Guru’s grace.  The Guru gives the discourse for a couple of hours, and you come and listen. But what do you gain from the Satsang? After the Satsang, you get up and brush away the words of the Satsang when you dust off your clothes. You don’t take anything with you when you leave, and you return home empty-handed.

You should think this over carefully. When you attend the Satsang, you should leave the thoughts of your home behind. You should lose all awareness of your body and mind; they should become quiet and still. But now when you are listening to the Satsang, your mind is already waiting at the bus stand. You remember your home and think, “I need to reach home quickly. The time is up. Satsang should be over by now.” In this way, you remain unchanged; you return home the same as when you left.

Only a few rare ones keep the words of the Satsang in their hearts. Even when they catch the bus for home, their minds do not take on the world’s color. Only a few rare ones remain engaged in the Simran of Naam and go on singing the Lord’s praise. Everyone else attends Satsang with their minds full of the worldly things, and when Satsang is over, they have nothing to show for the time they spent there.

Thursday, August 25, 2022

Gospel of Thomas - Different Translation


Gospel of Thomas - Different Translation 

Saying 2. Jesus said: He who seeks, let him not cease seeking until he finds; and when he finds, he will be troubled; and when he has been troubled, he will be amazed; and when he has been amazed, he will reign, and when he has reigned, he will rest.

Saying 3. Jesus said: If those who push you around say to you, Behold, the kingdom is in the sky, the birds of the sky would enter it before you. And if they say to you that it is under the earth in the watery abyss, then the fish of the sea would enter it before you. But the kingdom of God is both inside you and outside you. Whoever knows himself will find the kingdom, and when you know yourselves, then you will be known, and you will see that you are children of the living father. But if you do not know who you are, you will dwell in poverty and you will be that poverty.

From Samuel Zinner's translation of the, The Gospel of Thomas, based on the Coptic and Greek Texts

Kabir's Spiritual, Mystical Teachings and the Book of Prayers - Spiritual Awakening Radio Podcast


Kabir's Spiritual, Mystical Teachings and the Book of Prayers

"God dwells in the fourth state (superconscious), and that is where the liberated

saints always dwell through meditation.

The perfect guru has shown that abode where, without musical instruments, the

miraculous Divine Music (Anahad Nad) plays.

(Eternal Name of God - Sandhya Path - Book of Prayers  Kabir Book of Prayers)

The Kabir Book of Prayers, compiled by Dr. Jagessar Das of the Kabir Association, is in the tradition of the Dharamdasi Kabir Panth literature, from the same Sant tradition that produced the Anurag Sagar (The Ocean of Love).

Today's Sant Mat Satsang Podcast is mindful of Sant lineage clarity, honoring the lineage of the Masters (Sant Satgurus) and its literature during all the different time-periods: Kabir Hymns in the Adi Granth, Bijak, Sakhis, Brahm Nirupan, Kabir Sagar, etc..., Dariya Sagar (Sant Dariya Sahib), Ghat Ramayan of Sant Tulsi Sahib, Sar Bachan Radhasoami Poetry of Soamiji Maharaj, Padavali of Maharshi Mehi, etc..., up to the living present.

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In Divine Love, Light and Sound,

James Bean

Sant Mat Satsang Podcasts

Spiritual Awakening Radio


Thursday, August 18, 2022

A Relaxing Oasis of Spiritual Wisdom, A Sanctuary For the Soul We Call 'Satsang' - Sant Mat Satsang Podcast


A Relaxing Oasis of Spiritual Wisdom, A Sanctuary For the Soul We Call 'Satsang' (Association With Eternal Truth)

Satsang is a term in Sant Mat that means association ('sang') with the Eternal Timeless Truth or God ('Sat'). Satsang means "association with Eternal Truth" as well as "association with God," and is to some extent comparable to "church" or "temple," but not in any institutional sense. A saying of Jesus in the New Testament provides a good definition of a Satsang meetup: "Where two or three are gathered in My Name, I am there in their midst."

The format of Satsang can include: a spiritual discourse, instruction on putting the Path into practice, a video or audio of the Master giving a talk, readings from the writings of the Masters, the reciting or singing of banis, bhajans or kirtans (hymns of worship composed by Sants), and silent group meditation. It's considered the greatest of blessings if it is a Master who conducts the Satsang in person (or in this age of live streaming, via the web).

The effect of Satsang is that of DIVINE REMEMBRANCE, thus, with such a spiritual boost, encouragement and support for the spiritual journey, those who go to Satsang are much more likely to stay-on-the-Path and put effort into their own daily spiritual practice at home. Thus will the life of the Bhakta (lover, devotee, disciple) become more and more God-intoxicated by imbibing the spiritual wine, the nectar of divine love.

Satsang is intended to be an oasis, a refuge from the agitations of the mind, maya, the labyrinth of the world (and astral plane), a refuge from all that occupies minds in this land of illusion, from all the outer distractions of the world that occupies people's attention, distracts people from the sacred path.

Sant Mat Satsang Podcast -- Spiritual Awakening Radio @ YouTube: 


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Today, an exploration of the practice of satsang, also the spiritual senses of inner seeing and hearing (Inner Light and Sound meditation - Surat Shabd Yoga), the Third Eye Center as the Seat of the Soul, and Simran practice, featuring wisdom from Sant Kirpal Singh (Instructions For Holding Satsang, Circular Letters,  Simran - The Sweet Remembrance of God, The Teachings of Kirpal Singh), Hazur Baba Sawan Singh (Gurmat Siddhant - The Philosophy of the Masters), and Baba Ram Singh (Satsang Discourses, plus, The Sant Mat Glossary of Terms). Also there are readings from: Russell Perkins (The Stranger of Galilee - The Sermon on the Mount and the Universal Spiritual Tradition), The Canonical Prayer Book of the Mandaeans (Gnostic), Corpus Hermeticum, Matthew 6:22, Matthew 18:20 (New Testament), Psalm 119:37 (Hebrew Bible), a Manichaean passage (Gnosis On The Silk Road), Rumi (Sufism), The Adi Granth (Sikh scriptures), Sikh Wiki, and a mystic poem of Sant Tukarama of Maharashtra (Jog Gatha).

"The work which the Masters of esoteric knowledge do has been described variously, but it comes down to this: to show those human beings ... who want it ... their own real nature and position in the universe." (Russell Perkins, The Stranger of Galilee, The Sermon on the Mount and the Universal Spiritual Tradition)

"This 'Single' or 'Third Eye' provides an ingress into the spiritual worlds -- the Kingdom of God -- now a lost realm to most of us... Of this inlet or ingress little is known by the people at large." (Kirpal Singh)

In Divine Light and Sound, Radhaswami,

James Bean


Tuesday, August 16, 2022

The Radhasoami Teachings of Baba Faqir Chand: Spirituality and Meditation - Spiritual Awakening Radio Podcast


The Radhasoami Teachings of Baba Faqir Chand: Spirituality and Meditation

"I am a bubble of Super-most consciousness. That is what my realization is. This is what I have gained. Now what I feel is that there is One, Infinite, Super-most Element. From IT, when it moves, Sound and Light come out and from that Light and Sound this creation takes place. Cosmic rays and many other types of rays come out of this Light and Sound and all this gross matter is made. So it is the Will of that Supreme Power. Everything is oozing out of IT and is merging back in IT." (Baba Faqir Chand)

Spiritual Awakening Radio Podcast -- Listen or Download @ the Spiritual Awakening Radio Podcast Website:


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Below is the Message of J.L. Chaudhari of the Radhasoami Faith (in the spiritual lineage of Baba Faqir Chand and Yogani Mataji)

"The real message of man’s life is 'Be Man'. The question is how to follow this principle and what should we do to adopt this principle and formula for finding a way to God which is nothing but salvation.

"The only way is to surrender oneself in the Lotus feet of Spiritual Master. After this surrender the disciple and Master become one because a true surrender makes a man free from the bondage of senses, dilution, affection, etc, etc. So far we are under the control of worldly desires the surrender is not possible. So the first step is to be free from worldly desires. But that does not mean that the needs for worldly living should not be fulfilled. In fact needs should be fulfilled and not the desires. If we have taken birth as a human being some food (energy) is necessary for the body to work, but it is not necessary that we always aspire for multi-course meals. It is necessary to put on some cloths to cover the body but not necessary that silk linen is put on. It is necessary that there is a shelter for living but not necessary that a marble fitted house is with us.

"As a human being we have to survive in this world without caring for ourselves much, without looking to the ills of others, rather looking towards ills of ourselves, purifying ourselves first, and then do something for the purification of others. This is the living of a 'lotus' in a pond and that is why the Goddess Saraswati, the Goddess of knowledge, wisdom and intellect, sits on the Lotus. The Lotus flower blossoms in muddy pond, but anyone looking at the flower exclaims, 'Wow! How beautiful the flower is!' The whole world is a muddy pond and we have to survive in the midst of mud like a lotus flower which does not care for mud, but it blossoms for the pleasure and happiness of others. Every morning with the sunrise, the lotus blossoms. This is what we should also follow. The divine power and light emanated by the Spiritual Master makes us to blossom like the lotus flower provided we have full trust and faith in our spiritual Master.

"Sant Mat does not look at the race, the cast, the sect or any other identification for a person. Rather, it looks into the true sense of service, sacrifice, surrender, devotion, determination, trust, belief of person towards the Master and those who have these characteristics they may be belonging to any cast, race, country, direction or of any identification can join this Yoga, but for that a true spiritual Master is a must. I don’t know whether you have adopted some spiritual Master or your are under the shelter of someone as a spiritual Master. If so, please do surrender yourself to him or her for all what you desire to attain and achieve.

"The spiritual Master is not the body rather it is the Divine Light, the Divine Sound, and your own Wisdom, your own Conscious, and your own Perception which is Selfless and without any expectation from any one on this earth.


James Bean

Sant Mat Satsang Podcasts

Spiritual Awakening Radio


Sunday, August 14, 2022

Just Uproot the Attention from Here and Plant it There - Kirpal Singh


Just Uproot the Attention from Here and Plant it There - Kirpal Singh

"So all true masters say that realizing God is a simple matter -- What is there to realizing the Lord? Just uproot the attention from here and plant it there. It is simply a matter of withdrawing and gathering together the scattered attention. The whole thing depends upon your attention, or surat as it is called, which is the outward expression of your soul. Wherever you keep it engaged or attached, those very thoughts will always be reverberating within you.

"We have to make the best use of things of course, but we are not to become attached to them. If we can only attach our soul to something higher within us, we would be alright. But, if our attention is diverted through the outgoing faculties so much so that it becomes identified with the outer things, what is the result? You cannot withdraw your attention from them.

"It is a question of the attention or surat, whether you keep it engaged to the outside things or invert and attach it to your Overself."

-- The Teachings of Kirpal Singh, The Complete Set of Five Books Combined in One Volume

"The Master-Power overhead is always aware of His children’s needs and yearnings, and He acts in their best interests." (THE TEACHINGS OF KIRPAL SINGH, The Complete Set of Five Books Combined in One Volume)

Friday, August 12, 2022

Baba Somanath Ji, Excerpted from, The State of Sehaj (The Natural Path)


Baba Somanath Ji, Excerpted from, The State of Sehaj (The Natural Path)

Image: Baba Somanath, The Satguru of Baba Ram Singh. The Satguru of Baba Somanath was Hazur Baba Sawan Singh

"With their mouths, all the people in the world are repeating his name. They say, 'Ram, Ram' or 'Hari Krishan,' 'Gobind, Gobind,' - these all are names of the Lord, so everyone is repeating these names. But unless you repeat the real Naam of the Lord in your heart, it is impossible to meet the Lord. It is as if you play a record which has bhajans of the Lord on it; it will go on playing and playing but the machine does not know what bhajan it is playing, and it is not going to do any good for you. In the same way no matter how much we say with our mouths it is not going to work; unless our heart is connected with our mouth we cannot achieve anything. Even if we go on repeating the name 'Ram, Ram,' for a hundred years, still we are not going to get anything. Rare are those who do the Simran of Naam in their heart. 

"Now those who have manifested Naam within themselves have also achieved liberation. So that is why he says here, 'Unless you connect yourself within, God Almighty is far away from you.' (verse from Guru Amardev Ji, Third Sikh Guru) You have a mouth and also a heart, but unless you connect your heart and mouth and do the Simran with your heart you are far away from Him." (Baba Somanath)

I make my request before the perfect Guru;

Somanath bows down, folding both his hands: “Take the souls beyond the domain of the mind.”

Otherwise, who knows what the mind may do and when it may attack.

In the blink of an eye it soars from the nether worlds to Mount Meru, the peak of Brahmand.

Who can say what byways it may frequent or where it may lure the unwary.

There is only one way to kill the mind; fix your contemplation in Satguru’s lotus feet.

Day and night go on repeating the True Name; take hold of the kernel and cast aside the chaff.

Attach your consciousness to the All-Conscious, Primal Sound Current.

-- From the Bhajan (Hymn) of Baba Somanath: Mana Ki Gati Agama Apaaraa

Bhakatana aage binati mori, name Somanaatha dou kar jori

Kisa bele yeha mana kyaa kari; pala me pataala meru shikhari

Kisa raaste bhaagaa, kaune thauraa.

Eka upaaya te mana ko maare; charana dhyaana sataguru ke dhaare

Sata Naama japa nitya uchaare; tat grahana kara chorde asaare

Chitta se cheta lago dhuna saaraa.

Thursday, August 11, 2022

Inner Sound Meditation is A Required Course, Not An Elective One, in Sant Mat - Spiritual Awakening Radio Podcast

Inner Sound Meditation is A Required Course, Not An Elective One, in Sant Mat - Spiritual Awakening Radio Podcast

Forget Not the Way of the Sound Current

Initiation In Earlier Times... and Now

Swami Ji Maharaj Opened the Floodgates of Initiation

Thanks to the innovations of Guru Arjan Dev, Sant Dariya Sahib of Bihar, Sant Tulsi Sahib of Hathras, and Soamiji Maharaj of Agra, the Path of Initiation into Inner Light and Sound Meditation (Surat Shabd Yoga) has gradually become progressively more and more available to an ever-growing percentage of humanity. "Satsang shall spread far and wide in future." (Last Words of Soamiji Maharaj) "After Swami Ji Maharaj, the floodgates of initiation opened up and many people would be able to get the initiation." (Baba Ram Singh) And the Sant Mat spiritual classic and scripture known as the Anurag Sagar (Kabir's Ocean of Love) predicts that as this Kali Yuga age continues to unfold, the Path of the Masters will be far more well-known and followed than it is at present. But at every step and in each generation of time, Masters have had to intervene and reboot the Path whenever it begins to go off course, "falls into the mouth of Kal", the negative power, the gnostic demiurge or false god, in other words, eaten by illusion, eaten by time. Soamiji Maharaj of Agra once said of spiritual paths: "Without Bhakti [love], they are all hollow and sham, outer husks without a kernel." It is the inner "kernel" or "seed" of Life we’re really after, not developing attachments to institutions or organizations, or going through the motions of holidays, traditions, and rituals, well within the confines of the grinding wheel of fate and transmigration.

Inner Sound Meditation is A Required Course, Not An Elective One, in Sant Mat - Spiritual Awakening Radio Podcast 

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One issue with the old Sant Panths of past centuries has been, they divided initiation (deeskha) into two parts: the first initiation into Simran of Sacred Names and Light, the second into the Sound Current. All well and good if practiced, but... if most never get to apply for the Sound initiation, that's a problem. That's a spiritual crisis, if almost nobody receives the initiation into the Sound Current. Eventually, over the course of time, the Way of the Sound Current becomes only the experience of a handful of devotees. In some paths, knowledge of the Sound Current, the Word, the Logos, has been lost altogether. The Masters have always taught that the Path of the Sound Current, the Audible Life Stream, the Shabda, the Naam, is intended for all the true disciples, is a required practice for all, and not an elective practice only for some small minority. Maharshi Mehi said: "Surat Shabda Yoga is the practice of transcending the mind and entering the level beyond the mind, that is, the level of Oneness. The vehicle for this inward journey is Sound. The way to employ Sound and to understand its use is the practical application of Surat Shabda Yoga. This is also known as Nadanusandhana. Surat Shabda Yoga as a means to attain the Unbounded State is an integral and indispensable aspect of the Sant Mat tradition. Any tradition devoid of this essential aspect is not true Sant Mat." (Philosophy of Liberation) So Satgurus such as Sant Tulsi Sahib, Soamiji Maharaj, and Sant Darya Sahib of Bihar would incarnate and reboot the spiritual Path here in this material realm (Pinda Desh), the Ocean of Samsara (World of Changes), so that souls would continue to make spiritual progress following a Living Path of Moksha (liberation, salvation) free of the outer husks of rites, rituals, and earthbound traditions dominated by maya (illusion). "As long as the discipline of the Sound Current is preserved unadulterated, the line of succession will truly continue. But when it is mixed with outer rituals and display of external garbs, My Sound Current will part company. My Divine essence will depart, and the souls will go into the mouth of Kal. I shall then come to this world, and shall proclaim the teaching of the Sound Current again. Proclaiming the teaching, I shall found the line of succession. And emancipating the souls, I shall take them to my Abode. For aeons I have been coming, and imparting the teaching of the true Sound Current." (Sant Dariya Sahib, sounding here more like the cosmic figure of Kabir, Adi Guru of Sant Mat)

"I will make the souls firm in the Shabda of the Gracious Forgiver, Sat Purush. Such souls will be Sahaj [on a natural Path]: pure and content. They will do the devotion of the soul, and they will be the abode of pure qualities. By doing the Simran of Sat Purush they will sing the praise of the Immovable Naam. I will send the souls to Sat Lok... Spreading the Nectar of Naam I will awaken the souls. O Dharam Rai [negative power], listen carefully. I will humble your arrogance. By doing the practice of devotion, they will get the passport and I will connect them with the Naam of Sat Purush. The Negative Power can't come near such a soul, and he will bow down to them when he sees their union with Sat Purush." (Anurag Sagar, Kabir's Ocean of Love)

In Divine Light and Sound, Sat Naam Saheb,

James Bean


Tuesday, August 09, 2022

Only the LIVING PRESENT is Ours - The Teachings of Sant Kirpal Singh - Podcast


Only the LIVING PRESENT is Ours - The Teachings of Sant Kirpal Singh

"As there are landmarks on earth, so there are landmarks in Time. The past and future are like sealed books to us: the one is in the limbo of oblivion, while the other is in the womb of uncertainty. It is only the LIVING PRESENT that is ours, and we must make the best use of it, ere it slips away through the fingers and is lost forever. Human birth is a great privilege and offers us a golden opportunity. It is for us to make or mar the same, for it is given to each individual to forge his or her own destiny as best he may.” (Kirpal Singh, Standing at the Crossroads of Time)

Satsang Podcast of Spiritual Awakening Radio: Only the LIVING PRESENT is Ours - The Teachings of Sant Kirpal Singh -- Listen or Download @ the Spiritual Awakening Radio Podcast Website:


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Kirpal Singh was a spiritual master, prolific writer, publishing scores of books over the years, quoting from most every world scripture, mystic, poet, philosopher, and great master that has ever existed spanning the centuries, very much embodying this same curiosity and inclusive universal spirituality we find present in the teachings of the masters of each generation, of each century.

For those spiritual seekers desiring to be introduced to an advanced school of mysticism and spirituality like Sant Mat, the numerous writings of Sant Kirpal Singh that have been published in English will be extremely helpful.

"Human birth is the highest rung of all creation. It is really a rare blessing which you have got. This has been given to you for attaining Divine Realization and spiritual Perfection. It is a supreme opportunity for striving and obtaining a sublime experience of All-Consciousness. It is to be utilized for this great purpose. The various religions and faiths are so many methods evolved for fulfilling this great purpose of human life. This is the one common basis of all religions. You have been put on the way and given a conscious contact with God-Power residing within you. You have to develop it by regular practice from day to day. To attain this Goal purify your nature by living a good life. Manifest truth, purity, love, selflessness and righteousness in your life and activity. Give up all hatred, eradicate egoism and anger. Eschew violence, pledge yourself to love, sincerity, humility, forgiveness and non-violence. Abandon war. Abandon lust for Power. Fill thy heart with compassion, mercy and universal love. Let the Law of Love prevail amongst you, which should be radiated to all nations and races. Let true religion of heart be the ruling factor of your lives. Love God, Love all, serve all and have respect for all as God is immanent in every form. Preach the Gospel of Oneness. Spread the message of Oneness and live a life of Oneness. There will be peace on earth. This is the mission of my life and I pray it may be fulfilled." (Kirpal Singh)

Today on this Sant Mat Satsang Podcast edition of Spiritual Awakening Radio, the wisdom, writings, and meditation instructions of Sant Kirpal Singh.

All for the Love of Satsang, Wisdom, Radio, and Podcasting,

James Bean


Thursday, August 04, 2022

Radhasoami Podcast About Baba Faqir Chand's Spiritual Master: Shiv Brat Lal - Light On Ananda Yoga


Radhasoami Podcast About Baba Faqir Chand's Spiritual Master: Shiv Brat Lal - Light On Ananda Yoga

Today, a Sant Mat Satsang Podcast featuring readings from a rare Radhasoami (RadhaSwami) spiritual classic, Light on Ananda Yoga, by Baba Faqir Chand's spiritual master: Shiv Brat Lal (Sant Daata Dayal Ji). Listen or Download @ the Podcast Website:  https://SpiritualAwakeningRadio.libsyn.com/website/aradhasoamispiritualclassicbyshivbratlallightonanandayoga

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Prayer of Sant Daata Dayal Ji (Shiv Brat Lal) of the Radhasoami Faith

O August Radhaswami (Lord of the Soul),

Thou Living Self and Living Master,

Beneficent Father and Mother of All!

Be merciful – make us Thine own,

And thus save us from the snares of Time.

Past are the Golden Age and others,

Unknowing of the Heavenly Melody proper,

Yet now art Thou Merciful, in this hard Dark Age,

To chant in loud and lucid strains, the Sacred Word,

O Lord, having descended into this plane below,

Helpest Thou the living entities,

To span the Worldly-Ocean across;

To cast off the Trinity, and reach the Fourth Abode,

Whence the Living Name unfolds,

And the Living Mastership.

Bathed in Glory and Effulgent Light,

Thy servant tenders this Solemn Petition:

Grant us even The Regionless Region,

The Chief Abode, the Sphere of Bliss,

The Holy Refuge at Thy Feet,


-- Light On Ananda Yoga

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