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Thursday, June 27, 2024

The Unpublished Letters of Kirpal Singh on Meditation Practice - Spiritual Awakening Radio Podcast



The Unpublished Letters of Kirpal Singh on Meditation Practice

Today I begin with a reading from the mystic verses of Sat Saheb, the initiating spiritual master of Sant Dariya Sahib. Sat Saheb was one of the earlier Sant Satgurus of the Sant Mat guru lineage living a couple of generations prior to the time of Sant Tulsi Sahib of Hathras. His mystic poetry is quite beautiful and composed in the style of the Anurag Sagar and other scriptures of the earlier Kabir-Sant Dharam Das line of masters. Then I share some letters from Sant Kirpal Singh on meditation practice. Those are quite wonderful, and helpful for the satsangi seeking to improve the quality of their meditation experience. Then there's a short discourse from Baba Somanath about becoming the "form of Truth" by focusing upon the teachings of the masters. In conclusion, two satsang discourses by Sant Ram Singh: having focused attention during simran practice that purifies the mind, and, about becoming a gurumukh following the instructions and guidance of the masters instead of being held captive by the limited thoughts of the mind, thus remaining a disciple controlled by the dictates of the mind, a manmukh. "Follow Their Teachings, overcome sorrow, and not only that, you will get the joy of going within. And you will also achieve the purpose for which you have been given this life." (Baba Ram Singh)

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In Divine Love (Bhakti), Light, and Sound, At the Feet of the Masters, Radhasoami (Radhaswami),

James Bean

Spiritual Awakening Radio Podcasts

Santmat Satsang Podcasts

Sant Mat Radhasoami

A Satsang Without Walls

Spiritual Awakening Radio Website:


Saturday, June 22, 2024

The Sant Mat Guru Lineage Revealed: From Kabir to Sant Tulsi Sahib and Radhasoami, Compiled by James Bean



The Sant Mat Guru Lineage Revealed: From Kabir to Sant Tulsi Sahib and Radhasoami, Compiled by James Bean

Image courtesy of, The Anurag Sagar, Sant Bani Ashram Press: Kabir Battles Kal and Sets the Captives Free

"This artwork shows King Ravana attacking Sant Kabir in His Incarnation as Maninder during the Treta Yuga or Silver Age as He approached the palace. The gatekeeper described Kabir's form by saying 'O Ravana, His form is white. He has a white necklace, and His tilak is beautiful. His beauty is as the moon! His clothes are white and everything He has is white.' Maninder held a piece of straw as a shield, and mighty Ravana was striking against that. The Anurag Sagar of Kabir is a great epic and enigmatic poem describing Kabir's battle throughout Eternity which eventually rescued all Souls from Kal, the Negative Power." (Bill Yee)

Big Picture View of the Sant Mat Guru Lineage, the Path of the Masters from Kabir to Modern Times: Kabir to Sant Dharam Das to One of the Successors of Dharam Das to Sat Seheb to Sant Dariya Sahib of Bihar to Sant Tulsi Sahib of Hathras and Successors Including Sant Girdhari Sahib of Lucknow to Swami Ji Maharaj of Agra

"The fact that Dariya refers to several Saints and mystics of the fifteenth, sixteenth and early seventeenth centuries, such as Kabir (1398—1518 c.e), Dharmdas (successor of Kabir), Nanak (1469-1538 c.e.), Nam Dev (1398-1518 c.e.), Mira Bai (1498-1546 c.e.) and Goswami Tulsi Das (1532-1623 c.e.), and makes no mention of Saints of the later period, lends support to the above dates (1674—1780 C.E.). This shows that he left this world only thirty-eight years before the birth of the famous Saint of Agra, Seth Shiv Dayal Singh, better known as Soami Ji (1818-1878 c.e.)." (from the Introduction to, Sant Dariya Sahib - Saint of Bihar)

"There are some who claim

To be followers of Guru Nanak and Kabir,

Yet they eat the meat of goats and other animals.

This indeed is an unutterably despicable act."

-- Sant Dariya Sahib of Bihar

The 2017 edition of, Tulsi Sahib - Saint of Hathras published by Beas mentions, "...Dariya Sahib (who may have been Tulsi Sahib's own Guru)", as Sant Dariya Sahib of Bihar is the one-and-only contemporary guru named and quoted by Tulsi Sahib. Dariya was a very obscure figure during the time of Tulsi Sahib and remains so to-this-day but Sant Tulsi put him on the same level as Kabir, Nanak, Mirabai, Namdev, etc... As I argue, this strongly indicates Sant Dariya was Tulsi's guru (if Tulsi Sahib was initiated at a young age), or that Tulsi was initiated by one of Dariya’s immediate successors if he was initiated later in life. Tulsi Sahib's references to Sant Dariya is analogous to someone in the 1930s saying that Hazur Baba Sawan Singh was one of the greatest of masters (the Great Master). Anyone saying that would have very likely been a Radhasoami. So for Tulsi Sahib to be saying this about Sant Dariya, as I argue, strongly suggests some actual connection. Simple as that.

Sant Tulsi Sahib's List of Sants

"Nanak, Dadu, Dariya Saheb, Mira Bai, Soor Das, Kabir and Nabhaji have all reached the Nabh (sky, high region) and have given out the secrets. Their Surats have got across and merged there." -- Sant Tulsi Sahib

"Said Tulsi Saheb ‘Listen, I will now explain what I mean by Sant. To mention a few Sants, I pick up the names of Dadu, Mira, Nabha, Nanak, Dariya Saheb and Soor Das. Kabir’s name, I mention again. And there have been many other Sants."

This is a Shabd (Hymn) of Sant Dariya Saheb embedded in the writings of Sant Tulsi Sahib and it sounds similar in style of Swami Ji's Sar Bachan Radhasoami Poetry:

"The gateway to the August Darbar of the Lord has opened to me.

"Lightning flashes and darts forth like a fast current, illuminating like a shooting star. The veil of clouds over the moon is removed and the dense darkness vanishes.

"When love and yearning are engendered in Surat, it beholds the moon-lit courtyard. Surat moves about happily in the firmament and opens the gate to Bank-nal.

"Like a spider moving along the thread drawn out of itself, Surat, ascending on the bow, rises up like a current. On meeting the Beloved, Surat merges in Him the way a stream merges in river.

"I have seen the Form which, indeed, is formless and beyond all description. It is boundless, having neither beginning nor end. Dariya Saheb says that when his mind became humble and meek, he was able to cross the ocean of existence." (one of many examples of Sant Dariya Sahib being cited by Sant Tulsi Sahib)

In the Radhasoami Faith Sant Tulsi Sahib is also named as one of the greatest of Sants in the history of India:

"A few names of perfect and true Saints and true Sadhs and Faqirs who manifested themselves in the last 700 years are given here. They are: Kabir Sahab, Tulsi Sahab, Jagjivan Sahab, Garib Das ji, Paltu Sahab, Guru Nanak, Daduji, Tulsi Das ji, Nabha ji, Swami Hari Das ji, Sur Das ji and Raidas ji and among Mohammedans, Shams-i-Tabrez, Maulana Rumi, Hafiz, Sarmad, Mujaddid and Alfasani. From a perusal of the discourses and the writings of these Great Personalities one can know how far they had reached and what was the region they had come from." (Sar Bachan Radhasoami Prose, Book I, 39, Huzur Maharaj Rai Saligram's Introduction to Swami Ji, The Essence of the Teachings, Dayalbagh translation)

Excerpted from the Introduction to, The Anurag Sagar, by Russell Perkins

"The alert reader of Swami Ji's Sar Bachan or the books of Sant Kirpal Singh will notice many points of contact. Tulsi Sahib devoted a major portion of one of his principal books to a detailed commentary on certain aspects of the poem. Baba Jaimal Singh considered it to be the most authoritative book on the teachings of the Masters as the following account by his disciple and successor Sawan Singh shows:

"'On the fourth day I went to attend Satsang. Baba Ji [Baba Jaimal Singh] was at that time explaining the meaning of Jap Ji Sahib. Well, I started my volley of questions-so much so that the audience got tired and began to feel restless at the large number of questions I had put ... Now he wanted to point out the way, but I had read Vedanta. When I read Gurbani, my opinion was different; when I read Gita my opinion was again different, and I was unable to come to a decision. At last I applied for eight days leave to enable me to study the teachings of Baba Ji. He advised me to read Kabir Sahib's Anurag Sagar. I immediately ordered eight copies of this book from Bombay so that I could also give some to my friends...

"'After several conferences with Baba Ji, I was thoroughly convinced and received initiation from him on the 15th day of October in 1894.'

"That Baba Sawan Singh continued to hold Anurag Sagar in high regard after he became Master is shown by the following account, written by one of his secretaries:

"'Hazur [Baba Sawan Singh] one day told Seth Vasdev, whose car is always at Hazur's disposal, that he should read Kabir Sahib's Anurag Sagar (The Ocean of Intense Love). Hazur said that without studying it, one cannot fully understand the difference between Kal (the negative power) and Dayal Mat (the Path of the true and Merciful God), nor can one fully grasp the teachings of Sant Mat.'" ([Rai Sahib Munshi Ram, "With the Three Masters", Vol. 2, p.187, old edition] Anurag Sagar - The Ocean of Love, Sant Bani Ashram)

The writings and hymns of Dariya Sahib's Guru Sat Saheb and Sant Dariya Sahib represent a kind of sequel to, or continuation of, the Anurag Sagar.

“After some time passed in this way, he [Sant Dariya] was blessed with the grace of his Satguru and obtained the gift of the holy Word or the Sound Current. Dariya refers to this fact as follows:

"After some time was spent, knowledge arose

“And I realized that the true Lord [Sat Saheb] had showered his grace.

"He showered his grace with the exceedingly blissful Sound Current,

"And I continued my holy repetition with love and devotion. With the deepening of love, the reflection became pure

“And I obtained the knowledge imparted by the Guru, the true Nam in entirety."

"It was at the age of twenty that Dariya had the full illumination of inner wisdom. As he says:

"After twenty years had passed,

"The reservoir of inner illumination welled up,

"So that I had the inner experience of all

"And I realized the state of emancipation, free from the cycle of the world."

"Dariya took the members of his family into confidence and explained to them the way to obtain the secret wisdom through the Satguru. He emphasized the importance of abstaining from eating meat and fish and of abandoning the worship of various gods and goddesses. He pointed out that sages and Saints alone are worthy of our worship. Dariya's parents, brothers and wife -- all accepted his teachings. It is at this time that he completed his first work, Dariya Sagar."

Rare Words from Sat Saheb, the Guru of Dariya Sahib

“The ultimate Realm is Akah* (Unspeakable)

Which is fully contained within the inner mirror.

The Akah* is the source of true Naam (the Sound Current)

This (Naam) is the truest spiritual technique.”

(Sat Saheb)

[*NOTE: The term “Akah” has been used by Kabir also as the ultimate Abode of Anami Purush.]

“You have been given the seal to imprint the souls,

And you know that the transaction is carried on

through the True Name (SATNAM).

“Whosoever comes, bearing the imprint of your hand

I will take him to the other shore.

“Priceless indeed, is my Name.

Let one hold fast to it with proper concentration.

Near such a person Kal [lord of time, death and illusion] shall not go.

While rising or sitting, let him fix his attention on it,

And let him develop love for the Divine Light within.

Let him abandon all deceptive worship

of the gods and the goddesses.

Let him be absorbed in his real Lord,

realizing Him to be the Truth.

While rising and sitting, the Supreme Lord

should be the center of his attention,

And let him remain merged into the Sound Current.

By taking refuge under the Truth in such a way,

he will certainly overcome Kal.”

-- Sat Saheb the spiritual master of Dariya Sahib (speaking to Dariya about his future mission as a Sant Sat Guru. The quote is from K.N. Upadhyaya's book, one of the few in English to feature excerpts from the many writings of Sant Dariya. And, via email, Domain Singh of the Sant Dariya Mission has expressed to me his approval of Upadhyaya's book.)

Says Kabir:

"I was being crushed

like seeds in an oil-press --

but the True Guru set me free.

Love, old as all my births,

flickered once again."

(Songs of Kabir in the Adi Granth, Nirmal Dass, SUNY Press, NY)

For much more, see these excerpts from Kabir and Sant Dharam Das (Dharamdasi Kabir Panth) Texts: Anurag Sagar, Sat Saheb (the guru of Sant Dariya Sahib), and links to documents online related to Guru Kabir, Sant Dharam Das literature (Anurag Sagar and other "sagars" like Amar Mul, and, Brahm Nirupan), and Sant Dariya Sahib of Bihar: https://tinyurl.com/KabirSagars

Thursday, June 20, 2024

Kabir Mystic Poems and Links to Rare Kabir - Sant Dharam Das + Anurag Sagar Literature Online


Kabir Mystic Poems and Links to Rare Kabir - Sant Dharam Das + Anurag Sagar Literature Online

O servant, where dost thou

seek Me?

Lo! I am beside thee.

I am neither in temple nor in mosque: I am neither in

Kaaba nor

in Kailash:

Neither am I in rites and ceremonies, nor in Yoga and


If thou art a true seeker, thou shalt at once see Me: thou


meet Me in a moment of time.

Kabir says, Sadhu! God is the breath of all breath."

- Songs of Kabir (Rabindranath Tagore's selections of Kabir's mystic poetry)

Rare Excerpts from Sant Dharam Das - Dharamdasi Kabir Panthi and other Kabir texts, quotes from Sat Saheb (the guru of Sant Dariya Sahib), and links to documents online related to Kabir, Dharam Das literature, the Anurag Sagar, and Sant Dariya Sahib: 


"I was being crushed

like seeds in an oil-press -- 

but the True Guru set me free.

Love, old as all my births,

flickered once again."

(Songs of Kabir in the Adi Granth, Nirmal Dass, SUNY Press, NY)

The Kabir Section of my free e-library:  https://santmatradhasoami.blogspot.com/2019/01/kabir-and-kabir-panth-bijak-anurag.html

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Canadian Cult Inspires Rock Opera: Brother XII, Brother Twelve, Aquarian Foundation,


Canadian Cult Inspires Rock Opera

This is the story about a crazy cult influenced by Theosophy during the 1920's. Eventually cult members rebelled and "Wilson [Brother XII] and Skottowe [his partner and group "enforcer" also known as "Madame Z"] then escaped in their private tugboat, the Kheunaten, rather than appear in court to answer the charges brought by their former disciples. By 1932 they had fled to Europe, and were reported to have taken a large amount of gold with them. Wilson is reported to have died in Neuchâtel, Switzerland, on 7 November 1934, though he may have fabricated his death." (Wikipedia entry for Brother XII)

Some individuals have recently made a 'Rocky Horror Picture Show' type rock opera based on the extant writings and history of this sect. See below for their interview on TalkGnosis and a link to the complete Brother XII rock opera at Youtube. The music is fantastic. What a great album they have produced! Further below is a collection of articles providing a colorful background about the infamous Aquarian Foundation.

Talk Gnosis @ Youtube: Brother 12: The Rock Opera w/ GW Brazier & Belinda Peres:


Brother 12 Rock Opera - Full Album:


Crazy Canadian Brother XII Cult - these twelvers established the Aquarian Foundation in British Columbia in 1927. Edward Arthur Wilson (25 July 1878 - 7 November 1934), better known as Brother XII, was an English mystic who, in the late 1920s, founded a spiritual community located just south of the city of Nanaimo on Vancouver Island, off the west coast of British Columbia, Canada.


Brother XII (Edward Arthur Wilson):


The Saga of Brother XII - Paradise is found and then lost on Vancouver Island:


Brother-XII Canadian Cult Leaders Used Black Magic:


What Happened To This Cult Leader’s Lost Treasure? The self-styled prophet Brother XII may have left behind $6 million in gold coins.


For sale: Canada's enclave of 'downright evil,' the abandoned home of an apocalyptic 1920s cult:


Historic home of notorious B.C. cult listed for $2.8M:




My favorite song from this album is titled "House Rules":


New Thinking Regarding Marcion of Sinope, Creator of The First New Testament, by James Bean



New Thinking Regarding Marcion of Sinope, Creator of The First New Testament, by James Bean

The old views regarding Marcion is that he was a semi-gnostic "heretic" who was the heavy-handed editor of early Christian texts snipping out references to the Hebrew scriptures. This however is simply parroting the old propaganda against Marcion concocted  by the heresiologists, the heresy hunting church fathers not exactly known for complete accuracy and honesty. The more recent scholarly research and subsequent updates regarding Marcion is that he was the one who first invented the idea of a Christian canon of scripture consisting of one gospel followed by ten letters of the Apostle Paul. Marcion was not an editor of the Gospel of Luke but made use of an early gospel from an unknown author that others would eventually plagiarize, adopt, edit and expand into what we now call the Gospel of Luke. The letters of Paul in Marcion's collection are the genuine ones actually authored by Paul. This collection of Marcionite texts represents earlier material than the more familiar final versions found in the New Testament canon. 

Thus being the EARLIEST NEW TESTAMENT Marcion's First New Testament is an extremely valuable source for the study of the original proto-Luke gospel (the Evangelion) and letters of Paul (the Apostolikon). A few reconstructions of Marcion's New Testament have been made including The First New Testament: Marcion's Scriptural Canon, by Jason Beduhn: "The earliest version of the New Testament, now in English for the first time! History preserves the name of the person responsible for the first New Testament, the circumstances surrounding his work, and even the date he decided to build a textual foundation for his fledgling Christian community. So why do so few people know about him? Jason BeDuhn introduces Marcion, reconstructs his text, and explores his impact on the study of Luke-Acts, the two-source theory, and the Q hypothesis." 

Discussions regarding the above: 

Reconstructing the FIRST New Testament! 


The Apostolos:


Marcion, Found Christianities Series: 


Monday, June 17, 2024

Of all religions, the highest is the contemplation of the Lord's Name and purity of conduct.


"Of all religions, the highest is the contemplation of the Lord's

Name and purity of conduct.

Of all deeds, the most righteous is

To cleanse oneself of evil thoughts by keeping the company

of the good.

Of all works, the most noble is

The constant contemplation of the Lord.

Of all the utterances, the sweetest is that by which one hears

the praise of God and utters it to others.

Of all holy places, the most sacred is

Where one dwells on the Name of the Lord."

-- Guru Arjan Dev, Book of Sukhmani, Adi Granth, 

Sikh Scriptures of India, Peace Lagoon translation

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

A Brief Introduction to This Spiritual Path Called Sant Mat - Spiritual Awakening Radio Podcast


A Brief Introduction to This Spiritual Path Called Sant Mat

Sant Tulsi Sahib: "Within this body breathes the secret essence. Within this body beats the heart of the Vedas [scriptures]. Within this body shines the entire Universe, so the saints reveal."

As the podcast title suggests, a right-to-the-point, in this case fifteen-minute summary of the essential beliefs and heavenly goals of this spiritual path called Sant Mat, which is defined as the Path of the Masters and Teachings of the Saints (Sants). Also explored are the ethical precepts, the low karma peaceful lifestyle followed by initiates of this path (satsangis). And you'll learn about the spiritual practice called Surat Shabd Yoga, which means being yoked to, or to become one with, the Inner Light and Sound of God (the Positive Power) during meditation. This Sant Mat Satsang Podcast concludes with a mystic poem of Sant Tulsi Sahib of Hathras on transcending the material realm and leaving the conventional world of religion behind, seeking and finding a living gnostic path during this life and experiencing communion with the Divine in the here and now.

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Note: The term "Sant Mat" was coined by Sant Tulsi Sahib of Hathras during the 19th Century.

In Divine Love (Bhakti), Light, and Sound, At the Feet of the Masters, Radhasoami (Radhaswami),

James Bean

Spiritual Awakening Radio Podcasts

Santmat Satsang Podcasts

Sant Mat Radhasoami

A Satsang Without Walls

Spiritual Awakening Radio Website:


Sunday, June 09, 2024

Give Priority To Your Meditation - from a Satsang Discourse of Baba Ram Singh - Sant Mat Radhasoami


Give Priority To Your Meditation - from a Satsang Discourse of Baba Ram Singh Ji

THE PATH OF SANT MAT is the path of love and affection. Mahatmas have been explaining that the soul is a form of love and the Master is also a form of love. God Almighty Himself is a form of love. And the Path of going back to God Almighty is also a form of love. But ever since the soul has separated from God Almighty and has got engulfed in the net of Kal and Maya, it has separated from God Almighty and has manifested itself in the form of Kal and Maya here.

So, that same love, which has manifested in the outward pursuits of Kal and Maya here, if we are able to inwardly direct that same love and affection, then we can move within at great speed and velocity.

Therefore, our love and affection have to be prioritized. And, oftentimes, we prioritize all of the other things, all of our mundane activities, and other things. And because we have a love and affection for those things, we prioritize those and we say, "Okay, after we have finished all of those activities, we will sit for meditation." And then, sometimes we sit for meditation; sometimes we do not sit for meditation. And that's how our meditation gets affected.

So, if you have love and affection for your Master, then you will prioritize that love and affection for giving priority to your meditation first.

It is, therefore, incumbent on a disciple, once he has been initiated, to prioritize his meditation. He should always keep that to the forefront and do his meditation first, and then all of the other activities should follow that.

And why do we do this meditation? It is so that we get free from this ocean of life and death and we rid ourselves from this illness of life and death. And that is the technique -- that is the trick -- that the Master has taught us. That is what we should do -- and do it with a priority.

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Thursday, June 06, 2024

Three Ways We Can Honor the Soul - Spiritual Awakening Radio Podcast



Three Ways We Can Honor the Soul - Spiritual Awakening Radio Podcast

"When we go to the Satsangs, we come to know the real purpose of this life and why God has bestowed this life upon us. And when we know that reality and that secret of why this life has really been given to us, we try to start walking on the Path. When we walk on the Path, the Master initiates us and gets the soul connected to the Holy Sound Current." (Baba Ram Singh)

Three Ways We Can Honor the Soul - Spiritual Awakening Radio Podcast @ YouTube:


YouTube Channel: Spiritual Awakening Radio Podcasts - Sant Mat Satsang Podcasts:


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Three Ways We Can Honor the Soul, the focus of today's Spiritual Awakening Radio Podcast. References, Subjects, and Sources Mentioned or Commented Upon During Today's Program Include: a spiritual classic by the Spanish mystic Miguel de Molinos called, The Spiritual Guide,  on the bliss, tranquility, and happiness found as a result of following the Inward Path; mystic poetry from the Padavali of Maharshi Mehi Paramhans; a couple of my essays about spiritual seeking and finding something beyond the shallow spirituality of the typical bookstore shelves and social media realms: Not All Saints Are Dead, and, Living Students Have Living Teachers; a saying of Sant Kirpal Singh on transcending mind and matter by leaning the spiritual practice; Swami Bhagirath Baba on the Third Eye Center; The Bijak of Guru Kabir; discourses on the three ways we can honor the soul: 1) Satsang ("Where Two Or Three Are Gathered in My Name I Am In Their Midst"), being taught about the path, making the teachings of the masters one's primary focus, and then following the path, which can for some become like an NDE, near-death experience of ascending through the various heavenly realms; 2) Ahimsa Ethics: Good Thoughts, Words, and Deeds, The Supreme Soul Assuming Control: seeing God in others, the ethical wisdom of Sant Mahavira of Jainism, the meaning of "Namaste", "Bandagi Saheb" and "Radhaswami", and 3) Become Your Real Spiritual Self In Meditation, with Sant Mat Satsang Discourses from Baba Ram Singh on the transformational power of satsang, on karma and cleansing the mind, on the importance of daily Bhajan-Simran (Meditation Practice: Surat Shabd Yoga, the Sound Current), the wisdom of Huzur Maharaj Rai Saligram; and bhakti prayers from Swami Ji Maharaj (Seth Shiv Dayal Singh) from his Sar Bachan Poetry.

In Divine Love (Bhakti), Light, and Sound, At the Feet of the Masters, Radhasoami,

James Bean

Spiritual Awakening Radio Podcasts

Santmat Satsang Podcasts

Sant Mat Radhasoami

A Satsang Without Walls

Spiritual Awakening Radio Website:


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