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Sunday, July 30, 2023

Stages of Meditation: Couplets About Meditation Practice, By Swami Santsevi Ji Maharaj - Sant Mat Radhasoami - Light and Sound on The Path


Stages of Meditation: Couplets About Meditation Practice, By Swami Santsevi Ji Maharaj - Sant Mat Radhasoami - Light and Sound on The Path

"Begin meditation with internally chanting or repeating the Guru-mantra-incantation (the charged words given by the Guru). And then try to visualize the radiant form or image of the Satguru in the still darkness of the inner sky (with eyes closed)*. Follow that with focusing your attention at the seat of the soul within, i.e. at the Third Eye or the Inner Eye or the Til Dwaar, by making the two streams of consciousness in your two eyes converge in a Point."

"When the two currents of consciousness meet in a Point, Divine Light appears within. Then, practice Surat Shabd Yoga (Yoga of Divine Sound) i.e., try to shift your attention to listening to the Divine Sounds or myriads of melodies (Anahad Naad) ringing inside. Listening to the Divine Sound destroys all the agitations and fickleness of the mind."

"Ascending beyond or transcending myriads of sounds, try to identify and tune in to the Quintessential Unstruck Melody, called "Saar Shabd" or "Anaahat Naad" which alone is capable of taking you and merging you into oneness with the Supreme Lord; this is the ultimate emancipation or liberation."

*NOTES: "In Kali Yuga, no spiritual activity would be successfully performed except the contemplation of the Swarup (Form) of the Sat Guru, Simran of Naam (Repetition of the Holy Name) and Dhyan of Naam (contemplation of the Holy Name) [Meditation of the Inner Light and Sound]." ("Last Words of Soami Ji Maharaj") 

One begins the meditation with simran of Holy Names, then one adds visualizing the form of one's master (Sant Satguru), contemplating the Light(s) and inner visions. Then comes inner Sound. Sound becomes the focus. Beyond all these... there is God, described as being Formless, beyond Light and Sound, sometimes referred to as Anami (Nameless, Soundless, Ocean of Love, Lord of the Soul).  

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Thursday, July 27, 2023

The Path of Inner Light and Sound is Within and Was Created by the Supreme Being - Spiritual Awakening Radio Podcast



The Path of Inner Light and Sound is Within and Was Created by the Supreme Being - Spiritual Awakening Radio Podcast

This Path of the Masters Has Been Created By God Almighty. It Has Not Been Created By Any Mahatma or Saint.

"When our soul came from God Almighty into this world, it came via the Sound Current and, at each plane, it came by the connecting Sound Current into this world. And when the soul has to go back to God Almighty, it will also ascend on this same Sound Current and, plane by plane, it will go back to God Almighty. This Path has been created by God Almighty. It has not been created by any Mahatma or Saint. And God has set this Path for the soul to come into this world and also to go back to God Almighty." (Baba Ram Singh)

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"According to Sant Mat, having crossed these realms or levels, we achieve the final goal called Mukti (i.e. salvation). To attain liberation/salvation, Sant Mat does not follow numerous complicated practices, but two essential methods:

1) Drishti Marg (i.e. the Path of Inner Light/Vision) and,

2) Shabd Marg (i.e. the Way of Inner Sound/Transcendental Hearing).

"Unlike other worship methods popular in religions and sects with different names, these two methods are not man-made. God himself is the founder and operator of these methods. Since the beginning God has kept these two methods inside human beings with full qualifications. The way of redemption of jivas (i.e. bounded souls) is available within all human beings." (Baba Devi Sahab of Moradabad)

Today, readings from Sant Brahmananda of Rajasthan, Baba Devi Sahab of Moradabad, from the Satsang Discourses of Baba Ram Singh, Kabir, Swami Ji Maharaj, Baal Shem Tov (Jewish Mystic), The Gospel of Thomas, Martin Buber, Moses Luzzatto (Kabbalah), Adi Granth (Sikh Scriptures), Mystic Poetry of Sant Janardan Swami of Maharashtra and the Padavali of Maharshi Mehi Paramhans.

In Divine Love (Bhakti), Light, and Sound, At the Feet of the Masters, Radhaswami,

James Bean

Spiritual Awakening Radio Podcasts

Sant Mat Satsang Podcasts

Sant Mat Radhasoami

A Satsang Without Walls


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Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Spiritual Wisdom From Rural India: Sant Mat Teachings of Santji, Baba Devi Sahab, and Maharshi Mehi - Spiritual Awakening Radio Podcast


Spiritual Wisdom From Rural India: Sant Mat Teachings of Santji, Baba Devi Sahab, and Maharshi Mehi - Spiritual Awakening Radio Podcast

Unaffected by the West, in rural India spiritual paths such as traditional Sant Mat continue to preserve and communicate the wisdom of the masters about living a spiritual way of life. At the heart of their spirituality is the meditation practice known as Inner Light and Sound Meditation (Surat Shabd Yoga). There are references to this form of meditation dating back to the time of the Upanishads and other ancient scriptures, also more recently with the various Sant movements populated by bhakti poet-mystics and spiritual masters such as Sant Namdev, Guru Kabir, Guru Nanak, Sant Ravidas, Sant Dharam Das, Sant Tukaram, Sant Dadu Dayal, Sant Dariya Sahib of Bihar, Goswami Tulsi Das, Sant Tulsi Sahib, Sant Radhaswani Sahib up to the living present. Today we explore the teachings of Santji, Baba Devi Sahab, and Maharshi Mehi Paramhans about successful meditation practice and the journey of the soul back to God.

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"It is the highest duty of every individual to acquire experiential knowledge of this Sound and to investigate or explore the Origin or Source from where this Sound flows out." (Baba Devi Sahab)

Do attend Satsang every day,

Internal as well as external Satsang.

Listen and read spiritual literature for external Satsang,

Unbroken trance is the internal Satsang.

Practice meditation with your eyes closed,

Sitting motionlessly quite easily posed.

O traveler! If you wish to go alone on

the path of the Lord,

Look for the path within and do

not delay;

The four spheres of darkness, Light,

Sound and Soundlessness --

They all lie within the temple of your


-- Padavali of Maharshi Mehi Paramhans

Santji: "We do not do enough Simran... If we do Simran all the time, the amount of Simran which we are supposed to do can be done very easily, and after that when we sit for meditation -- since before we sit we would have done our Simran at once our soul will withdraw from the body and we will start hearing the Sound Current by itself. But because we do not place enough emphasis on Simran, that is why when we sit for meditation all our time is spent in just collecting our thoughts, and because we lack in Simran that is why we hardly withdraw our soul from our body."

"Nowadays, what do people do? Whenever they have done a little bit of Simran during the day, and when their mind is a little bit quiet and still, then the Sound Current which they hear is very melodious and they like it, and sometimes they feel a little bit of withdrawal. Other times, when their mind is not quiet and they have not done enough Simran, then no doubt they hear the Sound Current, but still the Sound Current is not able to pull them up."

"If we have done a lot of Simran and if we have brought our soul to the Eye Center, then our soul gets on the Shabd or the Sound which is coming there, which we hear there, and we are able to reach our Real Home. If we hear the Sound Current after perfecting our Simran and after reaching the Eye Center, that Sound Current or that Shabd will definitely pull us up, and we will like that very much." (The Light of Ajaib)

In Divine Love (Bhakti), Light, and Sound, At the Feet of the Masters, Radhaswami,

James Bean

Spiritual Awakening Radio Podcasts

Sant Mat Satsang Podcasts

Sant Mat Radhasoami

A Satsang Without Walls


Tuesday, July 18, 2023

The Path of Inner Light and Sound, the Path of the Masters, is Within and Created by the Supreme Being - Light and Sound on The Path (Inner Light and Sound, The Path of the Masters, Sant Mat, Radhasoami)


The Path of Inner Light and Sound, the Path of the Masters, is Within and Created by the Supreme Being - Light and Sound on The Path (Inner Light and Sound, The Path of the Masters, Sant Mat, Radhasoami)

"According to Sant Mat, having crossed these realms or levels, we achieve the final goal called Mukti (i.e. salvation). To attain liberation/salvation, Sant Mat does not follow numerous complicated practices, but two essential methods:

1) Drishti Marg (i.e. the Path of Inner Light/Vision) and,

2) Shabd Marg (i.e. the Way of Inner Sound/Transcendental Hearing).

"Unlike other worship methods popular in religions and sects with different names, these two methods are not man-made. God himself is the founder and operator of these methods. Since the beginning God has kept these two methods inside human beings with full qualifications. The way of redemption of jivas (i.e. bounded souls) is available within all human beings." (Baba Devi Sahab of Moradabad)

Baba Ram Singh: "When our soul came from God Almighty into this world, it came via the Sound Current and, at each plane, it came by the connecting Sound Current into this world. And when the soul has to go back to God Almighty, it will also ascend on this same Sound Current and, plane by plane, it will go back to God Almighty.

"This Path has been created by God Almighty. It has not been created by any Mahatma or Saint. And God has set this Path for the soul to come into this world and also to go back to God Almighty.

"Swami Ji Maharaj has, therefore, said in His Bani, 'Only when a Saint -- Who knows the way or the path of the Sound Current -- only when such a Saint is met, then one soul or jiva can get salvation and go back to God Almighty on the Sound Current.' So, the same Path, and the same process, is followed for all the four yugas. And the Saints have always been there in this world. This world is never empty of Saints. So, these Saints are always there. At any time, there are Saints in this world. Some Saints are known to everyone. Some Saints are not known. But there is never a time when the Saints are not here in this world." (excerpted from, Some Saints Are Known And Some Are Not -- But There Has Never Been A Time When The Saints Are Not Here In This World, Meditation Talk During the Morning of January 21st, 2023)

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Spiritual Gems (Letters) of Hazur Baba Sawan Singh - Spiritual Awakening Radio Podcast



Spiritual Gems (Letters) of Hazur Baba Sawan Singh - Spiritual Awakening Radio Podcast

The Importance of Spiritual Gems, Letters from Hazur Baba Sawan Singh Ji: Here we have letters from a successor of a successor of Sant Radhasoami (Radhaswami) Sahib, looking to the West and communicating with some of the very first initiates (satsangis) in the US and Canada. Spiritual Gems: "The Great Master wrote these letters in response to the questions and queries of his American and European disciples and seekers, so nearly all the questions and doubts that crop up in the minds of seekers after Truth and Reality have been amply dealt with in this volume, which makes it extremely valuable."

"I assure you that I do not mean to neglect any of our American Satsangis. I think I answered your last letter. It may have gone astray. But in any case, you should write to me every few months and give full account of your progress and ask any questions you may wish to ask. I shall be glad to hear of your inner progress on the Path. No doubt you are making some headway and I am anxious to see you go inside, truly, and find the Great Light and Joy which awaits you there." (Hazur Baba Sawan Singh)

"We are expecting much from America. The average person in America is much nearer to this Teaching than in any portion of Europe. The day will come when your people will turn to Sant Mat... Some day the Great Work there will assume much larger proportions. You may look confidently for it, in your own time. Be ready for it." (Hazur Baba Sawan Singh)

Other Key Points Made

Sant Mat in America is not a path only for the affluent that can afford to frequently travel long distances. Avenues for learning, satsang, and pathways for initiation for those who qualify must always be available. Nobody left behind.

The language barrier issue: There must always be new satsang material being translated and published in English.

There are not two Sant Mat paths: a Sant Mat "lite" for new age Americans or westerners, and the traditional full Sant Mat for Indians, but the complete Sant Mat for all.

This includes adhering to the vegetarian diet: "I never gave permission to anyone to eat meat in my life. A mother does not administer poison to her own children. In R.S. Faith animal food cannot be allowed under any conditions. It hardens the heart, and makes the soul dull and heavy." (Spiritual Gems, Sawan Singh)

Spiritual Awakening Radio Podcast - Spiritual Gems (Letters) of Hazur Baba Sawan Singh

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In Divine Love (Bhakti), Light, and Sound, At the Feet of the Masters, Radhaswami,

James Bean

Spiritual Awakening Radio Podcasts

Sant Mat Satsang Podcasts

Sant Mat Radhasoami

A Satsang Without Walls


Sunday, July 16, 2023

The Power of Satsang: Inner and Outer Association With Eternal Truth - Light and Sound on The Path (Sant Mat, Radhasoami, Inner Light and Sound, Bhakti)



The Power of Satsang: Inner and Outer Association With Eternal Truth - Light and Sound on The Path (Sant Mat, Radhasoami, Inner Light and Sound, Bhakti)

Hazur Baba Sawan Singh: "So far as circumstances allow, a devotee must give time to Satsang. Please devote some time daily without fail to Sound-practice and Repetition, as this is the only fruit of our life which we will take with us on leaving this world; whereas, even the kingships of this earth shall have to be abandoned when death overtakes us. Therefore, it is necessary that we should add to our spiritual wealth, which is the only thing to help us at the time of departing. And the only way to increase our spiritual power is by means of Sound-practice and Repetition. The greater our love for Holy Sound, the greater will be our peace of mind and spiritual progress. As far as possible, we should try to make the focus above the eyes, in the brain, our resting place. Just as a man, weary with the day's work, resorts to his home to take rest, so we habituate our soul, on being tired with worldly work, to take rest in the Holy Sound. The attention has to be brought inside, and when it likes to rest there, like the wanderer coming home, it will find peace within." (Spiritual Gems, from letter # 156) 

Satsang: "Literally, 'In Association with Truth'; to be in the company of the Truth of a Living Master; typically, outwardly, through hearing the Master's discourses and receiving His Darshan; also, in the inner context, meaning to be absorbed in the inner Sound Current of Truth."

Satsangi: "One, who is attending Satsang, inner or outer; an initiate of Surat Shabd Yoga." (Glossary of Sant Mat Terms, 2023 edition)

Baba Ram Singh: "In Satsang only we come to know about the true purpose of this human life, of why we have been given this human body. And in Satsang only, we are able to increase our love and affection to God Almighty, to our Satguru.

"The words of the Master are pure and they are sublime. And when we listen to those words lovingly, that cuts a lot of our karmas also.

"Swami Ji Maharaj says, 'When you listen to the Satsangs, you get motivated to do your devotion.' And when you do your devotion, you do your Simran Bhajan, that also increases the love and affection that you have for the Master. And you develop those pangs of separation from the Satguru, from God Almighty, which help you go further within.

"Satsang is a great thing. And when we go to Satsangs, we come to know the true purpose of our life, the true purpose of this human body. We come to know about God Almighty and the Path to go towards God Almighty. And we come to know about the reality -- what is the reality, what is falsehood — when we come to Satsang.

"So, when we continue on this path of devotion in the Satsangs, the attachments that we have for all these worldly matters, those attachments gradually start melting away. And the pangs of separation with God Almighty start increasing and our love and devotion for God Almighty increases."  (Baba Ram Singh, satsang discourses, volume 15)

Sant Tulsi Sahib says: "O Aspirant! Perform satsang by subduing the mind and taking refuge in saints. Keep in your heart a ceaseless burning desire to be at the feet (tutelage) of saints."

Maharishi Mehi Paramahans Ji says: "Dear Aspirants! Each day strive to do both kinds of satsang: inner and outer. Outer satsang is listening to the teachings of great saints and studying the sacred texts. Inner satsang is the practice of one-pointed meditation."

Yogi Panchanan Bhattacharya Ji says: "By association with a pure soul the mind becomes pure and the darkness of attachment is dispelled."

In attending to these quotes from different saints it becomes clear that satsang is vital and very necessary for any serious spiritual seeker. 

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Thursday, July 13, 2023

Being a Spiritual Survivor in This Land of Illusion - Spiritual Awakening Radio Podcasts (Sant Mat, Radhasoami, Gnosticism, Mystics, Spirituality, Meditation)


Being a Spiritual Survivor in This Land of Illusion - Spiritual Awakening Radio Podcasts (Sant Mat, Radhasoami, Gnosticism, Mystics, Spirituality, Meditation)

Says Rumi, "Don't be satisfied with stories, how things have gone with others. Unfold your own myth."

"Who speaks, after seeing with their own eyes, and teach the method of salvation during life, They are of the stage and stature of Saints, for they reveal the quintessence of the soul." (Sant Tulsi Sahib of Hathras)

"Seeing that Kal is deluding all the jivas and entangling them in this world and seeing the jivas suffer in this world of Kal, God Almighty sends the Saints into this world to enlighten and awaken the jivas and bring them Home." (Baba Ram Singh)

"Seek to behold the Living One while you are alive, lest you die and seek to see him and be unable to do so." (Gospel of Thomas, saying 59)

"Whoever joins the Immortal becomes Immortal. Whoever delights in the Living One becomes Living." (Odes of Solomon, ode 3)

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Spiritual seekers are faced with many possible choices and detours along the way. If the genuine seeker finds spiritual sustenance in the luminous wisdom of the saints and mystics, they will reach the first level of satsang (association with eternal truth) and make serious spiritual progress during this life. With such a developing reverence for the higher wisdom of great souls of the ages, one may eventually encounter a living mystic path in the world of today, discover a living gnosis now, a school of spirituality lead by a living one, a living master (Sant Satguru). Today's satsang podcast features reflections about what is playing out in the vast world of spiritual paths and world religions based on the spiritual classic known as the Anurag Sagar (Ocean of Love), how the various planes of creation, states of consciousness and temperaments are all being represented by avatars and archons affiliated with a multitude of paths and practices in the marketplace of ideas, seeking to draw souls to material, astral, causal, or mental regions. Countless are the idols made of wood and stone. Countless are the ceremonies, holidays, and rituals. Countless, the doctrines, the prophecies, sectarian politics and struggles, tethering souls to realms of mind and matter, but what of you, the soul, and the God that is All-Spirit residing beyond these worlds of form and time?

Today, readings from: the Gospel of Thomas (both Greek and Coptic manuscripts), the Odes of Solomon, Kabir (1008 Vani, the Ethical Teachings of Kabir), Soamiji Maharaj (Sar Bachan Radhasoami Poetry), Maharshi Mehi Paramhans (the Padavali), Baba Somanath (a bhajan, mystic poem/hymn), and a satsang discourse by Baba Ram Singh (excerpted from, Seeing The Jivas And Entangled And Suffering In This World Of Kal, God Almighty Sends The Saints To Awaken The Jivas And Bring Them Home, shared during the afternoon of January 20th, 2023).

Says Kabir: "Love is like a deep ocean. Only that lover of God who will dive into it fearlessly shall be able to get the pearl of ultimate happiness. And one who will not be able to muster up enough courage to dive into it, shall remain sitting at the beach. He will remain without love in this world or the next. How will he get the pearls of ultimate happiness then?"

In Divine Love (Bhakti), Light, and Sound, At the Feet of the Masters, Radhaswami,

James Bean

Spiritual Awakening Radio Podcasts

Sant Mat Satsang Podcasts

Sant Mat Radhasoami

A Satsang Without Walls


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Tuesday, July 11, 2023

Mystic Poetry of Sant Jayadeva from the Adi Granth and Gita Govinda - Spiritual Awakening Radio Podcasts

Mystic Poetry of Sant Jayadeva from the Adi Granth and Gita Govinda - Spiritual Awakening Radio Podcasts

Says Sant Jayadeva: "In the very beginning was the Primal Lord, unrivaled, the Lover of Truth and other virtues. He is absolutely wonderful, transcending creation; remembering Him, all are emancipated. Within my mind, I chant the Name of the Primal Lord God, the Source of virtue. My vision, that You are I are separate, has melted away."

Sant Jayadeva is one of the earliest Sants known to history. Jayadeva was born during 1170. He's known to the Sikh tradition as Bhagat Jaidev. He was a Sanskrit "loner-poet" who lived during the 12th century and is celebrated for his poetic genius in eastern India. He is the author/composer of the epic poem known as Gita Govinda (The Hymn to the Custodian of Light). Sant Jayadeva is the earliest dated author of hymns that are included the Adi Granth! Today during this Sant Mat Satsang Podcast you'll hear readings from, Unveiling the Garden of Love -- Mystical Symbolism in Layla Majnun and Gita Govinda (Sufi Mysticism and the Teachings of Sant Jayadeva in the Gita Govinda). And then, I share readings from the Mystic Verses of Sant Jayadeva: Gurbani by Bhagat Jaidev in the Adi Granth, one of the earliest known Sants: Hymn # One on Page 526 of the Adi Granth with commentary, followed by the reading of Hymn # Two on page 1106 with commentary.

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In Divine Love (Bhakti), Light, and Sound, At the Feet of the Masters, Radhaswami,

James Bean

Spiritual Awakening Radio Podcasts

Sant Mat Satsang Podcasts

A Satsang Without Walls

Sant Mat Radhasoami


Sunday, July 09, 2023

Know Thy Self - Light and Sound on The Path (Sant Mat, Radhasoami, Gnosticism, Mysticism, Meditation)



Know Thy Self - Light and Sound on The Path (Sant Mat, Radhasoami, Gnosticism, Mysticism, Meditation)

"The Masters come and awaken us and They ask us as a soul as to who we are, and we say, 'No, we are this body.' And They keep explaining to us, 'You are not this body. You are the soul.' But we refuse to accept that. Then They give us the initiation and They give us Simran and They tell us to come in the manner that They are explaining. And when we do that Simran, we leave the nine doors and come to the Tenth Door where our soul is. Then, in that stream of the Sound Current, we see the reflection and we start realizing as to who we are. We are not the body, but we are the soul. So there, the soul realizes who it actually is. And then all the darkness of ignorance goes away and the soul can see for itself hundreds of lives before and how it has gone through all of those lives. And it has luminance and it understands it's true essence." (Baba Ram Singh, from an August 14th, 2022 satsang discourse)

"0 Dharam Das, the glory of the Light of the Soul cannot be described. In Sat Lok the light of one soul is equal to the light of sixteen suns." (Anurag Sagar, Ocean of Love) 

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Saturday, July 08, 2023

Mystic Verses of Kabir - Light and Sound on The Path (Sant Mat, Radhasoami)


Mystic Verses of Kabir - Light and Sound on The Path (Sant Mat, Radhasoami)

Open your eyes of love, and see Him who pervades this world, 

consider it well, and know that this is your own country.

When you meet the true Guru, He will awaken your heart;

He will tell you the secret of love and detachment, and then you

will know indeed that He transcends this universe.

This world is the City of Truth, its maze of paths enchants the


We can reach the goal without crossing the road, such is the

sport unending.

Where the ring of manifold joys ever dances about Him, there is

the sport of Eternal Bliss.

When we know this, then all our receiving and renouncing is


Thenceforth the heat of having shall never scorch us more.

He is the Ultimate Rest unbounded:

He has spread His form of love throughout all the world.

From that Ray which is Truth, streams of new forms are

perpetually springing: and He pervades those forms.

All the gardens and groves and bowers are abounding with blossom;

and the air breaks forth into ripples of joy.

There the swan plays a wonderful game,

There the Unstruck Music eddies around the Infinite One;

There in the midst the Throne of the Unheld is shining, whereon

the great Being sits --

Millions of suns are shamed by the radiance of a single hair of

His body.

On the harp of the road what true melodies are being sounded!

and its notes pierce the heart:

There the Eternal Fountain is playing its endless life-streams of

birth and death.

They call Him Emptiness who is the Truth of truths, in Whom all

truths are stored!

There within Him creation goes forward, which is beyond all

philosophy; for philosophy cannot attain to Him:

There is an endless world, O my Brother! and there is the

Nameless Being, of whom naught can be said.

Only he knows it who has reached that region: it is other than

all that is heard and said.

No form, no body, no length, no breadth is seen there: how can I

tell you that which it is?

He comes to the Path of the Infinite on whom the grace of the

Lord descends: he is freed from births and deaths who attains

to Him.

Kabir says: "It cannot be told by the words of the mouth, it

cannot be written on paper:

It is like a dumb person who tastes a sweet thing--how shall it

be explained?"      (Songs of Kabir, Rabindranath Tagore)

Go thou to the company of the good, where the Beloved One has His

dwelling place:

Take all thy thoughts and love and instruction from thence.

Let that assembly be burnt to ashes where His Name is not spoken!

Tell me, how couldst thou hold a wedding-feast, if the bridegroom

himself were not there?

Waver no more, think only of the Beloved;

Set not thy heart on the worship of other gods, there is no worth

in the worship of other masters.

Kabir deliberates and says: "Thus thou shalt never find the

Beloved!  (Songs of Kabir, Rabindranath Tagore)

"He who realizes this Essence of the Word has no need to observe religious fasts, bathing in holy rivers, daily religious rituals, prayers in the morning and evening, and of going on pilgrimages. Such a realized person is indeed in direct contact with God, and has arisen above all the daily religious observances." (Brahm Nirupan of Kabir)

Image: Based on Kabir art from, The Anurag Sagar, Sant Bani Books

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