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Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Letters from the Masters: Kirpal Singh's Spiritual Guidance - Spiritual Awakening Radio Podcasts


Letters from the Masters: Kirpal Singh's Spiritual Guidance - Spiritual Awakening Radio Podcasts

Sant Kirpal Singh: "As there are landmarks on earth, so there are landmarks in Time. The past and future are like sealed books to us: the one is in the limbo of oblivion, while the other is in the womb of uncertainty. It is only the LIVING PRESENT that is ours, and we must make the best use of it, ere it slips away through the fingers and is lost forever. Human birth is a great privilege and offers us a golden opportunity. It is for us to make or mar the same, for it is given to each individual to forge his or her own destiny as best he may." (Standing at the Crossroads of Time)

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For the spiritual seeker and for satsangis, initiates on the Path of the Masters, the letters from the masters provide valuable spiritual guidance about the mystic journey of the soul back to God, meditation practice (Surat Shabd Yoga): mystical experiences of soul travel, inner Light and Sound, and living a spiritual way of life.

Today, a Sant Mat Satsang Podcast consisting of readings from the letters of Sant Kirpal Singh (Instructions For Holding Satsang, Spiritual Elixir), plus also letters from Hazur Baba Sawan Singh, Baba Jaimal Singh, Huzur Maharaj (Rai Saligram Bahadur), and Maharaj Saheb (Brahma Shankar Misra).

James Bean

Spiritual Awakening Radio Podcasts

Sant Mat Satsang Podcasts


Spiritual Awakening Radio (and Sant Mat Satsang Podcasts) with James Bean, heard on various community, public radio stations and the web, explores the world of spirituality, comparative religion, world scriptures and other books, East and West, God, meditation, out of body or near death experiences (inner space), the vegan diet and other ahimsa ethics -- education for a more peaceful planet.

Thursday, February 23, 2023

How To Center Yourself in God Making Life Sacred -- Spiritual Awakening Radio Podcast



How To Center Yourself in God Making Life Sacred -- Spiritual Awakening Radio Podcast

Sant Kirpal Singh once said that "Simran is the first step (or rung) of the spiritual ladder." Indeed, simran, the remembrance and repetition of Names of God, is the foundation for living a spiritual life according to this Living Path of the Masters. Reciting the Name of God is meant to "actualize the aural [sonic] dimension of [God]'s very being in the mind or heart of the practitioner, an act that is ultimately ontologically transformative." This prayer of the Name allows one to Practice the Presence of God each and every day. Simran (Manas Jap) is also the first practice of Sant Mat meditation, making it possible to concentrate at the seat of the soul, also known as the third eye center, and begin one's spiritual journey exploring Inner Space, the Realms of Within.

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Segments of today's Sant Mat Satsang Podcast include: The One God Has Been Given Many Names; Simran is Intended to be a Bhakti Practice of Love not a Mechanical Mantra or Dry Practice; A Word About Vocal Simran; Helpful Guidance on Simran Practice, The Repetition of the Names; Simran Practice Correctly Done; and features readings from: Sant Tulsi Das; the Teachings of Hazur Baba Sawan Singh; Baba Somanath commenting on a verse of Guru Ramdas Ji, the fourth Guru of the Sikhs; Satsang Discourses of Baba Ram Singh Ji on Consistent Daily Simran and Meditation Practice; the Jap Ji (Morning Prayer of Guru Nanak: "Iik Ong Kaar Sat Naam" [Ekonkar Satnaam] ("There is One God -- Truth is His Name."); the book of Anmol Bachan by Sant Garib Das commenting on a verse from the Sar Bachan Radhasoami Poetry of Soami Ji Maharaj on How there is the One God Radhaswami (The Lord of the Soul) Manifesting at the Various Planes or Levels of Creation Not Five gods or multiple gods; also Sant Bani (Mystic Poetry and Hymns) from the Padavali of Maharshi Mehi Paramhans; Sant Ravidas (Raidas); Guru Kabir from the Adi Granth (Sikh Scriptures, Shri Guru Granth, Gurbani); and Sant Eknath of Maharashtra.

"There can be no happiness for the soul, and no rest to the mind, so long as one does not meditate on God... If you wish to have light, both inside and outside, place the luminous gem of God's Name on the threshold of the inner door with your inner tongue, says Tulsidas." (Goswami Tulsi Das)

In Divine Love (Bhakti), Light, and Sound, At the Feet of the Masters, Radhaswami,

James Bean

Spiritual Awakening Radio Podcasts

Sant Mat Satsang Podcasts


Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Soul Travel According to Hermes in the Corpus Hermeticum -- Light and Sound on the Path


Soul Travel According to Hermes in the Corpus Hermeticum -- Light and Sound on the Path

"Consider this for yourself: command your soul to travel to India, and it will be there faster than your command. Command it to cross over to the ocean, and again it will quickly be there, not as having passed from place to place but simply as being there. Command it even to fly up to heaven, and it will not lack wings. Nothing will hinder it, not the fire of the sun, nor the aether, nor the swirl nor the bodies of the other stars. Cutting through them all, it will fly to the utmost body. But if you wish to break through the universe itself and look upon the things outside (if, indeed, there is anything outside the cosmos), it is within your power." 

-- Hermes Trismegistus, Corpus Hermeticum, Book XI, Mind (Nous) to Hermes, 19, Brian Copenhaver translation

A noteworthy passage from an ancient Western text mentioning India, also affirming the practice of soul travel, be it to India in spirit, heavenly realms above, or indeed even outside the cosmos.

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Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Letters from the Masters: Spiritual Guidance - Spiritual Awakening Radio Podcasts


Letters from the Masters: Spiritual Guidance

Baba Jaimal Singh - Always Listen to the inner Sound During Meditation Every Day: "If you listen for ten minutes, or five minutes, or four minutes, or two minutes, or even one minute, with love and devotion, millions of sins and obstacles will be removed." (Baba Jaimal Singh)

"The human body is like a radio receiver for listening to the Sound Current [the inner Sound during meditation]. When we tune in the radio, we begin to hear the sound. Similarly, when the Master (Sant Satguru) guides us within, we are able to hear the Divine Music. By adjusting the ‘dial’, we hear various kinds of Sound.” (Huzur Baba Sawan Singh)

"The escape is through the Sound Current." (Hazur Baba Sawan Singh)

Letters from Masters to their disciples, though originally written to specific individuals in the past, often have a universal quality about them, dealing with real-life struggles along the spiritual journey and so sometimes feel quite personal, as if they are addressed to us as well. Today's program features readings from the letters of Kirpal Singh, Sawan Singh, Baba Jaimal Singh, Soamiji Maharaj, Huzur Maharaj Rai Saligram, and Maharaj Saheb (Brahm Shankar Misra).

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"You need not be afraid of discussing esoteric teachings of the Masters with others. Spiritually illumined do owe much to their less gifted brethren when you can instill faith and right understanding in them out of your own personal knowledge derived from the sacred books published from here and on personal experience gained by meditations." (Kirpal Singh)

"Stand on your belief on solid ground. Let not others' wayward opinions deflect you from the true path you are on. Let not promises of glory by anyone waylay you. Do not come to hurried conclusions, but use discrimination in all your undertakings. Stick to what is Real." (Kirpal Singh)

In Divine Love (Bhakti), Light, and Sound, At the Feet of the Masters, Radhaswami,

James Bean

Spiritual Awakening Radio Podcasts

Sant Mat Satsang Podcasts


Friday, February 17, 2023

Bhakti (Spiritual Love), Not Asceticism, According to Sant Ravidas


Bhakti (Spiritual Love), Not Asceticism, According to Sant Ravidas

Raidās [Sant Ravidas] also makes it clear that bhakti is not about asceticism or the pride-evoking practice of yoga but about losing oneself in the love of God [bhakti]. He sings,

"Bhakti is not like this, my brother. Whatever is done without the

name of Rām, is all called delusion.

Bhakti is not suppression of the senses, not speaking of wisdom,

not digging a cave in the forest. Not some joke, not the snares

of desire. This is not bhakti.

Bhakti is not binding the senses, not practicing yoga, not eating

less—all these practices are called karma.

Bhakti is not reducing the sleep, not practicing renunciation.

These practices are not bhakti; they are the pride of the


Later in the poem Raidās states that bhakti happens when one loses the self in Rām*; all else is merely senseless pride and delusion.

-- A Genealogy of Devotion, Bhakti, Tantra, Yoga, and Sufism in North India, by Patton E. Burchett

* Ram, an early Sant name of the Formless Supreme Being (and not referring to any other "Ram" of Hindu mythology) - can be understood to be the true God beyond gods, or God above gods; 

Thursday, February 16, 2023

Quotes from Many Different Sources on the Spiritual Journey -- Spiritual Awakening Radio Podcast

Quotes from Many Different Sources on the Spiritual Journey -- Spiritual Awakening Radio Podcast

Selected Quotes from Many Different Spiritual Masters, Mystics, Scriptures, Gnostic Gospels and Spiritual Classics

For the Sants of the East, all names of the One God represent the Nameless, Formless (Nirguna) God of Love and Compassion Who is Timeless (Akal), Spirit, and Eternal Truth (Sat).

The True Spirit of Simran Practice is Bhakti

“Simran” is a term which means “Remembrance”, the spiritual practice of remembering or being mindful of God by repeating his Name. Devotees sing or chant various names for God. Higher spiritually, and more “within” is the practice of “manas jap”, the mental repetition of God’s name or names “with the tongue of thought” — in other words, chanting names of God within one’s mind. The Sants have always placed much greater emphasis upon mental Simran over vocal chant.

There is however, more to Simran than the repeating of sacred names. Simran must be approached with the right attitude, the right spirit, for one’s intent determines how successful the practice will be, and what effect it will have upon one’s consciousness. Simran has never been intended to be a dry or lifeless mantra practice. The path of the Sants is a Bhakti path, a path of love and devotion for the Supreme Being. Thus, the true Masters have always instructed their students to repeat God’s Name with love and devotion, as a lover calling out to one’s Beloved, the Lord of Love.

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In Divine Love (Bhakti), Light, and Sound, At the Feet of the Masters, Radhaswami,

James Bean

Spiritual Awakening Radio Podcasts

Sant Mat Satsang Podcasts


Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Happy Valentine's Day and Happy Valentinus Day! Spiritual Awakening Radio Podcast



Happy Valentine's Day and Happy Valentinus Day! 

Valentine's Day provides an opportunity, an excuse really, to share these powerful, loving verses of the heart. The poetic words of mystics are directed towards God as the Beloved lover of their soul, yet their expressions are so loving, so blissful, and ecstatic that they are, at the same time, quite romantic and appropriate for Valentine's Day between soul-mates! I believe the soul-to-soul-mate relationship of romance is a kind of 'reflection' of the soul's relationship with God (soul-to-Oversoul), the ultimate pure love from the Ocean of Love.

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Today, two Spiritual Awakening Radio podcasts in one. We'll get to some passages from the ecstatic Gnostic poetry of Valentinus of Alexandria (from the Nag Hammadi Library of Egypt) but first... Valentine's Day Verses of Love from Rumi, Darshan Singh, Guru Amar Das, Baba Farid and Hazrat Sultan Bahu the Sufi!

In Divine Love (Bhakti), Light, and Sound, At the Feet of the Masters, Radhaswami,

James Bean

Spiritual Awakening Radio Podcasts

Sant Mat Satsang Podcasts


Spiritual Awakening Radio (and Sant Mat Satsang Podcasts) with James Bean, heard on various community, public radio stations and the web, explores the world of spirituality, comparative religion, world scriptures and other books, East and West, God, meditation, out of body or near death experiences (inner space), the vegan diet and other ahimsa ethics -- education for a more peaceful planet.

Thursday, February 09, 2023

The Seven Elements of Spiritual Practice - Spiritual Awakening Radio Podcast



The Seven Elements of Spiritual Practice - Spiritual Awakening Radio Podcast

Today during this Satsang Without Walls, this online spiritual meetup, we explore the seven elements of spiritual practice (sadhana, meditation): 1) The Worthiness of a Spiritual Seeker; 2) The Mantra (Simran, Sacred Names) Imparted by an Accomplished Teacher at the Time of Initiation; 3) Without Essential Information No Successful Meditation! (Necessary Knowledge Prior to Meditation Practice); 4) Resolute Practice: A. Japa/Ajapa Japa: Recitation of the Sacred Name or Names given by the Master, B. Manas Dhyana (Mental Focus on the Form of the Deity or visualization of the form of one's spiritual teacher, Sant Satguru), C. Drishti Yoga (The Yoga of Inner Seeing -- Inner Light Meditation), and D. The Yoga of Sound (Inner Sound Meditation practice, Surat Shabd Yoga, Meditating upon the Sound Current); 5) Bhakti: Devotion -- "For the Love of God" as Steve Vai has said; 6) The Merits of Past Lives -- Favorable Winds of Change; and, 7) The Will of God: Divine Grace. Forgiveness overcomes the imperfections of the whole world and the cosmos beyond. The lower realms may be governed by law, karma, destiny, and the cruel hand of fate, but there is Divine Grace from Above that always seeks to bust into the worlds of time and space to liberate souls!

Also today there are readings from: the Padavali (Mystic Poetry, Hymns) of Maharshi Mehi Paramhans (Padavali # 52: "O traveler! Seek the path that lies within you. You and your Beloved Lord reside in the same body"; The Need for a Living Master So We May Be Initiated into the Secrets of Spiritual Practice: featuring Saint Augustine's surprising quote from the Gospel of Thomas! (Saying # 52) on paying attention to "The Living One"; an observation by George Arnsby Jones on the need for the living "guidance of a spiritual adept"; on the role of the living Master according to Huzur Maharaj Rai Saligram in his Prem Bani Radhasoami, volume IV; a couple of recent Sant Mat Satsang Discourses of Baba Ram Singh on consistent daily spiritual practice (Simran, Dhyan, and Bhajan); a verse from the Gnostic Gospel of Mary Magdalene; a line of poetry from Darshan Singh's collection known as, Love's Last Madness; Swami Ram Bihari Lal's classic, The Way Out Is IN; and a reading describing the NDE-like (Near Death Experience or Out-Of-Body/OOBE type) meditation practice of Sant Mat according to Yogani Mataji from the book, Enchanted Land.

Spiritual Awakening Radio Podcast: The Seven Elements of Spiritual Practice - View @ YOUTUBE: 


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In Divine Love (Bhakti), Light, and Sound, At the Feet of the Masters, Radhaswami,

James Bean

Spiritual Awakening Radio Podcasts

Sant Mat Satsang Podcasts


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Tuesday, February 07, 2023

Living a Life of Love - Spiritual Awakening Radio Podcast (The Yoga of Love, Bhakti, Part 4)


Living a Life of Love  (The Yoga of Love, Bhakti, Part 4)

Within this temple of the human body, just beyond the field of darkness one sees with eyes closed during meditation, are vast oceans of Light, Sound and Love. Genuine Sant Mat is the spiritual Path of Love (Bhakti) as well as Inner Light, and Sound. It is absolutely essential for the initiate, the disciple, the satsangi, the seeker of spirituality, to be in touch with the Bhakti side of the Path. Huzur Maharaj Rai Saligram in his Prem Patra Radhasoami says: "All Sants, and Soami Ji Maharaj in particular, have, in their Bani [hymns], laid great stress upon engendering love. The idea is that the task can be accomplished quickly and easily with the help of love. Mere renunciation cannot afford so much advantage, nor can mere comprehension of the Faith confer such a benefit. All activities in the world are going on because of love and desire. If one does not have any feeling of love or he has no interest in a matter, he can do nothing. For the real spiritual welfare of their soul, it therefore behooves all Jivas [souls] to develop real love for the true Supreme Being."

There are compositions of Guru Nanak, Sants like Kabir, Namdev, Ravidas, Dadu, Mirabai, Dayabai, Sahjo Bai, Tulsi Das, Paltoo Sahib, Surdas, Tukaram, Dariya Sahib, Tulsi Sahib, Girdhari Sahib, Surswami, Swami Ji Maharaj, Huzur Maharaj, Maharshi Mehi Paramhans, Baba Somanath -- so many great Saints of the ages, during each generation of humanity. Their mystic poetry and hymns (banis and bhajans) are such treasure-troves of inspiration. These are all voices speaking from that state of being or consciousness that we call "Anurag Sagar", the Ocean of Love, and "Sach Khand", the Timeless Spiritual Realm. These verses of the Saints read like poetry or psalms. Rumi poetry is similar. These Mystics of the East provide very beautiful and Bhakti devotional teachings, the Way of the Lover and the Beloved.

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"Sant Mat is not the path of information. This is the Path of Transformation." (Swami Sant Sevi Ji Maharaj)  

"As the river enters into the Ocean, so my heart touches Thee." (Kabir)

In Divine Love (Bhakti), Light, and Sound, At the Feet of the Masters,

James Bean

Spiritual Awakening Radio Podcasts

Sant Mat Satsang Podcasts


Monday, February 06, 2023

The Message of the Masters is Sadhana, Spiritual Practice - Light and Sound on the Path


The Message of the Masters is Sadhana, Spiritual Practice - Light and Sound on the Path

"You have to keep on doing Simran and, gradually, with the continuous practice of Simran, Dhyan Bhajan only, the mind can focus and come up to the Third Eye, see the Radiant Form of the Guru and hear the Sound Current. So, Simran is very essential. And if one continuously does Simran, however unfocused the mind is, it gradually gets to the Third Eye. As one keeps on doing Simran repeatedly and regularly, the mind keeps becoming more and more pure. And, as the mind becomes purer, it is able to come up to the Third Eye and see the Radiant Form of the Master within. So, the Masters have always insisted upon the continuity of practice of Dhyan, Bhajan, and Simran. We often do Simran or Dhyan Bhajan for a few days and then leave it. This way we do not maintain continuity and do not do the practice as it should be done. Masters insist that the practice has to be continuous, every day, without a break." (Baba Ram Singh, excerpted from a 2015 satsang discourse on meditation practice, How Bangali Babu Got Control Of His Mind)

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Friday, February 03, 2023

Selections from Baba Somanath On Inner Light -- Light and Sound on the Path


Selections from Baba Somanath On Inner Light -- Light and Sound on the Path

Sant Mat Radhasoami Blog:


The darkness in the well of the world is driven away when the Self-Effulgent lamp of Knowledge sheds it light.

Make me repeat the Naam day and night.

And keep me steadfastly absorbed in contemplation on You.

Rivet my attention at the still point between the eyes,

And show me the Light of Spiritual knowledge.

Every day, dial the number of the Naam.

Do the contemplation and remembrance of Truth.

Between the two eyes, take a bath in the Immaculate Light.

Repeat the Simran of Naam, and behold the radiance of the Self-Existing Light.

Be like the moth that is spellbound by the light.

Somanath says, do the dhyan of the Guru, see the Truth with your own eyes.

In the blink of an eye Maya is destroyed, and the light (of the soul) merges into the Divine Light (of Shabd).

O Kindler of Light, in Your form resides all power and splendor.

You dwell beyond the physical, astral, and causal realms.

The Divine Guru is the radiant form of Light: He banishes all darkness.

Just like the moon rising in the night sky, He drives away the illusion of ignorance.

Ahead is the Light of the red rising sun, beholding it the soul is lost in delight.

The darkness of ignorance is dispelled and lightning flashes across the sky.

Somanath says, O Lord of the lowly, care for the ignorant ones.

Your Ray of Light banishes the darkness of ignorance.

You are All-Knowing, All-Wisdom, Ever-Existent,

Dwelling in the State of Blissful Natural Equipoise.

By the Grace of the Satguru, Somanath repeated the Naam and became intoxicated in Divine Bliss.

Maya was dispelled in the blink of an eye;

The dazzling light of the Guru’s lotus feet is shining like the sun and moon.

Then comes the realm of Par Brahm and the pool of Mansarovar [man-sa-rovar -- the Lake of Nectar]

Overflowing with the waters of radiant Light; here the stain of the mind is scrubbed clean, and the soul emerges immaculately pure. 

The enshrouding veils are cast aside, and Pure Consciousness dawns.

The Sohang Shabd is perpetually resounding.

The darkness becomes radiant with dazzling light, and the snare of Maya is destroyed forever.

Then the soul enters the Realm of Sat Lok, the abode of the True Lord.

The light of millions of suns and moons rising together could not equal one hair on His body.

The strains of the veena (lute) fill the air, and the Truth of Truths is proclaimed.

The deepest mysteries that lie far beyond the Vedas, You proclaimed in utterance simple and clear.

You pulled the souls out from the deep, impassible ocean of existence,

and ferried them to the other shore.

O Kindler of the Inner Light, You are the Lord and Savior of all the world.

You are the victor over death who ferries the jiva-souls across the impassable realm of matter,

Omniscient Consciousness, Quintessence of Light,

Ineffable and beyond reckoning is Your state.

The mind cannot conceive of You; You are without beginning, without end.

O Protector of the lowly ones, most merciful Lord,

Self-Existent, Bestower of Light

Somanath has contemplated upon Your lotus feet.

Unceasingly, He will sing Your praises.

You free all the jiva-souls from the desires and afflictions of this world.

Spiritual Awakening Radio Podcast: Why We Seek to See the Inner Divine Light - View @ YOUTUBE:


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James Bean

Spiritual Awakening Radio Podcasts

Sant Mat Satsang Podcasts

Thursday, February 02, 2023

Why We Seek to See the Inner Divine Light - Spiritual Awakening Radio Podcasts


Why We Seek to See the Inner Divine Light - Spiritual Awakening Radio Podcasts

Hazur Baba Sawan Singh says, "The Masters come and They tell us, They initiate us and They tell us, about the different planes within. They tell us about what are the Sounds within, what are the Lights within in the different planes. They tell us about the path of how one has to transcend across these planes." Baba Somanath: "The darkness in the well of the world is driven away when the Self-Effulgent lamp of Knowledge sheds it Light... Rivet my attention at the still-point between the eyes [Third Eye Center], and show me the Light of Spiritual knowledge... Between the two eyes, be baptized in the Immaculate Light."

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Mystics have universally taught, East and West, that "the Light of God is within everyone", as George Fox, founder of the Quakers once said. If we can transcend cultural blinders that imply it is impossible for us to see spiritually, mystically or inwardly with the Single Eye, there is indeed hope for us to reunite with the Divine Light, right here, right now, in the present moment, see for ourselves and discover that "darkness is not really dark" (Psalm 139: 12). Once we are open to this possibility, then there is the potential of adopting a contemplative meditation practice that leads to the experience of the Inner Light. There is hope we might be able to temporarily transcend the world of the five senses during our meditations and finally begin our journey exploring the "New World" of Inner Space, the "Kingdom of the Heavens" that are within us, the Kingdom of the Light. "If one is whole, one will be filled with Light, but if one is divided, one will be filled with darkness... there is light within a Person of Light, and it illuminates the entire cosmos." (Gospel of Thomas) "If your Eye be Single, your whole body shall be full of Light." (New Testament) If the energy of our attention is scattered and dissipated into the world of the five senses, when we close our eyes we naturally see darkness, but if our attention or awareness returns to the Single Eye -- Third Eye, the seat of our soul -- Light shall appear. "Do not cease seeking day or night and do not let yourselves relax until you find the Mysteries of the Kingdom of Light, which will purify you and make you into pure Light and lead you into the Kingdom of the Light." (Book of Faith Wisdom, Pistis Sophia)

On today's Spiritual Awakening Radio Podcast a satsang format with the theme of finding the Inner Divine Light, exploring the wisdom of Plato, the Dead Sea Scrolls, Gospel of Thomas, Gospel of Matthew, Gospel of Philip from the Nag Hammadi Library of Egypt, the Gnostic Book of Faith Wisdom (Pistis Sophia), the medieval Beguine Christian mystic Mechthild of Magdeburg from her spiritual classic, Flowing Light of the Godhead, George Fox, a Bhajan (Mystic Poem/Hymn) of Sant Namdev, Guru Nanak from the Adi Granth (Sikh scriptures), the Sar Bachan Radhaswami Poetry of Swami Ji Maharaj, Swami Sant Sevi Ji Maharaj from, Quintessence of Yoga: Secret of All Success, Swami Vyasanand from, The Inward Journey of the Soul (Chal Hansa Nij Desh: O Swan-Soul Return to Your Abode), Yogani Mataji of the Radhasoami Faith (Sant Mat), Hazur Baba Sawan Singh Ji, a long reading from selected Bhajans (Mystic Poetry/Hymns) of Baba Somanath on the Inner Mystic Light of the Inner Regions, Santji, and excerpts from the Satsang Discourses of Baba Ram Singh Ji.

In Divine Love (Bhakti), Light, and Sound, At the Feet of the Masters,

James Bean

Spiritual Awakening Radio Podcasts

Sant Mat Satsang Podcasts
